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Which areas of Poland have the most conservative young women (under 22)?

traveler1  1 | 8
22 Jan 2023   #1
Wondering which areas. I know poles are becoming more westernized unfortunately. But of course there will be a variety of opinions and views, and still better than the US and UK.

(If you're a western liberal you will hate me and despise what I say and you're wasting your time replying, it will fall on deaf ears, so you can go away now.)

A little about me, I'm an American, but hate American liberal values and American worthless women. Of course there are some good, but mostly bad. American women are mostly sl.uts. And most are fat and ugly, but expect to have a prince. I'm not rich but I'm smart and attractive and pretty well educated.

I saw more beautiful women in one week in eastern Europe than 10 years in America going all over the country. That is not an exaggeration. I can count on one hand the number of women I found attractive in America, who were not total slu.ts. Most were married since high school.

I'm in Europe now, been here for awhile in the eastern side, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia. The women here in eastern Europe are so much better. Nothing like awful unapproachable whorish American women. Although Lithuanian women are very westernized unfortunately.

I don't sleep around, never did one night stands. I don't go to bars or clubs. But I work out and take care of myself. I'm very conservative. I treat women with respect but also I act like a man not a sissy pushover like most westernized cucks.

I'm not looking for a slave like some macho jerkface, I never hit women, but I believe in traditional gender roles where women love to cook, take care of children, and the home, and I take care of them and cherish them and make them happy. That's what makes everyone happy.

I'm looking for a beautiful young European girl to hopefully marry and Poland seems good, the country is poor but cheap to live and the women are beautiful, my type.

But I have to learn Polish. I'm worried if the girl knows English she'll be corrupted by Western influence, it ruins them. So I'm concerned if she speaks excellent English and watched English movies and Youtube then she could be poisoned by the West. But that's a hypothesis.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jan 2023   #2
I'm looking for a beautiful young European girl

It seems you put too much stress on the physical aspect of females. Don`t forget they also have brains which they use more effectively than males do.

where women love to cook,

Don`t be such lazy bones yourself. You should also share the house chores with her. Do alternative cooking.

take care of children,

As well as the child care. Relieve your woman by minding your kids.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
25 Jan 2023   #3
I saw more beautiful women in one week in eastern Europe than 10 years in America

Why does that not surprise me?


pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2023   #4

If I could I would, but I can't, so I shan't. Simple. Just swallow it and stop complaining.
Alien  26 | 6551
9 Mar 2023   #5
Nobody under 22 is conservative.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
9 Mar 2023   #6
There aren't really differences between regions among young people when it comes to social views. There is a slight difference between villages and towns but those areas that were conservative saw a lot of emigration and the young people picked up the kind of ideas you hate, from the internet and tv.

You might be best to try specialist Polish dating forums - maybe for right wingers or people who work out. Your views are being honest, very eccentric for typical Polish girls - they like caring and confident men but they also like going out for a drink and a dance. Your selling point, that you are not rich but won't beat them up, might need a bit of fine tuning.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Mar 2023   #7
Nobody under 22 is conservative.

Of course it isn`t true. When around 20, I was very conservative - I only used the missionary position, the one recommended by the Church. Ha!
Alien  26 | 6551
2 Apr 2023   #8
I only used the missionary position

I didn't know you were a missionary
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2023   #9
Do you need to be French to use a French letter???? :):):):)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
4 Apr 2023   #10
You seem to be under the impression that when a man looks for a women who can cook and clean, he is thinking that she will do 100% of the cleaning 100% of the cooking.

Instead of the man not having to do 100% of everything and the women zero.

In the western world it is difficoult to find any individual that is skilled and cooking or cleaning, and most women in the west probably don't even know how to bake bread.

So it's not about finding whatever insuniation you have about conservative men and what type of women, conservative men are looking for and for which reasons
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Apr 2023   #11
In the western world it is difficoult to find any individual that is skilled and cooking or cleaning

That's not actually true.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
4 Apr 2023   #12
It is true, it's very difficoult. I didn't write impossible

Too many women think of it as some power play or as opression of women. I got fed up with it
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Apr 2023   #13
Where did you meet these women?? Western Europe?
Bobko  27 | 2236
4 Apr 2023   #14

It's a slippery slope.

Some years ago I agreed to be the designated "trash man". I assumed this meant only throwing out the trash, not gathering it. Years later, it's me that goes around the house and consolidates trash, before I am able to further process it.

In another instance, I was designated the official "picker upper" of cups and plates. Just to consolidate them in the sink... nothing else. Imagine my surprise now, when I both consolidate the dishes and also load them into the dishwasher.

Once again, I was invited, on occasion, to assist in putting on the bedsheets because it was "difficult to pick up the heavy mattress for tucking the sheets in." Now I do it all myself. No help whatsoever.

As an absolutely cuckolded and broken man, let me say that one should be very careful when entering into any labor-sharing agreement with a woman.

I never vacuum, or mop the floors, or do any dusting, but it's because I have become very paranoid about any such requests.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
4 Apr 2023   #15
Let's just say I had enough negative feedback, that my expectations are so low. I don't even ask about cooking or washing skills. I am positively surprised if she does not protest me opening the door for a women.

It's basically scrapping the bottom of the barrel, most places
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2023   #16
when a man looks for a women who can cook and clean, he is thinking that she will do 100% of the cleaning 100% of the cooking.

Yes, coz that is what males have made us believe when they present their expectations for cleaning and cooking.

Instead of the man not having to do 100% of everything and the women zero.

That is an interesting assumption of yours. It can be even correct. However, not in Poland where most women do these chores on a daily basis and only few don`t. You must have been thinking of the West when writing it.

This is anyway a void discussion coz the OP clearly stated :but I believe in traditional gender roles where women love to cook, take care of children, and the home, and I take care of them and cherish them and make them happy.

It means he doesn`t intend to share any chores at home.
jon357  72 | 23668
4 Apr 2023   #17
It means he doesn`t intend to share any chores at home.

Let's hope he's a high earner then, given all the stuff he expects his future wife to do unpaid.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2023   #18
I have become very paranoid about any such requests.

You are all a little paranoid in this America. Sorry.

Let's hope he's a high earner then

You mean the case of that Spanish businessman who was sentenced to pay high alimony to his wife who had to remain as a housewife for 30 years for free, while he was free to do what he wanted? There is justice in the world after all.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Apr 2023   #19
I don't even ask about cooking or washing skills.

I should jolly well hope not! You're not interviewing women for a housekeeping job. As you get to know somebody and spend time with them you'll see whether they have any cooking skills. What's this about washing?? You don't mean laundry surely? Or do you mean cleaning? What are your own cleaning skills like? Every person, man or woman, should know how to do basic cooking, how to budget for a week's shopping and plan daily menus and how to maintain a house to an acceptable level of cleanliness.

Personally, I can't abide men faffing around in the kitchen although I do permit my husband to make breakfast on Sundays. I also prefer not to be 'helped' with housework as men are usually more of a hindrance. I'm quicker doing it myself. I blame their mothers. If men were properly brought up and taught how to look after themselves they wouldn't be so useless but mothers waiting on their children hand and foot are the root of all evil. Also, women are multi-taskers by nature. We have to be. Nature designed us to be able to watch over young and do other things at the same time. Any woman worth her salt can cook dinner, supervise the kids' homework and do the ironing, while making a mental shopping list for tomorrow's groceries. A man can do one of those things, not very efficiently, and that's just the way they are.
Alien  26 | 6551
5 Apr 2023   #20
A man can do one of those things,

I can do all of this things, but because of my further evolution I prefer cooking in microwave, pay for supervising the kids homework, buy non iron shirts and buy what is just necessary without any shopping list.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Apr 2023   #21
I can do all of this things

Woops! You made a typo there ....... what you really meant to say was, 'I can't do any of these things so I have to ...' ;))
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Apr 2023   #22
cooking in microwave,

That's just not cooking.

non-iron shirts

They're never as good.
Alien  26 | 6551
5 Apr 2023   #23
That's just not cooking

It is cooking, I have to set the time.

I can't do any

No, no, I can do but I have found a better solution.
Wincig  2 | 225
5 Apr 2023   #24
Do you need to be French to use a French letter???? :):):):)

No because in France people don't use "French leather " (and not "French letter" :)) but rather what is known as "capote anglaise" (aka English condom)
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Apr 2023   #25
No because in France people don't use

Ok. Let`s try a different one if you don`t like letters:

I didn't know you were a missionary

I am not. Do you need to be French to have a French disease???
Alien  26 | 6551
5 Apr 2023   #26
French disease?

Conservative young women do not usually have the French disease.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Apr 2023   #27
do not usually have the French disease.

You'd be surprised.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Apr 2023   #28
Conservative young women

I am conservative but not young or a woman.
Bobko  27 | 2236
5 Apr 2023   #29
I am conservative

In America you would be classified as a liberal. In Russia, even a little further to the left of whatever Americans rated you at (remember, Zhirinovsky's party was called the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia).

Everything in life is relative.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Apr 2023   #30
Males, stop talking about yourselves, this thread is about females.

Which areas of Poland have the most conservative young women?

I think Eastern Poland is the area you look for. Vast wheat fields host such conservative females by thousands. Ok, I exaggerate as usual. Hundreds.

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