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The climate for gardening in Poland

OP pawian  220 | 24927
22 Aug 2024 #271
:):):) hahaha I see.

Next time, can you mention all your perceptions at once??? It isn`t forbidden...... :):):)

Now, why such a net???
OP pawian  220 | 24927
23 Aug 2024 #272
The orchard is inhabited by plants from all the world (on condition they survive Polish winters, of course) .

Below, American seedless grapevine called Venus. It ripened in late July, early as all the fruit this year.
And the Russian paradise apple called Dolgo - IMHO, it sports the most beautiful colour of all our fruit. There is a problem, though - it is extremely sour.

jon357  73 | 22641
24 Aug 2024 #273
plants from all the world.

We have an olive tree, grown from an olive from a jar of Biedronka salted olives.. It's a few years old now.

It has to come inside as soon as the frosts starts. The problem is, year on year it gets bigger and it's now getting harder to get inside. It has to go in through the window. Sooner or later we'll have to make a decision.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
24 Aug 2024 #274
I had a palm which grew from a coconut washed off shore while on vacation at the Baltic Sea. hahahaha
Feniks  1 | 485
24 Aug 2024 #275
why such a net???

To protect the bark from physical damage from rodents etc?
jon357  73 | 22641
24 Aug 2024 #277
I had a palm which grew from a coconut washed off shore

I didn't know that could happen. Palms are very hard to grow.

We've planted a few acacia seeds from Africa and got seedlings from them however they aren't hardy enough to grow outdoors that far north.
Ironside  50 | 12456
24 Aug 2024 #278
to make a decision

No, not an olive tree.
What about growing avocado plants?
jon357  73 | 22641
24 Aug 2024 #279
an olive tree.

I like them.

A friend has grown an avocado from a stone and it's looks quite good. Indoors only of course and she keeps it in a smallish pot so it doesn't grow too large.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
24 Aug 2024 #280
To protect the bark from physical damage from rodents etc?

The bark on the trunk from hares, yes.
But the upper part is not bark but twigs eaten by taller animals. Which???
Feniks  1 | 485
28 Aug 2024 #281
Deer? Although I doubt you have many of them running around on your property.

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