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Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!

28 Jul 2014   #181
As I told you before: you are one of those guys here on PF who constantly moan and b*itch about the west

When it was ? Remind me please about my moaning and b*itching about the west .
As far as I remember I have never made any statement of any kind about the West here on PF.
What about some links, please ?

you are more than happy to cite western sources

I suspect your linguistic competence is limited to the English language only so it was
for your convenience only. Do you think Polish sources support your exotic ideas about Kopernik ?
No, they didn't. Unfortunately, they are in contradiction with your strange visions and do not differ in this respect from the Western sources.
If you do not like the Western sources for some reason, I can provide links to Wiki articles about Kopernik in all Slavic languages + Hungarian wiki .

But I'm afraid you'll be very disappointed
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jul 2014   #182
YAWN! If you feel the urge, continue here:
28 Jul 2014   #183
Sorry but I can't find a statement made by R.U.R because in 2008 I wasn't a member of this great forum
Probably you are confusing me with another person

But Germany does not constitute the whole West, right ?. It is only one of the western countries, right?
By the way she experienced forcible westernization and reeuropeanisation. after 1945 so
it is difficult to regard this country as a true western country, sorry

This thread is drifting, can all posters keep to the thread topic please.
29 Jul 2014   #184
thread is plain stupid as there is no way to prove the statement,

But it is possible to prove the contrary of the stupid statement.

Poland has the lowest percentage of early leavers from school and education,_2012_(1)_(%25_of_population_aged_18-24)_YB14_I.png

that is Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia have the lowest percentage of ignorant people in Europe.

If the purpose of this forum is not anti polish propaganda then
the silly topic started by the silly wizard and other contributors of the same sort must be closed.

and taking into account the results of International competitions in Informatics :

We are simply the best, There is no doubt about it
TheOther  6 | 3596
29 Jul 2014   #185
We are simply the best

You Americans always make that claim... :)
Taylor5788  - | 9
30 Jul 2014   #186
I love this Wizard guy.

Could someone please tell him that many inventions which the Americans took credit for are actually Polish ideas?

Much of NASA's landing craft were invented buy Polish university students. The craft which they want to land on Mars was built at Wroclaw (?) university and the Poles sold it to the Americans.

Warners Brothers were Polish. Creators of the Matrix are Polish.

The idea that oil could actually be used for something after extraction, and the first oil refinery was courtesy of Jan Lukasiewicz.

The bullet-proof vest was a Polish invention.

The Walkie-Talkie, which you Americans misuse in all your films by using "over AND out", was created by Henryk Magnuski. Polish.

Poland has a very ****** up history, the country didn't even exist for something like 150 years, so they like to be superlative about things.
jon357  72 | 23426
30 Jul 2014   #187
Warners Brothers were Polish. Creators of the Matrix are Polish.

They were/are American, surely?

Oil was used for millennia before he was born however he did start something called an 'oil distillery' - basically the forerunner of the technique called fractional refining and the basis of how it's still done.

so they like to be superlative about things.

A sweeping generalisation about 40 million people, not that most of your examples are even part of that 40 million.
Spirit  1 | 26
31 Jul 2014   #188
Let's face facts.

As a country, Poland has been abused, misused, divided and redistricted.

As a people, the Polish have excelled as much as, even more so, than any other national group.

I grew up with the phrase "dumb Polack" spat at me and whispered behind my back, but it was just class racism - discrimination.

If not for Copernicus (a Pole), we would probably still think the Earth was the center of the Universe.

Get real.
31 Jul 2014   #189
they like to be superlative about things

In fact the superlatives have at least some foundation, not just a silly empty talk.

The superlatives are based on the Eurostat report. The Polish position has not change
since the Polish admission to EU and as the report shows it will not change or even improve by 2020. It'll always be like this. Of course we are the best.

If you have any doubts have a look at the Eurostat report :,_2012_(1)_(%25_of_population_aged_18-24)_YB14_I.png

You Americans always make that claim... :)

Well, I'm from Ruritania actually, but anyway you can always enjoy my friendship and protection
11 Sep 2014   #190
An observational report from the UK, where Polish people now form the second largest immigrant group, after Indians:
-a large number of Poles work long hours in construction;
- the men working in construction tend to hang around in tribal groups (no 1 haircut and beer gut being the uniform);
- the women, even if they are not good-looking, often dress very well (particularly on Sundays);
- the men have a reputation for drinking and can either be brutish in manner or chivalrous;
- those who can are very good dancers;
- culture and art are important to educated Poles;
- educated Poles tend to excel in their chosen professions;
- those who do not hanker after returning home love their adopted countries with a passion;
- though tending to be clannish, Poles who marry out often do so successfully. All the children I have known from these unions (Anglo/Polish, Irish/Polish, Italian/Polish) have been well-adjusted;

- if Poles come across as ignorant, it may be on account of their choosing to mix amongst themselves. But this may be for defensive reasons and it is common behaviour in other communities (the Irish, Caribbeans, Indian and Pakistani and African-origin peoples);

- the best of them are tender but lion-hearted
12 Sep 2014   #191
Do you have any other generalisations on Pole's?
Pan Polo
13 Sep 2014   #192
Another racist enjoying himself the vilification of the Polish people? Oh and it's he who is accusing us of ignorance and arrogance? The characteristic chutzpah points to the "ethnick" background of the psychopath. :)
13 Sep 2014   #193
Driving like maniacs with scant regard for human life is rife in Poland. In the UK, they learn road manners and courtesy

Aren't you exaggerating a bit in this nationalistic self-praise and condemnation of Poles? Oh, so you say that ALL Polish people, or even the majority, are ignorant and rude? Prove it. Can you? Well, having lived in England for some time I didn't notice any particularly higher civilization, manners, and state of enlightenment you speak of. For example, people - true, mostly young ones - frequently pushed themselves into buses without any regard for the line-up. People's reactions at times shocked me, for instance that fella in the street who suddenly turned to me asking whether I was staring at him (I didn't, honest to God) and then heaped vulgar abuse on me. Boy how he shouted, in cockney. Completely lost it. "Ya foreigner," etc. Or that individual who while passing by my friend's car that had a little Polish flag on the plate elbowed off purposely the side mirror? Ain't it a jot savage? What do you say? I know you may say: don't like it, go home, put up or shut up, but it doesn't change the fact that in Britain is about as much savagery as in Poland. If not more. I find the British, especially the English incredibly aggressive people although on the surface they keep composed. But when they lose it they really do, madly. Yes, the Poles learn new things in UK, but I am not sure whether it is a higher civilization, top-notch manners and brilliant knowledge. Those we seem to learn (to an extent) rather from the Germans. That is THE truly civilized and truly European nation - the Germans.The Poles in UK actually often live and work in an atmosphere of, yes, racial oppression. Not only from the British (who are chiefly responsible for that), but also, incredibly, the numerous immigrants from the Third World. The British seem to encourage the latter to bash the Poles with impunity. Tell you what: in all honesty I am for a mass exodus of ALL Poles from UK and our limiting to a minimum of any relations with you. I pray that we become so strong economically that all my countrymen, even those born in UK, can come back home from there and other Polonophobic places such as Holland.
jon357  72 | 23426
13 Sep 2014   #194
For example, people - true, mostly young ones - frequently pushed themselves into buses without any regard for the line-up

Do you realise that this is 100% the rule in Poland among both young and old. Nothing to do with 'ignorance', that's just the way it is.

Tell you what: in all honesty I am for a mass exodus of ALL Poles from UK and our limiting to a minimum of any relations with you

You'll be waiting a long time.

Always strange when guest posters launch into nasty aggressive rants.
13 Sep 2014   #195
To jon357: prove that 100 % of Polish people skirt the line-up. Can you? Aren't you a liar? As for your accusing me of aggressiveness, I know very well this rhetorical trick. That I indeed learned about while staying in UK (and America): one mistreats a Polish person and when the latter complains about it, the abuser accuses the victim of mistreatment. It is a primitive rhetorical trick which can be called "deny- divert." :)
jon357  72 | 23426
13 Sep 2014   #196
To jon357: prove that 100 % of Polish people skirt the line-up

Prove they don't, angry guest poster - and first, prove some of your wild assertions about British etc.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
13 Sep 2014   #197
I grew up with the phrase "dumb Polack" spat at me and whispered behind my back,

As did I.
I was young and it made me feel very inferior not knowing any better.
Then one evening as my father sat sipping his peeva he told be a true story about a local "dumb Polack".
The dumb Polock owned a little bar in town that catered to all the local alcoholics.
He and his wife worked their tails off and about lived every awakening hour there serving food and beer. (Very hard workers)
The patrons called the owners of this bar dumb Polocks to their faces only to get a small smile in return.
The dumb Polock let his patrons run a weekly tab. (how dumb)
He also encouraged them to bring in their wild caught fish, venison, mushrooms, ect. to his bar to cook for everyone, free of charge.
Made the patrons feel like big shots showing off their prize catches and sharing.
The bar owners wife cooked it all with lots of salt making the patrons thirsty for more beer.
She became all of their wives as she cooked, cleaned up their messes, listened to their filthy jokes and depressing self pity stories.
His patrons didn't even have to go home after work to their wives for dinner as the salty snacks and food was provided free.

They sat there drinking, eating, and running up their tabs until late in the evening.
Come friday the patrons all brought their paychecks into the bar to have them cashed to pay off their tabs and start over.
The dumb Polock quietly laughed all the way to the bank. (the dumbest fox in the forest)
That dumb Polock as he was called, is now a multi millionaire and owns the largest piece of property in my town.
He has set up all four of his children in businesses in town where many of the patrons children now work for.
Who was the dumb one ?
jon357  72 | 23426
13 Sep 2014   #198
a local "dumb Polack".

You know, I grew up around Polish people, knew many even before I moved to PL, and I never, ever heard the stereotype

"dumb Polack".


It must be something in America. We certainly don't have it.
TheOther  6 | 3596
13 Sep 2014   #199
It must be something in America.

Nah - never heard it here. It's all in the twisted mind of some naive Americans of Polish descent in Chicago... :)
14 Sep 2014   #200
Jon357: "Prove they don't, angry guest poster - and first, prove some of your wild assertions about British etc." What exactly should I prove? Did I state anything without a proof? What? It is YOU who stated ALL Polish people jump the line-up. I asked for proof. Your reply: "You prove!" :) So can you prove ALL Polish people jump the line-up or not? If not, it will follow you're a liar and anti-Polish hater, won't it? You! - what "wild assertions" about "the British" have I allegedly made? I stated some of my personal experiences - still not the worst ones - from living in England (where I collected material for a book). You say my experiences are fake, contrary-to-facts? Prove it. Well, I can quote British press reports (they aren't too numerous, because the British, in fact especially English, media very seldom report discrimination against the Poles, so busy they are with spreading hate against us and concealing the rampant Polonophobia in UK). So isn't it true that in Northern Ireland some organized psychopaths were smashing WITH BRICKS the windows of Polish residents? Isn't it true that a Polish woman about to give birth was refused entry to a hospital in London so that she had to give birth on "the Tube"? Isn't it true that a gang of Asians in London was beating up WITH A BOTTLE a Polish guy and screaming that Poles must get out of UK (or something of this sort they yelled; this info I actually took from the Polish Onet site)? I want to make something very clear: I don't condemn ALL British or English people. I met quite a few good folks there, unprejudiced and such as it's hard to meet anywhere else I've been to. Sweet people. I also understand very well that the English public has been being set up against the Poles by a systematic and unrelenting hate campain by the press psychopaths and also by politicians from practically all the parties. Except PERHAPS New Democrats. I would be a racist myself if I condemned all the British or English lock stock and barrel. (But you do so with the Polish, e.g. by saying we all are brutes skirting line-ups, et caetera, don't you?) My point is: we should talk honestly about what we don't like, discuss and communicate. FREELY. That's THE remedy for anger, frustration and all other negativity. Got it? I somehow doubt you can get it, but let's see. :) One more thing. YOU are accusing me of being angry? Isn't it actually YOU who are angry and projecting this on me? As for me, I am indeed angry and frustrated, I admit. What the devil should one feel when he's kicked on the crotch? But my anger is civilized one, under control. I'm trying to express it through honest communication. Conversely, you are angry but pretending not to be. A bit hypocritical, ain't it? Are you able to say honestly: Yes, I am angry too, angry at what you said? I say again: honest communication. But do I say to an honest one and one who wants to get it?

You, TheOther, WHAT exactly is allegedly "in the twisted mind of some naive Americans of Polish descent in Chicago... :)"? And what is it you're enjoying so much with? Give away the sweet reason. So? :)
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Sep 2014   #201
Did I state anything without a proof?

Yes. Two posts worth.

So can you prove ALL Polish people jump the line-up or not?

What "line up"? Why do you think people in Poland queue in an orderly line for public transport?

But my anger is civilized one, under control

So why the capitals, which are shouting?
14 Sep 2014   #202
I've been browsing this forum and I get the impression that it isn't so much a Polish forum as a forum for spreading hatred against the Polish people and Poland. This thread seems one of many proofs of this. It appears to me lots of participants are from non-Polish national and "ethnic" groups in America (they cowardly conceal who they are) and visit this forum in order to pump up their self-worth by hatefully joyfully and with impunity besmirch the Poles and Poland. This bashing up a common scapegoat together gives them also a sense of group unity and a sense of safety that it's not them who are being so put down. That's how American anti-Polish racism works: the most hateful messages served with a smile and then pretending: "What are ya angry about? I didn' mean anythin' offensive against the Polish people! Ya hav' no sense of humor or what? Ya a stupyd Polock from Chicago, don't ya?" This racism against the Polish people, unacknowledged yet systematic and purposeful, is one more important proof that America is a really sick, a really psychopathic place. Well, as the Buddhists say: "Evil always eventually destroys itself." :)
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Sep 2014   #203
it isn't so much a Polish forum

Do you think that Polish people often feel they want to discuss life their own country with each other in a foreign language like English? There are a hundred and one forums in Polish for that, some of them quite good.

Amazing that you're using so many of the same phrases, words and textual characteristics as 'Honest'. Rather similar to Puzzie too.
14 Sep 2014   #204
Jon357, re: "Yes. Two posts worth," etc. See, you're an incorrigible British (English?) anti-Polish racist. And living in Poland? Holly shoot. I know your type - have seen it frequently here, e.g. at our airports. My further exchange with you would be a waste of time.

Keep to one username, play fair.
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Sep 2014   #205
See, you're an incorrigible British (English?) anti-Polish racist

That is so funny to hear. You are, however, entitled to hold or pretend to hold whatever opinion you choose, however bizarre.


Who? What about Ivy? Didn't you say you'd written a book...

Keep to one username, play fair.

Now what about about

honest communication

, Honest?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
14 Sep 2014   #206
It must be something in America. We certainly don't have it.

Not anymore in America either jon.
Realize that was two generations ago.
That is the way it was back in the first half of the 1900's.
If someone called a Polish person a dumb Polock today that person would be used for a mop to mop up the street.
That term went out when white socks did.
It just doesn't happen anymore.
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Sep 2014   #207
If someone called a Polish person a dumb Polock today that person would be used for a mop to mop up the street.

No bad thing at all.

That is the way it was back in the first half of the 1900's.

Sometimes we forget how different life was back then and how ideas have changed.
Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Sep 2014   #208
That is the way it was back in the first half of the 1900's.

It started after second world war when some German nazis escaped to USA and carried on with their anti Polish propaganda which was the start for the Polish jokes.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
15 Sep 2014   #209
I think it was the beginning of the first world war when people were getting their kids the hell out of Europe and sending them to America

so they didn't get killed.
Over 7 million civilians died in that war.
You have to imagine for yourself these children from Poland (and other countries) coming to America frightened out of their heads,
not knowing how to speak the language. They were exploited for meaningless jobs, didn't know who to trust, where to go,
and didn't have any money.
It would be like me coming to Poland at ten years old, no family there, not speaking the Polish language with no money.
I would do what I had to to survive in a new culture and country.
I would fall under the term, dumb American by the insulting Poles.
One would think that is where the term dumb Polock came from.
From dumb insulting Americans.
15 Sep 2014   #210
To johnny reb: It seems the stereotype comes chiefly from Jewish Americans. One Larry Wilde made in the 70s and 80s a fortune from publishing collections of so-called Polish jokes.

PS. Johnny reb: I myself don't think Americans are generally dumb or bad people. Quite the opposite. But the psychopathic dehumanizing us, Polish people, is bad and makes America an evil place. I'd say the same thing about any country where there are activities like this. Including Poland. Yet it seems we don't dehumanize anyone the way Poles are being dehumanized in America. Not long ago a 17-year-old boy was so picked on by classmates in an American school for being Polish that he shot himself. The case was hushed up by school authorities and the police. The names of those responsible for his death are kept secret.

Home / Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!
BoldItalic [quote]
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