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Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?

call1n  2 | 192
11 Nov 2012   #481
That doesn't make much sense. Or any sense.

Yes, the Temple Sex is in the bible!

Read it all thanks. Several times. In English and both original languages.

But did you interpret, the correct metaphysical constructs, including the influence of beings that are not man, and not god, but something in between!?

I don't care.

You do not want to admit the significance of my statements, and are a coward, that can say you do not care!

call1n: I would like it to be so, because the war dead will never get justice under Teutinic Knights Christian Courts!
Better still, take two.

Is that how pathetic you are? You take my Polish name and circumcise me, make me anglo-saxon! Is that what you think of your ancestors traditions! The EU is under the Teutonic order, and that is why the Polish President was killed! Zionism, is the crusader *********, and Stalin was Georgian, and apart of the Zionist crusader bull! So good I am glad, Russia invaded Georgia!

Remember the Polish Burial dead, who were buried with their foreskins, and not under Rabinical, and not under Teutonic Crusader Christian Law, and they will get justice with the Polish President, you insane circumcised donkey!
JimmyH  1 | 21
11 Nov 2012   #482
Is an irrelevance for most people in the world. As is circumcision.

lol most girls prefer a beautiful circumcised penis over a smelly uncut cheese-covered schmeckle.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Nov 2012   #483
Spoken like only a man who knows nothing about girls can speak :)

Go and take a pill. It's time for your meds.

Definitely time for them.

Is that how pathetic you are? You take my Polish name and circumcise me, make me anglo-saxon! Is that what you think of your ancestors traditions! The EU is under the Teutonic order, and that is why the Polish President was killed! Zionism, is the crusader *********, and Stalin was Georgian, and apart of the Zionist crusader bull! So good I am glad, Russia invaded Georgia!

Turn off the internet. Walk away.
GabiDaHun  2 | 152
11 Nov 2012   #484
lol most girls prefer a beautiful circumcised penis over a smelly uncut cheese-covered schmeckle.

Actually I think you'll find you're talking out your butt-cheeks. For this reason:

Most girls aren't American girls (that might be a bit hard for you to understand, granted), circumcision isn't practised in most of the world.

Circumcision reminds most civilised Europeans of child genital mutilation and therefore most would find it unscceptable. Unless of course they are into barbaric religious rituals.

Talking of barbaric religious rituals.... What do you make of the female genital mutilation practised in sub-saharan parts of Africa? Why is it different to circumcision?
Wroclaw Boy
11 Nov 2012   #485
having foreskin makes intercourse less painful for the woman. I guess you mutilated chaps dont have any concept of that.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Nov 2012   #486
lol most girls prefer a beautiful circumcised penis over a smelly uncut cheese-covered schmeckle.

i hate to tell you but a dick's a dick
jon357  72 | 23426
11 Nov 2012   #488
I disagree. There are dicks and there are dicks.
enkidu  6 | 611
11 Nov 2012   #489
So true. For instance - there is a guy named Richard "Dick" Harwood
And there is a guy named Tiny Kox...
natasia  3 | 368
11 Nov 2012   #490
Circumcised schlongs are probably the reason why European women adore American men so much. No sane woman wants a smelly ugly sea cucumber.

What ON EARTH are you talking about????

What is this idea that a natural one has to be in some way physically repulsive, or smell?????? What kind of crazy world do you live in? That is TOTAL NONSENSE. TOTALLY UNTRUE.

I guess you have no experience of it as nature intended. Well, trust me, it functions beautifully.
ilmc  4 | 136
12 Nov 2012   #491
Circumcised schlongs are probably the reason why European women adore American men so much. No sane woman wants a smelly ugly sea cucumber

Dude seriously... most girls might prefer it most women have learned better... and any man with proper hygiene will have no smell issues that being said you can cut whatever off ur dick u want if u dont clean urself ur gonna stink... looks better feels better ... you are rediculous.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
12 Nov 2012   #492
having foreskin makes intercourse less painful for the woman. I guess you mutilated chaps dont have any concept of that.

Avraham 'Avinu was uncircumcised, and he didn't have Yitzchak until after he underwent b'rit milah--think about that.
jon357  72 | 23426
12 Nov 2012   #493
Who cares. What happened thousands of years ago when medical knowledge was beyond primitive is irrelevant today. And BTW, Abraham is not 'avinu' for most people.
queen  1 | 10
12 Nov 2012   #494
Long thread! phew, just finished, circumcision (male or female) is founded within religion?
jon357  72 | 23426
12 Nov 2012   #495
circumcision (male or female) is founded within religion?

No. Male circumcision was adopted as a health practice in times when religion played a bigger role in life that it does today, encompassing laws, medicine, science etc. and some of the religions that have survived from those times still advocate it. Some of them, for example Islam, do it only as a matter of tradition. No religion as far as I know advocates female circumcision.
Englishman  2 | 276
12 Nov 2012   #496
No religion as far as I know advocates female circumcision.

Some Muslims advocate it, on the basis that there's a passage in the hadiths reporting that the Prophet saw a woman circumcising a girl by the side of a road and complimented her for doing it, and also there's a mention of 'the circumcised parts touching' during lovemaking somewhere in the Koran.

Female circumcision is really a misnomer, there are no medical/cleanliness benefits, and it prevents women from enjoying sex. Many of the countries where it's commonplace are ones where the status of women is very low. I've never understood why the men in those communities allow it to continue. Even if women have no rights in those places, surely men would prefer to have sex with women who enjoy it?
jon357  72 | 23426
12 Nov 2012   #497
Some Muslims advocate it, on the basis that

Actually they don't. it's a tribal custom usually practised by villagers. Islam condemns it.
natasia  3 | 368
12 Nov 2012   #498
Male circumcision was adopted as a health practic

in times when there were problems with access to personal hygiene facilities, such as in the desert, or in wartime Britain ... but showers are generally freely available in the States now, I understood?
kaz200972  2 | 229
12 Nov 2012   #499
Actually they don't. it's a tribal custom usually practised by villagers. Islam condemns it.

Spot on, there are many practices that the Koran either condemns or does not require, as you say, most came from Pre Islamic tribal customs.
natasia  3 | 368
12 Nov 2012   #500
Circumcised schlongs are probably the reason why European women adore American men so much.

In a word - No.

If European women did like American men, it would be for:

Their politeness.
The indoctrination (aka American film industry) which has made these men feel it is important to make the bed, cook dinner and worship their female companion, and not get divorced like in Kramer v. Kramer.

The fact that the average wage in the US is 18 dollars an hour, and those who make it into a social circle where they would meet European women are usually loaded, and appreciate the comparatively meagre demands of a European woman compared to a seasoned US female.

Because they are nice, and appreciate a nice woman.

Frankly, I would imagine a European woman would like an American man DESPITE his poor old mutilated schlong, as you call it. Not because of. Except, of course, where she does that thing where she over-compensates for a disability ...
urbanlegend  - | 24
13 Nov 2012   #501
Good grief - this is still going on...

Jews and muslims circumcise.

Apart from that who does as the norm?


That's right.

No other nation considers this the norm - except Americans.

Yet, what a surprise, Americans think it's simply the right way and everyone else is wrong.

Well congratulations Amercians, you share your beliefs with primitive, conservative dogmatice ridiculousness.
jon357  72 | 23426
13 Nov 2012   #502
in times when there were problems with access to personal hygiene facilities, such as in the desert, or in wartime Britain ... but showers are generally freely available in the States now, I understood?

Exactly. There may have been reasons once but now (excuse the pun) there's no point.

No other nation considers this the norm - except Americans

Them and Filipinos.
natasia  3 | 368
13 Nov 2012   #503
I disagree. There are dicks and there are dicks.

I agree with your disagreement. You are right.

A dick is a dick, indeed.

I disagree. Well, that is how I see it. I guess for you any old dick is a dick. For me, there are dicks and there are dicks.

Not that I have extensive research to compare, but the internet is a wonderful thing (arguably ; ) - just look up 'Penis Gallery' on the net and you will see how they differ ...
4 eigner  2 | 816
13 Nov 2012   #504
There are dicks and there are dicks

I couldn't argue with you here, Jon. If anyone knows it, it's you, LOL (not meant as an insult whatsoever).

I agree with your disagreement. You are right

oh my, Natasia, LOL (You know I like you :-) )
natasia  3 | 368
13 Nov 2012   #505
oh my, Natasia, LOL (You know I like you :-) )

: ) Thank you. Liking always gratefully accepted.

I think I am what they call 'finding my internet voice'. I am becoming more bolshy and outspoken by the second : D

I read that first as 'Oh, my Natasia' - that sounded good, as well.

I just think women who say all dicks are the same are deliberately lying. Or perhaps are lesbians?

But, I hasten to add - I am not saying that some dicks are inherently better than others, regardless of who they are attached to. No, no, no. The one attached to the man you love, the one that has perhaps helped create your beautiful daughter, or some such - that is the best one.
call1n  2 | 192
13 Nov 2012   #506
Oh yeah duck you!
Polish women would not want to go to Israel!
They are not circumcised like Americans, their bond to their marriage and their husbands foreskins is FOREVER!
And marriage is what binds the law of the land, and that law has some skin!
Maybe, you can get americian women to love your circumcised dick (the same that appear on the jerry springer show), but not Polish women!
They love their husbands foreskins too much, and they will never divorce!
Polish Marriages are Forever, and that is because women love uncircumcised dick!
That is the Polish common law statute!
uncricumcision is the law of the land!
tygrys  2 | 290
18 Nov 2012   #507
lol most girls prefer a beautiful circumcised penis over a smelly uncut cheese-covered schmeckle

Wrong!. The normal penis gives more pleasure than the naked, deformed one. Plus the foreskin protects it from abrasion and other injuries. Only the naked penis owners will think up of stories that sound good because their parents did that to them as babies and they had no choice to stop them.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
18 Nov 2012   #508
Spoken like only a man who knows nothing about girls can speak :)

Spoken like a man who has multiple banned usernames and once claimed to be a prn producer :D
natasia  3 | 368
19 Nov 2012   #509
Wrong!. The normal penis gives more pleasure than the naked, deformed one. Plus the foreskin protects it from abrasion and other injuries. Only the naked penis owners will think up of stories that sound good because their parents did that to them as babies and they had no choice to stop them.

Have to say that sounds quite viable as an argument ...
call1n  2 | 192
19 Nov 2012   #510
I am spiritualy uncircumcised. Jewish Urologist told my parents that circumcision cures cancer, but I still have the spiritual part of my weenie. That is my ThorSkin. Thor is the son of Odin, and women moan his name... and he is not circumcised.

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