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Poland's feelings on glorified vaccinations

johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Dec 2022   #1
How seriously does Poland take the flu vaccination for example ?
Since most flu diagnosis by doctors have no flu virus in them at all.
("Influenza": Marketing vaccines by marketing disease.)
Therefore, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn't possibly prevent all those flu cases that are not flu.
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Dec 2022   #2
How seriously does Poland take the flu vaccination for example ?

Very lightly. I had one 20 years ago when the hype started. Do you think it is still working?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Dec 2022   #3
Which, the hype or the flu vaccinations ?
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Dec 2022   #4
The hype for flu vaccinations started about 20 years ago in Poland.

Hype: extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.
"his first album hit the stores amid a storm of hype"

cms neuf  1 | 1856
22 Dec 2022   #5
I have had them twice in the last 20 years. Don't know if they worked.
Lenka  5 | 3537
22 Dec 2022   #6
I had it twice. 2016 and 2019.
jon357  72 | 23426
22 Dec 2022   #7
I had it once, in about 2008. They do help though, however you need to get them yearly.

With hindsight, I wish I'd kept up, since I had influenza during the Swine Flu epidemic a few years ago and it was so bad I couldn't stand up.
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Dec 2022   #8
I had influenza during the Swine Flu epidemic

I had it in 2002 and I nearly died. I got infected while kissing a lady`s hand in the old Polish fashion.
jon357  72 | 23426
22 Dec 2022   #9
I had it in 2002 and I nearly died.

Influenza is serious. People misuse the words flu and grypa for less serious things. The real thing puts even a healthy person out of action for a while and often kills the elderly; one reason why the NHS recommends a yearly top up and provides them free for over 60s.

I wonder why the thread title has 'glorified' in.

That is just weird.
Korvinus  4 | 603
22 Dec 2022   #10
The actual flu shot is a half-scam.

Unlike the covid shot, it's an actual vaccine, but the way they make it "work" is that they calibrate it to the variant that's most likely to be spreading that year.

Problem is that flu variants mutate very quickly so it only works if they set it to the correct variant. But then the thing mutates again and the shot is useless.

It's basically a coin toss, either it works or it doesn't.

Vaccinating against the flu is retarded anyway I haven't gotten sick from it in almost a decade. The shot is available here in Poland but only a very small percentage of people actually get it.
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Dec 2022   #11
It's basically a coin toss, either it works or it doesn't.

No, it isn`t. When I got the jab, I didn`t come down with flu. When I didn`t get the jab, I had the flu. Simple.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Dec 2022   #12
The actual flu shot is a half-scam.

This is true.
Every year hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients and tested in labs.
Here is the kicker, only a small percentage of those samples show the presence of a flu virus.
This means most people who are diagnosed by doctors with flu have no flu virus in their bodies.
SO, they don't have the flu.
Therefore, in my reasoning, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn't possibly prevent all those flu cases that aren't flu cases.

The vaccine couldn't possibly work.
The vaccine is not designed to prevent fake flu........
Actually, most flu cases are bacteria cases or fungal cases or pollution cases or tainted food cases or or eating GMO cases or weak immune cases but they aren't the flu.
jon357  72 | 23426
23 Dec 2022   #13
No, it isn`t. When I got the jab, I didn`t come down with flu. When I didn`t get the jab, I had the flu


I smell anti-vax woo in this thread.

There is of course no motivation to strongly recommend flu jsbs unless they have a strong positive effect.

Actually, most flu cases are bacteria cases or fungal cases or pollution cases or tainted food cases

So why describe food poisoning etc as "flu cases"? Doctors don't call those things flu, hospitals don't and the health services in Poland and other countries don't call them flu.

Annual flu jabs have nothing to do with the things the troll is describing. They exist to protect against influenza, a viral illness which can and does kill.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Dec 2022   #14
You are most welcome to your opinion too joun except I doubt you will have many people agreeing with you.

Many people have adverse reactions to the flu vaccine that are worse than the flu itself.
And most of the flu vaccines only protect you from two or three strains of the flu virus for said season while there are a multitude of different strains out there.

Sometimes the flu vaccines developed for a particular flu season aren't the strains of flu that comes into play that season rendering the vaccine useless.

Now you have more of who knows what foreign crap that has been injected into your body.
Natural immunity is a much better option in my opinion unless you are in poor health with nothing left to lose.
jon357  72 | 23426
23 Dec 2022   #15
except I doubt you will have many people agreeing

Only the vast majority who aren't anti-vax loons.

Sometimes the flu vaccines developed for a particular flu season aren't the strains of flu that comes into play that season

And usually they are.

Natural immunity is a much better option in my opinion

Back when it was the only 'option' death rates from preventable diseases were far higher. Why do you think societies with advanced healthcare systems have a high take-up rate for preventative medicine?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Dec 2022   #16
I smell a brainwashed bootlicker vax woo in this thread.

Only the vast majority who aren't anti-vax loons.

Rubbish !
What lame propaganda for you to try and push on adults here joun.
Up tp three months ago, Less , than 4% of eligible people have gotten updated Covid Boosters for example.
Any intellectual comments on that......with facts ?

And usually they are.

"Usually' is the key word there joun.
We know that types A & B are the most common which all flu vaccines are designed for but after that it is based on present strains from around the world that 'may" become a factor, so you are partially correct.

Back when it was the only 'option' death rates from preventable diseases were far higher.

Yes, especially with measles, mumps, rubella, polio, shingles, pneumonia, tetanus, and the such.
There are no vaccines for the majority of fake flu diagnosis by doctors however.
jon357  72 | 23426
23 Dec 2022   #17
than 4% of eligible people have gotten updated Covid Boosters

Not here. And we aren't talking about Covid boosters are we. We're talking about influenza prevention. Helping people to survive a disease that kills millions.

fake flu diagnosis by doctors

Maybe the quack that you go to makes fake diagnoses. Real doctors don't though.

Of course in countries with advanced health systems, the financial incentive is for the state to save money by people noit getting ill. Hence the easy availability of flu jabs. They save lives.

And in your poor state of health, you'd not survive influenza.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Dec 2022   #18
Oh the bitterness joun, where does all your hate come from ?

Maybe the quack that you go to makes fake diagnoses. Real doctors don't though.

Thank you for your shallow opinion on that joun.
Even ideal influenza vaccine matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the flu problem because most flu appears to have nothing to do with influenza.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested, across the U.S..
Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.
It's no wonder why so many feel that flu shots don't work. for most flu's they can't because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren't the flu.

So even if you're a true bootlicking believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you are on the short end of the stick joun.
Their conning your socks off joun.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #19
because most flu appears to have nothing to do with influenza.

Flu is influenza.

If it isn't influenza, it isn't flu, despite what the uninformed may call it.

16% are found to be influenza positive

And that, of course, is what influenza jabs are intended to address.

If you've not had one this year, you should go to your doctor (don't worry; all doctors are free) and get one. In your general state of health and physical condition, you would not survive influenza.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #20
We see that you offer no statistics, joun, just your meaningless remarks to diminish my statistics.

Flu is influenza. If it isn't influenza, it isn't flu,

Now you are catching on joun.
The misdiagnosed flu is not the flu. despite what some doctors write it off as.

In your general state of health and physical condition, you would not survive influenza.

Let me explain why that is of no concern to me Dr. joun.
THe British Medical Journal on line published a report, which created the same kind of tremors that you are experiencing joun, throughout the Center for Disease Control (CDC) where "the experts" like you used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the U.S. die every year from the flu.

According to the CDC statistics influenza and pneumonia took 62,034 lives in 2001 which 61,777 of which were attributed to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and only 18 cases of the flu virus cases positively identified.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #21
The misdiagnosed flu is not the flu.

At last, you admit you're wrong.

However you still don't grasp that influenza is not misdiagnosed. If you've just got a winter bug, doctors do not misdiagnose it as influenza.

As you were told, influenza is a very serious illness, hence the importance of annual flu shots, especially for elderly and feeble people like yourself.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #22
At last, you admit you're wrong.

Stop projecting joun, those are your words, not mine.

you still don't grasp that influenza is not misdiagnosed.

On the contrary, joun.
You see, the CDS has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths.
Why do they do this because they assume that the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.
Just like they did with with Covid when someone died of a heart attack or getting run down by a car.
They blamed it on Covid.
This is why this is an absurd assumption as pneumonia has a number of causes.
But even worse , in all the flu deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.
Therefore, the CDS could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001.
Not 36,000 deaths, but 18 deaths.
The flu, just like Covid, we never will know how many actually died of Covid and not an under lying cause.
If the flu shot gives you the sense of some kind if immortal security joun, then I suggest you go get one.
In your general state of health and physical condition, I assure you that it won't be the flu that you die from. :-/
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #23

Some foreign thing. Not in Poland or even Europe.

pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu

They are.

Weird that you pretend that preventative medicine gives "some kinf if (sic) immortal security". It doesn't. It helps prevent unnecessary deaths, especially among the over-60s. And teh annual shots have a cumulative effect; yet another reason that they are recommended.

In your general state of health and physical condition, I assure you that it won't be the flu that you die from.

Probably old age, given how healthy I am, with the blood pressure of a 20-something, a very healthy lifestyle and no diseases or health impairments apart from a knackered rotator cuff.

Have you ever had influenza Jim? If you had, you'd know how serious it is.

You'd not survive it now, so you'd better get this year's shot.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #24
Correction, the CDC not the CDS....
Thank you.

Therefore joun, the CDC could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001.
Not 36,000.
Between 1979 and 2001, CDC data shows an average of 1348 deaths per year.
Theat figure refers to flu seperated out of pneumonia.
This death toll is obviously far lower than the echoed 36,000 figure.
However, when you add the sensible conditions of lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in the patients, the number of flu deaths drop even further.

In other words, it's all promotion and hype. $$$$$
Now in 2022 the CDC has reworded "the number of deaths each year from flu" to "the number of deaths from flu related symptoms.
The bootlickers have been dumbed down to believe that everything the CDC says is true. (Huh Mr. Fauci)
INSTILLED FEAR like you have, joun.
Just take the Covid embarrassment for example. (Let's not)
I hear they have a large surplus of ventilators and are selling them cheap these days.
Seems intelligent people, who think for themselves, have wised up to being indoctrinated with fear into getting poked with all the glorified vaccines.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #25

A foreign thing.

"the number of deaths from flu related symptoms.

Do you think the corpses or their grieving families care whether the cause of death is influenza or symptoms related to it?

As you were told, MOHs recommend a yearly influenza shot for the over 60s andd those with weakened health due to the risk of a horrible death from influenza. This is a particular risk in cold and/or damp countries.

I'd explain it in pictures, however you've eaten all the crayons.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #26
MOHs recommend a yearly influenza shot for the over 60s andd those with weakened health

Yes joun, I already posted that and agreed.

Meanwhile they say that 36,000 people die every year from the flu in the U.S but actually it is closer to 20.
However they can't admit that because it would expose their gigantic psyop.
The whole campaign is to scare people into getting a flu vaccination would have about the same effect as warning people to carry an iron umbrella in case pigs started falling from the sky and if they did, they would be put in prison for fraud, unless your name was Fauci.

And please stop your diminishing personal attacks on my health joun as anytime you want to go out to the mountain and ski all day you just let me know.

We can make a video for everyone here to watch to see who is in the best shape and I assure you I would put you to shame.

Now stop trying to get this thread closed for your Off-Topic Baiting that you are so infamous for doing.

with the blood pressure of a 20-something,

Amassing what blood pressure medication can do for someone with your formally nicotine-stained fingers like you. :-(
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #27
in the U.S

Keep to the topic of the thread; it's Poland.

A country where they know the dangers of influenza, and where yearly influenza shots are easily available. During the Swine Flu epidemic, that probably saved many lives.

Have you ever had it?

blood pressure medication

Never had it or likely to ever need it. Clean hands too, and no influenza for years. I've had a flu shot in Poland and was glad of it. Now, have you ever had influenza? You'd not survive it now.

I'd love to have a battle of wits with you, but I won't fight an unarmed man.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #28
Remember back when the CDC quit counting the Swine flu cases in America.
The CDC stopped counting because their tests on diagnosed flu patients showed so many who didn't have the flu virus, who didn't have the flu at all !

What do you think would happen if it became common knowledge that very few people die from the flu ?
To put it into perspective, "Over a 100,000 people died of drug over does in the U.S. last year and even more this year".
Why don't they have a vaccination for that ? Yet
In conclusion, most vaccines are important as I have already posted.
And then are those that do more damage then good to your body like the "experimental" ones and all the rest of them like the flu vaccination that they push on us.

Keep to the topic of the thread; it's Poland.

It's about glorified vaccines Silly Boy.
Not about cold wet damp dingy places like England or blood pressures.
Novi was right, trying to explain something to a Libitard is a wase of your time.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #29
diagnosed flu patients

So they aren't flu patients then, are they...

That doesn't say much for the quality of American doctors (most of whom accept 'private' paying patients unfortunately...).

In Poland and elsewhere in Europe, if a doctor says it's influenza they are treating a patient, not flattering a paying customer.

There are some remarkably stupid people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Dec 2022   #30
No joun, they are not flu patients.
Start at the beginning of this thread again which explains it quite clearly.

British Medical Journal published a report throughout the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to tell the press 36,000 people die every year from the flu.

See and that just isn't true as bad as you want to control the narrative here joun.

There are some remarkably stupid people in this world.

I concur and we call them bootlickers.

Thanks for helping me understand that.

Any time joun, I am here to help the stupid people understand.

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