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Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?

kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Jun 2018   #601
Whether a guy is circumcised or not, they should shower.
The whole idea of not showering because you're cut is just gross, ewww.

Also, how clueless about sex do you have to be to claim that women produce natural lubricant when they WANT to?

No comments.

To sum up, most Polish men are not circumcised afaik and most Polish women don't have a problem with it.
As for the reasons why I guess Jaskier and Paulina were clear enough.

Several weeks ago Iceland wanted to introduce a ban on circumcision. So no, it's not only Poles who don't think it's unnecessary except for medical reasons.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jun 2018   #602
they should shower

Or at least wop it in the sink every now or again, I guess a handy glass of beer could do the same job.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jun 2018   #603
dolno have you been drinking? :):)
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #604
The whole idea of not showering because you're cut is just gross

You misunderstood what I said.
I stated that a guys p.p. that was circumcised would stay cleaner then a guys who wasn't by two or three days before the build up of bacteria took place so showering daily was not necessary just to wash it.

Some of them French boys don't shower for a week, now that is ewww !

how clueless about sex do you have to be to claim that women produce natural lubricant when they WANT to?

I can't speak for you individually but any man that knows what he is doing can "encourage" a woman to be properly primed before the act.

In fact quite often there will be a wet spot on the sheets from the woman's excitement before the act even takes place.
Any woman that has had quality sex would know this unless she hasn't had much experience pleasuring herself.
Google circumcisions and it will explain to you first hand the benefits to it so you get it from experts.
Much better then young women's personal opinions.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jun 2018   #605
dolno have you been drinking? :):)

Not yet (Sunday evenings) but this thread is a complete hoot don't you think, It's had me rolling around the floor with laughter, oh nothing like discussing the old todger on a open forum.

Like the discussion about todger yeast, does anyone think it could be used as a substitute in bread making?, we could call it smeg bread.
4 Jun 2018   #606
Google circumcisions and it will explain to you first hand the benefits to it so you get it from experts.

I did and I found nothing to convince me it should be practised, quite the opposite.

And earlier jaskier asked why they don't let the kid choose when he's older is because that procedure is far more painful with age.

How do we know that? Because I doubt we have studies? Even studies on pain alone in babies are not easy. Did you know that not so long ago doctors believed babies don't feel pain and were doing surgeries on them without anaesthetic? So I wouldn't be so sure it gets more painful with age maybe they are just better at expressing it?
4 Jun 2018   #607
Mr Kellogg (of Battle Creek) and his Mayo "friend" (ahem) never established influence in Europe. That's why.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #608
I did and I found nothing to convince me it should be practised

That's because you read the Pro's and I read the Con's.
Why is this such an issue with you Jasker ?
Thinking of getting it done are you ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #609
How do we know that?

Because I asked my doctor about the pros and cons about it when I was back in high school. And considering hes a medical professional I trust his word.

Besides, there's no reason to be uncut with modern hygeine. Plus it takes away sensations from your dick because it removes skin and blood vessels - and that's a fact. And most it slightly reduces chances of UTIs, and even then that's not a big deal as theres tons of antibiotics. Plus making chasing my girl with 'stink d1ck' in the morning wouldnt be as funny

Dolno I seriously just puked a little in my mouth when I read that... smeg bread rofl

Then again screw it, why stop at the tip? Just be progressive and turn that whole kielbasa inside out. Then you can be a professional trans victim for life.
5 Jun 2018   #610
That's because you read the Pro's and I read the Con's.

I read both actually. Who's stupid enough to read just one part?
It's an issue because it's one of very few interesting topics on here where I'm free from immigrants, guns and Hilary Clinton/Donald Trump. Plus I have a little boy and can't imagine doing it to him for the very debatable benefits of circumcision.

And I'm a women but still I can't imagine why a man would allow someone do it to him or his son
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #611
Yeah i wouldnt. Backwards places like in Africa and the Arab world would cut off girls clits and although its not as popular it still balls s.

I dont find that being any different than circumcision. They're both barbaric and imo are genital mutilation.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
5 Jun 2018   #612
Who's stupid enough to read just one part?

That would be the stupid person that really could care what the pro's are because they can't hurt you and wanted to stay on topic of "why" is circumcision practiced.
gumishu  15 | 6227
5 Jun 2018   #613
That would be the stupid person that really could care what the pro's

johnny just from my experience - I live over 40 years with a foreskin and never had any health issues caused by it even though I not always took shower or bathed every day - in fact in my childhood I only bathed once a week - and not a single health problem caused by the foreskin - so medical pro's of circumcision are in my view rather dubious - I also never heard of anyone I know have issues because of having a foreskin - do you want more proof circumcision is completely unnecessary
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #614
Removing any body part for a reason other than medical is moronic. Especially if that "reason" is religious.
gumishu  15 | 6227
5 Jun 2018   #615
I think (I may be wrong though) that it was Jewish doctors in the US that spread the notion that circumcision is somehow medically beneficial in order for Jews not to stick out like sore thumbs with their circumcised penises
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #616
Yup. And even in us media they make fun of uncircumcised guys like in the movie euro trip. Back in ancient times it maybe was useful but not now the4es really no point. What I'm curious about is wtf was going through some guys head where he thought that cutting off a male babies foreskin indicates a covenant with God. That just sounds sick to me. Genital mutilation of a baby brings you and them closer to God?!?

Actually though quite a few girls prefer it. To most it doesn't matter one way or the other.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #617
Actually though quite a few girls prefer it. To most it doesn't matter one way or the other.

Using what women prefer will lead to nothing good. Just look what some of them do: relocating eyebrows, stuffing assfat into lips, installing pins in noses, lips and cheeks, paying a fortune for a pair of two giagantic balloons that fake to be breasts, tattooing messages, pictures, and names on their backsides, and, for the grandfinale, pumping crap into their butts to attract the lowlifes normal women stay away from as far as they can.

Did I miss anything?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #618
Well of course not all women... theres exceptions like with everything. Im only going off experiences.

The silicone boobs and ass I dont mind esp on older women bc they sag with age..piercings ehh ears, tongue and belly button but not a fan of industrials nose or eyebrow - way too 90s.. Its only antifa type gender benders that still wear that. Tattoos i love as I'm tattooed but not on a girl id date
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
5 Jun 2018   #619
I have a one word comment on circumcision.

mafketis  38 | 11162
5 Jun 2018   #620
Apparently, for many men, it's not the physical presence - the smell just doesn't go away no matter how much they shower and clean.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #621
Men and women both produce smegma. I can't speak for other men but generally it only smells if you dont wash yourself after sex which I dont see any different than any other organ or orifice.
gumishu  15 | 6227
6 Jun 2018   #622
Apparently, for many men, it's not the physical presence - the smell just doesn't go away no matter how much they shower and clean.

mafketis never had a foreskin so he doesn't know what it is like - so he resorts to some wild imaginations
6 Jun 2018   #623
Circumcision is manipulating human organs. Whoever started this post must be either a clueless idiot, or a jew. If a man wants to be cut, then he should be able to, when he's an adult. Babies should never undergo this torture.

Jewish doctors in the US that spread the notion that circumcision is somehow medically beneficial

You are exactly right. Many Americans are brainwashed by this nonsense. This is what a backwards country is, not Poland. In Poland, they respect the child.
20 Jun 2018   #624
My God! Your ad hominem attacks on intact Polish males, specious citing of disinformative, and discredited "studies", and an obvious personal prejudice are repulsive. I have intact nerve endings, that your prospective, and grievously unfortunate, (for oh so many reasons!!) surgically maimed husband will never experience the glorious sensation of. Have a nice day.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
20 Jun 2018   #625
Babies should never undergo this torture.

Dirty old men cut the skin and then suck the babies penis's then give them herpes , It cant be right can it?
24 Jun 2018   #626
glans is pretty numb. Once exposed like the cells of you gums glans karatinizes and is only good for banging the waling wall
halil556  - | 5
8 Nov 2018   #627
you right alex- İm from turkey my penis cutted 7 years old. This is stupit jew tradition. Jews controll my country. %99 cutted in turkey. And jews working in my country will be female circumcision. Circumcision not allowed islam. ''God has created man flawlessly'' (kuran) ''Jews will change created'' (kuran) Yes That should be a point of pride! your country.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Nov 2018   #628
my penis cutted 7 years old

Ouch I bet that hurt.
halil556  - | 5
8 Nov 2018   #629
@ madeinamerica

glans penis in circumcised men are not rubbing stimulates the brain to think with people constantly lingerie and sex hormones leads to continuous deterioration of the balance. People do not know it. Circumcision disrupts the body growth and muscle development. negative effects on a person's physical performance.

Also uncomfortable as it touches an open wound on my head if my penis.
Dİshonest Jews will do everything in their power to bring the circumcision necessarily your country. Poland circumcision damages should be explained better, should be taught to children is a stupid tradition. In addition, doctors are selling thousands of dollars they cut the foreskin. A very large surplus. Health hazards so much more. To hell with the Jews. ''Jews created things will change'' Please create more awareness about this issue in your country.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Nov 2018   #630
Please create more awareness about this issue in your country.

As far as I know we do not do this in Poland, but thanks for the warning

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