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Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off

Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Mar 2021   #1
Today I caught this dude at a restaurant charging me more one zloty for packaging and even saw on the receipt packaging twice and bag once so he charged me 3 zloty total just for take out price. Instead of asking for a tip or having a tip option on the credit card reader like some other places or common in other countries they play these games or one person charges you one price and another something else this cwaniakowanie or kłamanie basically cunningless or hustle. It was only one zloty so I didn't argue with him but should have not ran my card when it was a zlote higher than usual. I should have argued then. I just hate arguing with people and sitting uncomfortably later while they know I caught them and I wait for my food. I should have though said something like "oh really? Because I remember it always being charged this amount when I come here so I guess something got changed here? Or you guys upped the price?" But all I did was said "hey I think you made a mistake and charged twice for the packaging?" and he replied thats what their system does or it forces them to charge it twice or some bullshet I knew was bullshet but didn't say anything after. Its just so difficult dealing with these people especially growing up in a culture like western civilization or the USA where everyone is polite and no one wants to argue all the time.
Novichok  4 | 8732
29 Mar 2021   #2
the USA where everyone is polite and no one wants to argue all the time.

In the US, it's actually fun dealing with the people who are just doing their boring jobs in stores and restaurants and are still capable of small talk.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Mar 2021   #3
Oh yea and this guy just as common ive notice din Poland they give you a credit card reader so you cant see it or cover the price with their hand. Thats a sign for me to usually check it. Fun place or country huh? Its only these women or females who argue with them though. Because it is a female trait so it comes naturally for fems. They remind me of the Israelite or when I went to Israel how upfront they were there with tips and even asked or demanded for them to be above 15 % but they wouldn't pull games like this on ppl they were just rude.
Novichok  4 | 8732
29 Mar 2021   #4
My problem with Polish people is that they speak Polish.

Actually, their private wiseguy version of it and way too fast
gumishu  15 | 6228
29 Mar 2021   #5

you are fluent in English - I presume you are a Polish citizen and as such an EU citizen - why don't you just go elsewhere in Europe to find work (think Ireland for example) and stop bitching an moaning
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Mar 2021   #6
Well now that some countries you cant even travel to with greater restrictions in place and curfews in places like Germany as well as mandatory vaccinations I still haven't had and wont for a while as Poland only vaccinates old people its sort of difficult to leave. I guess someone here said you can get a shot at the airport?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Mar 2021   #7
I still havent had and wont for a while

If you know any doctor or pay any doctor:) you can.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
29 Mar 2021   #8
Poles will ALWAYS speak Polish, the French will always speak French.. etc.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
29 Mar 2021   #9
There is a differnce here.
Poles do not speak English because most of them can't.
Most French people can't speak English either, but most of those who can do not speak English out of arrogance.
Trust me..... I know Poles and French......only too well.....
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Mar 2021   #10
I speak perfect English and Polish, native level at both.
Lenka  5 | 3549
29 Mar 2021   #11
native level at both.

Judging by the little you showed here- no, you don't.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
29 Mar 2021   #12
I speak perfect

That may be true but does not translate in your keyboard skills.... or lack of them....
Either get a better keyboard or sober up, your posts are painful to read for whatever reason......
Novichok  4 | 8732
29 Mar 2021   #13
I know both languages well enough to detect that what Americans say - sports guys included - is immediately good for print. What Poles say needs some heavy editing. Even those on Polish radio sound like they just discovered Polish. I guess speaking fluently is not fashionable among the Polish intellectual elites.

The only place where the American-speaking, intelligent people sound like idiots is at the Oscars where it's mandatory to fake surprise and act accordingly. What? Me? I never thought I would, oh my...I am so unprepared...
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
29 Mar 2021   #14
. What Poles say needs some heavy editing

Novichok  4 | 8732
29 Mar 2021   #15
Poles are sloppy and feel entitled to their private version of Polish. They create pseudo words to reflect their emotional attachment to objects and persons. They don't follow normal structure - like noun, verb, place, and the method - I did this there how.

They overemphasize and inject meaningless swear words just to sound tough. They blend sentences into never-ending strings and never come up for air.
I often hear Polish at the delis or the gym. I recognize it easily but have no idea what the hell they are talking about. American - zero problems so I am not deaf. Not yet, anyway.

The same with Polish TV series on Netflix. I gave them a try more than once. No clue what the hell they were saying so I needed subtitles. Never again.
amiga500  5 | 1544
30 Mar 2021   #16
Netflix Polish shows are quite average, Canal+ and HBO Europe make the best polish tv series you should check out Belfer tho. It's really excellent in season 1 or
Novichok  4 | 8732
30 Mar 2021   #17
Netflix Polish shows are quite average,

Thanks for the info if it was meant for me.
I have another problem with the few Polish series I had a chance to see. Polish women are known for their beauty and I noticed it myself during my trip in 2017. Somehow, I didn't see them on Netflix. Is it deliberate to make it more artsy and less American?
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Mar 2021   #18
feel entitled to their private version of Polish.

Yes, that`s normal in every language and also shows in Polish threads here. I realise you are irritated coz you feel linguistically excluded next to native Poles, but that should only be a bigger incentive for you to learn the language and all its intricacies, instead of that typical moaning of yours..

They create pseudo words to reflect their emotional attachment to objects and persons.

Exactly, we also do it here coz it is funny. Have you ever heard about "playing with the language"?
31 Mar 2021   #19
They don't follow normal structure - like noun, verb, place, and the method - I did this there how.

This complaint shows your problem. You just don't speak Polish. If you did, even on a basic level, you would know that Polish language does not require a preset order of words in a sentence, or what you call "normal structure." This creative freedom of expression which is possible thanks to the richness of noun cases, gender forms of nouns, proper names, and even verbs, etc. etc. which all work to eliminate ambiguity. In English a horse is a horse, and of course talk is talk so a rigid order of words is necessary to be understood. "Und Pferde sind wir." (you can't say it in English or French in this order) But this is like preschool of understanding Polish, and you are obviously missing it entirely. As for taking liberties with creating new funky words, I'm sure you know nothing of Portuguese or Spanish, not even mentioning other Slavic languages.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
31 Mar 2021   #20
I have the same problem. I noticed when I read particularly gaming or niche tech media articles they are hard to follow in Polish due to having so many (like the pixel magazine) idioms or jargon on top of superfluous words or phrases and references to old polish tv shows and such I dont know about. Also they mix the subject verb object sentence structure I use like theyll say went he to the store instead of he went to the store but this is just a simple example/
Novichok  4 | 8732
31 Mar 2021   #21
You just don't speak Polish

Yes, I do. That's why I can compare.
Polish was designed by women and for women. Touchy, feely mess that needs noga, nozka, nozeczka, nozenka, and nozuchna to express how much babcia loves her wnuczke. Never mind my spelling errors, if any.
amiga500  5 | 1544
31 Mar 2021   #22
It was designed by an alcoholic, too many cases and sz ś cz ć duplications and combinatons . Slovakian/Czech is like Polish v2
Novichok  4 | 8732
31 Mar 2021   #23
Damn right...A language that needs three versions of z but not v should be replaced with something better...I have an idea...English!
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Mar 2021   #24
Yes, I do.

Not like a native does. That is why you are unable to see all the inctricacies and hidden meanings. You take the language at a face value and naturally the result is your failure in fully understanding it.
mafketis  38 | 11276
31 Mar 2021   #25
they are hard to follow in Polish

How much education do you have in Polish? Just being a native speaker isn't enough if you want to work in a field that depends on knowing the language, you have to cultivate it.

and sz ś cz ć duplications

Those aren't 'duplications'... sz and ś represent separate phonemes

wieś (village)
wiesz (you know)

sound different to native speakers of Polish (and mostly sound the same to non-native speakers).
amiga500  5 | 1544
31 Mar 2021   #26
I mean the duplication of letters to create phonemes?. sorry i don't know my linguistic jargon.
compare szczęście to the czech štěstí. Also unpredictable combinations of letters that adds complexity as it has to be learnt not to write szczęśćie or szczęścze or śczęszcie etc etc
Lenka  5 | 3549
31 Mar 2021   #27
it has to be learnt not to write at szczęśćie or szczęścze or śczęszcie etc etc

Bs. Any Pole can hear the difference. Polish kids write everything by sounds they hear.
What has to be learnt is h/ch, ó/u etc
amiga500  5 | 1544
31 Mar 2021   #28
Yes unfortunatly my dad had the brilliant idea not to send us to the polish language school when i was a kid in Nigeria so I had to learn the writing as an adult. From an outsiders perspective and someone who has also learnt Czech, Polish is overly complicated, has duplication and as Czech and Slovak are much newer languages they clean up and improve on Polish and are BETTER> the only difference i can hear in szcze and śce is maybe the length of pronunciation and latter slightly softer?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
31 Mar 2021   #29
@Novi, for the buzillionth time, English makes no more or less "logical" sense than any other language!! Ethnocentric bilge.
amiga500  5 | 1544
31 Mar 2021   #30
wieś (village)
wiesz (you know)

Yes and that is another point. No other slavic language does this. In czech it's wieś - vesnice wiesz - Vis. The pronouciation is vaguely similar but not to the point of being so similar that it takes special work to differentiate between the two words for learners. As I said it's like polish was designed by an alcoholic who kept forgeting what they were doing.

Home / Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off

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