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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

Atch  22 | 4299
23 Feb 2022   #451
To be safe, a smart woman assumes

That's hardly a profound insight Novi. And you're wriggling. You think that I'm stupid enough to be mollified by a concilliatory tone, a few remarks about violent men and a profession of concern for the safety of women. What do these recent comments of yours have to do with keeping women safe?

"Women will never match men in anything not connected with delivering and breastfeeding babies.

Women are emotional lying nuts that rescue kittens but abort "fetuses". I forgot to add "dumb".

What women lack in physical strength, they make up for in conniving.

Because of women's casual relationship with the truth, only a total moron would believe what they say."

pawian  225 | 27344
23 Feb 2022   #452
because I would never let them be as moronic as the women I referred to

Wow, Novi rulez at home! hahaha I am sure it is quite the opposite and at home you are timid and reserved. And only become an armchair warrior for the sake of the forum.

violent raping

You never cease to obsess about rapes and murders. What is wrong with you, sicko? Is that the way you heal your complexes? Imagining those acts? What a maniac.....
Novichok  4 | 8841
24 Feb 2022   #453
You never cease to obsess about rapes and murders.

Because those are the worst that can happen to a woman. If I had only sons and were a fag, I wouldn't give a damn about rapes and murders.

BTW, I noticed that your English is really primitive. Look up "obsessed" and "concerned" to learn the difference. I feel sorry for your students by now.

That's hardly a profound insight Novi.

Oh, yeah? Why then 10 out of 10 women leave the car when told or when rear-ended? Because 10 out of 10 women are both stupid and obedient. Or open the door to a stranger because they are curious who is there. These stats are so lopsided that I dropped "some".

Oops, I forgot rapes and murders happen only in "America".

I noticed that you skipped over Munchhausen. You see, my dear, this kind of lying cannot possibly be placed on a linear scale along with what men lie about. For this, you need a logarithmic type.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Feb 2022   #454
10 out of 10 women

In the USA perhaps. Your statistics are always US based and the US does seem to have more than its fair share of simpletons both male and female. I can assure you that in Europe we have something called spyholes in our door and we use them. To say that 10 out of 10 women open the door to strangers is an absolute lie. I don't do it myself. When I was fourteen I was stopped on the street by a man in police uniform who began to 'question' me. I looked at the uniform and it just looked wrong, wasn't quite the right design, his hair was too long as well. So I just told him to get knotted and walked off. An Irish teenager is clearly years ahead intellectually of an average American woman.

you skipped over Munchhausen.

If you want do discuss it, no problem. It's a form of mental illness so the real discussion is about mental illness. Munchausen as opposed to Munchausen by proxy which is what you were referring to is actually much more common amongst men. But Munchausen by proxy, though almost exclusively female is a very rare condition. Now Tourettes Syndrome on the other hand, which in my view is a form of attention seeking behaviour is far more prevalent among men - and an entirely chosen behaviour. I remember watching a documentary where an adult male with Tourettes was effing and blinding all over the place with attendant spasms but he never had a spasm when he was carrying a pint of beer back from the bar - go figure as you yourself would say.
pawian  225 | 27344
24 Feb 2022   #455
Look up "obsessed" and "concerned" to learn the difference

You claim you are concerned, I claim obsessed. It is a draw. Until other posters agree on your obsession.

I noticed that your English

Don`t worry about my students, darling, and stop diverting the topic. We are still talking about your sick fantasies. Ha!

I wouldn't give a damn about rapes and murders.

As a hetero guy, you are obsessed with rapes and murders. Why am I not as obsessed though I am also hetero? Coz you are a sicko fan of such acts while I am not. Simple.

Because 10 out of 10 women are both stupid and obedient.

Which of your family females are the most stupid and obedient? Wife? Daughters? Grandkids? Tell us the order of stupidity and obedience which you have observed. And possibly with examples, too. You love examples so much.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
25 Feb 2022   #456
you are truly a human scum.

Aww, insults in broken English. How cute!

Let's see if we can find any more bullying insults in this thread from your fellow feminists.

Here's one!

That lady who posts under Boozoniusz is excellent in her role...she isn`t ...Those views she presents....

Wait! What!?

Substituting female titles and pronouns in order to demean a man? Well, you just exposed your own interpersonal sexism and your unshakeable judgmental gender stereotypes! LOL!

Odd too that none of the female feminists called you out on this. Well, their silence betrays their own lifelong struggles with internalized sexism and feelings of profound shame for being women.

I do feel abused. And he clearly revels in his abuse. He enjoys it. This is sick.

Wait! What!?

Did you suddenly and conveniently forget your own abusive name calling on here just a few posts prior as pointed out above?

Did you not revel in the abusive image posted by the chimp troll in post #289 showing a woman violently stomping on a man's head?

Did you not revel in the abusive image posted by the chimp troll in post #393 showing a book title which glorifies women violently assaulting men?

Of course you did.

You never once said those images were wrong and unacceptable.

You loved it!

You need to face reality. You are not an abused victim. You are a revolting hypocrite.

So now every woman is his mother. Thoughts anyone??


Thanks for sharing with everyone that you are an inept DIY shrink. Your laughable "diagnosis" is sheer quackery and really does speak volumes about your own personal dysfunctional family relationships. Trying to project it onto me only proves this.

You obviously are still searching for answers to help explain the demons inside your head. So here it is: screechy, preachy feminist Karens like yourself can never hold a candle to a real woman like my mother and her generation. You know this and are frustrated when real men like me come along - see you for the wanting, do-nothing-but- demand harridans that you are - and then refuse to put the likes of you high upon a pedestal simply due to your anatomy (and a very aged one at that!).

Do even a modicum of research and you will quickly learn that millions of young women of today want nothing to do feminism and are even embarrassed by it. All thanks to so-called "women" like you.
Joker  2 | 2401
25 Feb 2022   #457
Well, you just exposed your own interpersonal sexism and your unshakeable judgmental gender

The only honorable thing left for him to do, would be to cancel himself! He could prove how woke he really is.

Are there actually any real lesbians on this forum?

You know, sometimes, I feel like a man trapped in a woman's

  • evolution.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #458
Are there actually any real lesbians on this forum?

There are no real lesbians anywhere. They can be repurposed with enough money and the right guy.
Joker  2 | 2401
25 Feb 2022   #459
They can be repurposed with enough money and the right guy.

Except for those butchy looking ones. You know the kind men wouldn't touch with a 10ft. pole.

  • featurebutch_1.jpg

  • Screenshot145.jpg
pawian  225 | 27344
25 Feb 2022   #460
a man?

What man? :):)
You aren`t a man. You are a nice lady who is doing her best to ridicule rightwing women haters. And that is why we appreciate your input here so much. Great thanks. hahaha

But, I understand it is a secret. Let`s keep it between two of us, then.

book title which glorifies women violently assaulting men?

Don`t be so sensitive. Kicking ass isn`t violent assault. It is caress for you. haha

women of today want nothing to do feminism

Wow, Boozobiusz started making mistakes. Amazing. How many bottles did you sip today while debating women with your mate? :):)

I feel like a man trapped in a woman's body.

No worries, you can have an operation.
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #461
Hey, easy... I was just getting ready to hit the sack and after those pics I will have nightmares.
Now I know what non-binary is when looking at these weirdos. The weirdos know there is no such thing as non-binary.
pawian  225 | 27344
25 Feb 2022   #462
ready to hit the sack and after those pics I will have nightmares.

Why don`t you ask the nurse for a pill??? Also, remember about a new diaper.
Paulina  17 | 4471
25 Feb 2022   #463
Aww, insults in broken English. How cute!

Dawww, picking on English of someone who isn't a native speaker of English lol How classless!

Did you not revel in the abusive image posted by the chimp troll in post #289
(...) in post #393

No, I didn't. You thought I wouldn't check? lol

Did you suddenly and conveniently forget your own abusive name calling on here

My abuse of Novichok (calling him an "idiot") is the result of Novichok's prior abuse of women in general (and that includes me) - he called women "morons", etc. many times. And calling you a "human scum" is the result of your scummy comments about women in general (so, about me too). You started it and you both deserve what you're getting. What goes around, comes around.

Also, unlike you and Novichok, I'm not abusing men in general, but only those men who deserve it (in this case - you and Novichok). So, I'm being fair and unprejudiced and you aren't.

Odd too that none of the female feminists called you out on this.

That's because we are intelligent and we have no reading comprehension problems. Pawian clearly wrote that you're doing such a disservice to your cause that one could assume that in reality you're a female feminist who wants to discretic rabid misogynists by pretending to be one of them and behaving like an evil, retarded scumbag while doing so :)

Karens like yourself can never hold a candle to a real woman like my mother and her generation.

Wait a minute, I've read an article about those "Karens" and it looks like they're usually white, conservative, middle aged women - so someone of your kind lol:,kim-jest-karen-bohaterka-popularnego-mema-to-ktos-wiecej-niz-grazyna

So, Poloniusz, tell us about your mother - what made her such a "real woman"? And which generation are you talking about?

As for those millions of women - I don't know about that, but I have a feeling they would like to have even less to do with you, Poloniusz, and other "men" like you. Is that where your hatred of women is coming from? They don't want you?

*discredit :)
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #464
Your laughable "diagnosis"

You fell very neatly into that trap :) In your haste to deny my 'diagnosis' you revealed that in fact you're a Mama's Boy - quelle surprise :))

screechy, preachy feminist Karens like yoursel

When have I ever 'screeched' on this forum? I always express myself with great decorum, being the convent educated lady that I am. Preachy? Yes, indeed, I do enjoy delivering character building lectures to lost souls such as your little self :) Feminist - what's a feminist?? Karen? I'd vaguely heard of that but I had to look it up. Seems to be another American thing ......apparently they do things like asking to touch black people's hair????

real men like me

If I were the type to ROFL I would :)) but I'm far too dignified as a result of my convent education. Btw we were never allowed to 'screech' at school. On the wall of each classroom was a quotation from Shakespeare 'Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman.' We weren't even allowed to roll up our sleeves without permission. I have a feeling you don't know too many women who had the privilege of attending a good convent school - actually I have a feeling you don't know too many women, full stop!

very aged

You do seem to be under the impression that I'm ancient. I'll allow myself a lady-like lol! at that :)
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #465
We are deviating from the core subject that women are idiots and vote for fascists aka democrats because they want from the state what they cannot get on their own - money and services for their kids, in many cases, each with a different sperm donor - and still single. As Plan B, abortion on demand. That is how women destroy societies - with "love", "compassion", and "tolerance". Including the perverts who discovered that being "a woman" helps in winning in sports. Serves you right, morons.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #466
women are idiots and vote for fascists aka democrats

And once again, we're talking about America ...........

And once again you attempt to deflect - unsuccessfully I might add.

Incidentally the core subject of this thread was a piece of mildly salacious, speculative twaddle by a 'guest' poster.
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #467
And once again, we're talking about America ...........

Women are the same because their primary mission is the same everywhere. Specifics may vary.
I still stand by that women destroy societies with "love", "compassion", and "tolerance" and every child deserving a trophy.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #468
their primary mission is the same everywhere.

You'd like to think so. It's easier than accepting the fact that America is a mess, a mess that is uniquely your own.

every child deserving a trophy.

Not on my watch. Montessori trained teacher here. No incentives, no rewards.

However, more importantly, I see you're still trying to avoid answering the many direct questions you've been asked in this thread. Never mind, your inability to do so, and watching you flounder as you try to backtrack this way and that, tells us all we need to know - as if we didn't already know it in the first place.
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #469
You'd like to think so.

You think so, too. If not, what is their primary mission if not sustaining the species by having babies?

I see you're still trying to avoid answering the many direct questions you've been asked in this thread.

Please repeat two.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #470
what is their primary mission if not sustaining the species by having babies?

Well, I wouldn't call it a mission but if we allow that definition, then the same could be said of men. Both men and women are programmed by nature to prorcreate. That's why people experience attraction to one another. It's nature's way of ensuring survival of the species. Having said that there are plenty of men and women who don't want children - and don't have them.

Please repeat two.

1. Do your wife and daughter enjoy reading your posts?
2. What do these recent comments of yours have to do with keeping women safe?

Go back to post number 451 to read the comments to which I refer.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Feb 2022   #471
men and women are programmed by nature to prorcreate. That's why people experience attraction to one another. nature's way of ensuring survival of the species.

So the progression of lesbianism (homosexuality) is a progression away from nature, yes?
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #472
Here's my view. Normal means the norm and therefore heterosexuality is normal. Anything which deviates from the norm is abnormal so homosexuality is abnormal but not necessarily unnatural, if you get my drift. It occurs in nature, therefore it is natural. Then of course there's bisexuality which is a bit of a moot point because there are people who are bi but prefer one gender over another and may well live a largely heterosexual life including marriage and children - but then of course that's true of homosexual people as well - oooh what a palaver!

Btw I don't think lesbianism has 'progressed' as in grown more prevalent. It's just that more people are openly lesbian than a hundred years ago.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Feb 2022   #473
:) Is nature learned or the essence of something? How do you define norm?

It seems like a contradiction to say men and women are programmed by nature to procreate...thats why they experience ensure survival of the species. Then, say: homosexuality is abnormal but not necessarily unnatural, if you get my drift. It occurs in nature, therefore it is natural..

Homosexual intercourse will never produce a child. You say we are programmed by nature to produce children, yet homosexuality (or at least the act of homosexual sex) cannot produce children and you recognize that as natural. How do you reconcile that?
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #474
1. Do your wife and daughter enjoy reading your posts?

My personal life is nobody's business. I never ask anyone about his or hers.

2. What do these recent comments of yours have to do with keeping women safe?

Persons who fit these comments tend to be the idiots who open the door at 1 am to get raped and murdered because they act on emotions rather than logic and facts.

If it pleases you, you can replace "women" with "statistically significant number of women" or SSNO women. With that adjustment, I stand by every one of those statements. If your opinion is different, please let me know.

So the progression of lesbianism (homosexuality) is a progression away from nature, yes?

It's a mental disorder and is as natural as schizophrenia. Under the pressure from the perverts, the medical profession normalized these conditions.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #475
you recognize that as natural. How do you reconcile that?

Because it's something that happens naturally. People don't 'become' homosexual. They're born that way. It's a natural state. Also nature doesn't need 100% of people to procreate. That's why some people are sterile. Nature allows these deviations from the norm, therefore the abnormal is natural :)
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #476
Because it's something that happens naturally.

So do blindness, leukemia, and Down syndrome. And poisons but we don't eat them.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Feb 2022   #477
People don't 'become' homosexual.

We don't know if that's true or not, though.

Nature allows these deviations from the norm, therefore the abnormal is natural :)

Are nature and the norm the same thing, in your mind? Does the norm spring from nature, or vice-versa?
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #478
My personal life is nobody's business.

In other words, 'They never read my posts.'

Persons who fit these comments tend to be the idiots

Oh dear, very weak response. You're actually beginning to sound weary. It's not just a case of 'persons who fit these comments'. You said that 10 out of 10 women are like that.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2022   #479
We don't know if that's true or not, though.

There's a great deal of scientific evidence to support a biological factor. It may be a brief lifestyle choice for some people in their young adulthood but I think a genuine 100% gay person is probably largely naturally disposed towards being that way. I did spend a long time teaching kids and I saw more than one boy who appeared that way inclined from the age of about six. The girls are not as obvious for various reasons.

Are nature and the norm the same thing

Not necessarily. Depends on what the issue is.

Does the norm spring from nature

Not entirely but it's certainly influenced by it.
Novichok  4 | 8841
25 Feb 2022   #480
You're actually beginning to sound weary.

A female pawian. No, I am never "weary". Just trying to be legally correct to pacify a person who seldom is. Do you want me to go over your posts and locate those that don't meet this standard?

I stand by that 10 out of 10 on the basis of TV documentaries and police reports. When women are rear-ended - I am talking about cars - they ALL and without exceptions get out "to inspect the damage and exchange the information." Moron is too mild...

Home / Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?
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