Teamwork is de rigeur in UK schools and has been for years.
Teamwork may be good for group activities like show dancing, picking crops by hand, or moving furniture. But how can children ever learn to think for themselves if they are trained from a young age onwards to always depend on others to come up with the solutions? Especially in critical studies like maths and sciences.
Indeed, the UK school system is not something Poland should be following at all:
China's poorest beat our best pupils - Children of factory workers and cleaners in Far East achieve better exam results than offspring of British lawyers and doctors, says OECD.
British schoolchildren are lagging so far behind their peers in the Far East that even pupils from wealthy backgrounds are now performing worse in exams than the poorest students in China, an international study shows...English schools needed to adopt the "teaching practices and positive philosophy" that characterised schools in parts of the Far East.