The German city of Hanau has plates starting with HU. There are different variants of the remaining two letters, e.g. -JA or JU or the single-letter J.
There are hundreds, thousands, millions of companies which offer the same product or service to people. You remember the company better after you see their custom plates.
Advertising is the key to business success, remember.
During early 2001/2 I was looking for real original plates in Warsaw with "WTC911" numbers so I could register the maluch I was taking back.Also initially I put the plate "KURWA" when I registered it there but had to change it was not nice to take it to Polish festivals and parades.
LOL Esp in Polish festivals car shows they had to specially give Maluch a made up prize among those 2/500K cars as how could they not do that in a Polish festival.Organizers didnt like it and always called if I would bring the car to the show.
They escorted that in one of the parades with damn some powerful machines.
This one is a mystery to me. The owner certainly asked for 4 after F to form a longer word. But I still can`t figure out what word exactly he intended to achieve. FASTER??? FORSTER? Strange.....
KUSY is the name of the greyhound dog in the greatest Polish epic poem by Adam Mickiewicz. The plot dealt with the irreconcilable dilemma - which dog is faster: KUSY or FALCON??? Applying this name to a car proves you are an intelligent well-read person who loves Polish culture.