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Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?

28 May 2017   #571
First of all your reasoning is absolutely ubsurd!!! Circumcision is beyond unnecessary.. Completely insane and risky and a serious disadvantage for men as 50 percent of their nerves get damaged and removed therefore lose half the sensation during sexual activity! It is insanity that it is more cleanly or that it causes less infections as in fact causes more due to no longer moving in their own sheath and so putting far more friction on the vaginal walls of a woman cahsing dryness, irritation and more often then not, infection!!. It is also the craziest thing to speak for women and say they find it appauling when in fact so many women prefer a natural penis for soooo many reasons. The ones who do not are brainwashed and seriously misinformed as to the necessity healthwise and sexually and benefits of foreskin!!! You need to inform yourself a little more and realize just how disadvantageous it is for men both sexually and emotionally to live such a traumatic experience so young especially considering babies immunities are basically non existent yet so only a localized anesthetic can be used not even dulling such excruciating pain that most baby boys will either scream into the night or simply not even make a sound as they go into shock right away. I think it is absolutely horrific that such a mass amount of the population globally believe in this procedure!!!
Marsupial  - | 871
28 May 2017   #572
It's been out of style here too for ages. It seems people realised chopping a piece of your kids dick off is not exactly normal.
3 Jun 2017   #573
Jews arrived in the US in droves by about 1910. By 1930 they made up over 20% of most medical school classes.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
3 Jun 2017   #574
In fact, circumcision is not only not confined to the Jews, but actually, much as with the original practice of keeping kosher, is highly sanitary, since the layer of foreskin is technically unnecessary to begin with. Jews, as with Muslims, have a relatively low rate of contracted venereal disease, compared with certain other groups:-)
2 Jun 2018   #575
Your information is false. Uncircumcised is natural and safe. What you were taught from science and doctors are just after your money to circumcised it. Sorry about my English but it is 100 percent FALSE INFORMATION!. Poland women after America men because of circumcised ? Nah. They are after the money and thought America is a rich land.. Not true as well. SAD!
TheOther  6 | 3596
2 Jun 2018   #576
Jews, as with Muslims, have a relatively low rate of contracted venereal disease

Okay, let's try the religious approach then. Why has God given men a foreskin in the first place? So that we can contract VDs easier?
Ironside  50 | 12969
2 Jun 2018   #577
So you could wear hoodie on a rainy day.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Jun 2018   #578
Actually, most muslims should be circumcised.

The correct spelling is castrated.
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Jun 2018   #579
Why would anyone let their baby undergo it if there's no medical reason behind it?
It must hurt.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
3 Jun 2018   #580
apart from medical reason, genital mutilation on children is, frankly speaking, child abuse. it's as simple as that

and about the STDs- while lack of the foreskin reduces slightly the risk of contracting "souvenirs", it's just as that- slight risk reduction. Wearing condoms and not sleeping around works much better.
mafketis  38 | 11162
3 Jun 2018   #581
genital mutilation on children is, frankly speaking, child abuse

IIRC surveys among those who deal with the business end of male members (straight women, gay men) show a strong preference for circumcision (and apparently women report achieving climax more with circumsized men).
johnny reb  49 | 8005
3 Jun 2018   #582
Plus it keeps the guys all day lollipop much cleaner from yeast and bacteria growth.

It must hurt.

It doesn't hurt a baby as bad as abortion does.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Jun 2018   #583
That is brilliant. Both the thought and the delivery.
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Jun 2018   #584
As for keeping clean from bacteria and yeast growth, I suggest daily showers.
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Jun 2018   #585
It doesn't hurt a baby as bad as abortion does.

So you enjoy hurting babies when you are not secretly aborting them because you had an affair?
kondzior  11 | 1026
3 Jun 2018   #586
This is disgusting. If you want to have your dick cut, start at the base and do us all a favor.
3 Jun 2018   #587
Foreskin has a role and it's lubrication and reducing the unpleasant kind of fraction.
If it's so great why adults don't get circumcised? Why not wait till your son is big enough to decide?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #588
I suggest daily showers.

Men don't leak like women do so men can go much longer without yeast and bacterial growth.

Foreskin has a role and it's lubrication and reducing the unpleasant kind of fraction.

If you have your woman properly primed first you won't need your own lubrication to get the deed started without friction.
Spit works good too to get things rolling.
4 Jun 2018   #589
So it seems from this thread that man are dirty pigs sleeping around with women as slutty as they are, catching STD on the way...Wow, maybe if I won't circimsize my boy he will grow up to understand hygene and how one can get STD.

Why play with spit and lubricants when the natural thing works? Why cut something off and then worry how to compensate for it?

And you still didn't answer why not let them decide when they are adults?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #590
Why play with spit and lubricants when the natural thing works?

Spit and her lubricants from the excitement are natural lubricants so compensation is not necessary.
To much lubricant can ruin the deed too.

So it seems from this thread that man are dirty pigs

All men are dirty pigs when it coms to having outrageously the best sex ever.
To answer your question however it is much easier to remove at a young age like an extra finger or toe.
Paulina  17 | 4471
4 Jun 2018   #591
(straight women, gay men) show a strong preference for circumcision

That must be in the US. There's almost no circumcised men in Poland so there can't be any "preference" :)
I've actually read some articles about this once and apparently sex with circumcised men may be more painful for women due to the unnatural friction stemming from the lack of the right lubrication provided by the foreskin or something, as Jaskier already mentioned.

(and apparently women report achieving climax more with circumsized men).

Apparently lack of foreskin makes the penis less sensitive - men get less pleasure from sex, so maybe circumcised men can last longer thanks to this. I don't know what man would want to feel less pleasure from sex though, tbh. I wouldn't do something like that to a son of mine.

Also, looking from both the woman's and the man's perspective - one can play with the foreskin (I guess those men who have it know what I mean) - if I were a man I wouldn't want to resign from this just to be able to shower less often... lol

I don't know, it just boggles my mind that people do it...

@Johnny, are you saying that you don't shower daily? o_O My cousin from Chicago takes a shower twice a day.
Btw, a healthy vagina is much more clean than any mouth, there's a lot more bacteria in a human mouth, so spit isn't the best lubricant from the perspective of the woman's health, I think.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #592
Johnny, are you saying that you don't shower daily?

No, you are.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jun 2018   #593
so spit isn't the best lubricant

So it brings a whole new meaning to the term spit and polish, nothing like a shiny helmet.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #594
If a woman really wants it she produces more then enough natural lubricant without the spit and k-y.
Paulina  17 | 4471
4 Jun 2018   #595
No, you are.

Where did I write that or even suggest that? :D

@Johnny_reb, not necessarily - I think hormonal contraception for women (pills) may cause dryness, also hormonal problems and some other heatlh conditions can cause dryness too. And menopause, of course.
4 Jun 2018   #596
All men are dirty pigs when it coms to having outrageously the best sex ever.

I meant literally dirty. As if not showering often enough to keep their private parts clean. The real wonder then is how on earth did they manage to get a women at.all...

As to the best sex- foreskin is very sensitive so I would say it doesn't prevent pleasure but rather helps it. The same with the lubrication- it's designed to work in unision with fenale body so it doesn't create to much. but more to distribute it where it's needed. Think about the mechanics and you'll understand. Of course it's not necessary but why get rid of it for questionable benefits ? Especially since most do it to kids unable to voice their views.

I read that in US in the past it was almost 9 in 10 kids were circumcised and now it is 5/6. Seems like it's getting less popular.
This article states that less than one fifth of men in Europe are circumcised . Maybe that's why we don't find circumcision so appealing
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jun 2018   #597
The real wonder then is how on earth did they manage to get a women at.all...

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
4 Jun 2018   #598
Very funny, hahaha...Can we go back to the discussion now?
TheWizard  - | 217
4 Jun 2018   #599
Only 32% are circumcised im Australia.
As i understood it 70% of nerves are in the foreskin so its not a little difference its all the difference. It could explain why more circumcised men are sex addicts, it ain't that good for them so they need more. Missing a piece of your sausage is just a disability.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jun 2018   #600
Why do jewish women like circumcised d1cks?

They cant resist something that's 20% off....

Oh snap!

No but for real circumcision isn't practiced nearly as much in Europe. And earlier jaskier asked why they don't let the kid choose when he's older is because that procedure is far more painful with age. When you're a baby the skin is different. Honestly with the advent of.modern plumbing and basic hygiene there really isn't much use for it.

This is genital mutilation pure and simple... I'm so glad I wasn't subject to that with an ancient book cited as the reason for it

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