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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

johnny reb  49 | 8005
5 Nov 2021   #181
Remember back when the priest use to take a virgin brides maiden on her wedding night before her husband was allowed to ?
Now that's real CONTROL !
I wonder how the girls here would feel about that. :-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
5 Nov 2021   #182
Remember back

Maybe in America.
mafketis  38 | 11162
5 Nov 2021   #183
Remember back when the priest use to take a virgin brides

Not priests, feudal lords, and probably a myth
Novichok  4 | 8843
5 Nov 2021   #184
Still it has nothing to do with the law.


You think that abortion for all will make you safe from a medical error or mishap during pregnancy?

They don't think so but wait for the next opportunity like this case to demand unlimited abortions for any reason.

Feminists are as brainless as anti-gun fanatics. Their motto: My vagina is my business and to hell with everything else - which invites than stick whatever you want up there and leave us alone.

I posted a 10-item questionnaire in #169. Not even one response - except from a moron who asked "what questionnaire?"
pawian  225 | 27344
5 Nov 2021   #185
Not even one response -

hahaha It is so painful to you, darling, to get no response at all. I presume it is a deliberate action - decent people don`t talk to such ignoble haters. Simple. I am an exception when I engage in discussions with you coz that`s my job - as a teacher, I have to deal with various mental disorders among my students. :):)
jon357  72 | 23426
5 Nov 2021   #186
darling, to get no response at all.

It's the one thing that attention-seekers can't handle.

Remember back when the priest use to take a virgin brides maiden on her wedding night

Personally, no.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
5 Nov 2021   #187
Remember back when the priest use to take a virgin brides maiden on her wedding night before her husband was allowed to ?

Just more utter bollox from JR.
And he really believes this nonsense....LOL!
Novichok  4 | 8843
5 Nov 2021   #188
decent people don`t talk to such ignoble haters.

You didn't respond because leftist morons avoid specifics the way Satan avoids Holy water or Dracula avoids sunlight - even if the subject is their own leftist agenda like abortion.

BTW, idiot, since when asking how many abortions a woman can have is hate? How many abortions did you have so far is the first question an abortionist should ask.
pawian  225 | 27344
5 Nov 2021   #189
avoid specifics

Really? I think you are afflicted with short memory, darling. Think hard and tell us why you are lying again. :):):)

how many abortions a woman can have is hate?

Stop twisting, darling. I called you hater after reading all your posts here, not only that one with your silly questionerd. :):):)
Crow  154 | 9485
5 Nov 2021   #190
I am strong coz I formally quit the Church.

I have respect for woman of Poland. I do. They are like our ancestral Sarmatian Amazon woman. So brave and blunt.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Nov 2021   #191
Not priests, feudal lords, and probably a myth

"Probably" ?
I beg to differ, didn't you watch the movie Braveheart ?
The 16th-century in ancient times the Scottish king Evenus III decreed that "the lord of the ground sal have the maidinhead of all virginis dwelling on the same." Supposedly this went on for hundreds of years until Saint Margaret persuaded the lords to replace the jus primae noctis with a bridal tax.

The King wanted to enrich Scotland's gene pool.
And you guys call yourselves school teachers. lol
jon357  72 | 23426
6 Nov 2021   #192
The 16th-century in ancient times the Scottish king Evenus III

The 16th century wasn't 'ancient times' and 'Evenus III' is a mythical figure once thought to have been alive before the time of Jesus and nowadays thought to be entirely made up as a medieval fantasy.

Nor was the fictional film Braveheart set in the 16th century.

Droit du seigneur as a legal concept is a myth. Notwithstanding, sexual violence against women by those who can or think they can get away with it is very real.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Nov 2021   #193
The 16th century wasn't 'ancient times'

Sure it was, jon, especially here in America.
The 16th century was a time of unprecedented change that saw the very beginning of the modern era of science.

Nor was the fictional film Braveheart

Really ! lol
Poland's Nicolaus Copernicus lived back then and was very much against sexual violence against women.
jon357  72 | 23426
6 Nov 2021   #194
here in America.

The thread is about Poland and the current state of women's rights.

Really ! lol
Poland's Nicolaus Copernicus lived back then

He lived two centuries later.

nd was very much against sexual violence against women.

What were his writings on the matter?

There was of course a theory that Copernicus may have been a lesbian woman however as far as I know, evidence for that is scant at best.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Nov 2021   #195
The thread is about Poland.

Doesn't matter, I had to explain to you why the 16th century is ancient history.

Two centuries later.

Later than the 16th century ?
Nicolaus Copernicus died in 1543.
He was very much against women's sexual violence in Poland.
No please stop your diminishments and stay on topic.
jon357  72 | 23426
6 Nov 2021   #196
16th century is ancient history.

It isn't 'ancient history'.

He was very much against women's sexual violence in Poland.

What are his writings on that matter? He wrote extensively on many topics, however on feminism and women's safety there is a dearth.

Of course Rheticus, his student, didn't fit all the gender norms of the day...
jon357  72 | 23426
6 Nov 2021   #197
Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

The "ani jednej więcej" event today in Warsaw with the march through the city was massive. I don't think I've ever seen so many people turn out together for anything. I'm on my way back now. Thousands were there. It shows that women's rights are something people take seriously here.
pawian  225 | 27344
6 Nov 2021   #198
It shows that women's rights are something people take seriously here.

They do and the demilition of the patriarchal system is going well. I can`t wait until better times when women rule Poland and then the whole world. I am happy to be able to contribute to it.
pawian  225 | 27344
6 Nov 2021   #199
I think you are afflicted with short memory,

While you are enjoying a little rest from the forum, let me elaborate what I meant. You said that I avoided specifics which was a lie, of course, coz I fulfilled your request to provide the list of the objectives of feminism

what specific items are on the feminists' agenda? I want a complete list.

We got to Objective No 7 and now I can reveal I have already recalled a few other ones. But I will post them when you return. So, you got your specifics you asked for.

Do you see now why I called you a liar and why it was justified?

Therefore, your silly abusive outburst which cost you another warning was completely unnecessary. Try to control your emotions more efficiently in the future. We don`t really want to lose you. I am dead serious now.
pawian  225 | 27344
11 Nov 2021   #200
Two memes which show the kind of a male that a modern woman longs for - also a feminist.
Rightists, read and learn:

Dilemma and solution:

  • It doesn`t matter what to put on yourself. What matters is who to take it off with.

  • Honey, what are you doing? Well, I tore the dress off you so I am sewing you a new one.
Crow  154 | 9485
11 Nov 2021   #201
On the contrary to peders, lesbians are cute. Anus isn`t their priority. Nothing dirty and stinking.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Nov 2021   #202
Nothing dirty and stinking.

If you mean the diapers they don't have to change, I agree.
Crow  154 | 9485
11 Nov 2021   #203
Yes. That. I don`t know why homo man need to tackle dark dirty place. Why not just hold each others penis and play games around it? Like woman do with vaginas. And then kissing alright. Even that I can understand. To some degree. But why need for behind, for smell? It is sick.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Nov 2021   #204
But why need for behind, for smell? It is sick.

Sure beats doing it to an animal.
Crow  154 | 9485
11 Nov 2021   #205
Yes, there are such examples. See, sickness.
Paulina  17 | 4471
11 Nov 2021   #206
I don`t know why homo man need to tackle dark dirty place.

I'm guessing it's because in this way a prostate is being stimulated and a man can have an orgasm in this way (or the orgasm is being intensified, I'm not sure). So, unlike women (who don't have a prostate) men actually can experience pleasure and achieve orgasm during anal sex.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Nov 2021   #207
OK, feminists and leftists, let me explain the difference between women lying and men lying.

Men lie to boast and about themselves. Their lies are about wealth, education, military records, and other things they think will help them to get laid.

Women lie about others. Their lies, if believed, end their targets' careers and if the lies involve rape, land the accused in prison and on the sex offender list for life.

Jackie was the best but hardly rare example of how a stupid broad, to make her boyfriend jealous, fabricated a story that would send totally innocent guys to prison for decades.
pawian  225 | 27344
11 Nov 2021   #208
Men lie to boast and about themselves

It is amazing how you introduce a topic, always starting with a lie. Where did you learn it? At home, during 50 years of your marriage??? At work? Or in the PF??? :):)
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Nov 2021   #209
Men lie to boast and about themselves.

Women lie about others.

Quoting from

In particular, it has been shown that men's lies are more self-oriented, while women's lies are more other-oriented (De Paulo et al. [1996]; Feldman, Forrest and Happ [2002]).

Hey, Novichok, you are a real genius because you posted the quoted claims BEFORE you found the above website. So, in the future, just ignore the morons who have nothing to say but say it anyway just to say something.

So, dear feminists, quit lying if you want to be treated as adults and drop that bs that women must always be believed because the truth is that women should never be believed. Especially when they cover their faces to hide the absence of tears when they "sob uncontrollably" and say things that can land an innocent man in the slammer for decades. Instead, show patience and wait for version 5.
pawian  225 | 27344
11 Nov 2021   #210
that women must always be believed


So, in the future, just ignore the morons

Your demented condition is deteriorating hour by hour - you have started giving yourself advice in the forum. Amazing - I haven`t seen it before. :):):)

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