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Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!

Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jun 2016   #271
his forum is now more Polish friendly in the last two week

Maybe that's because some of the PF's Anglo-expats are posting less frequently. Some of them disliked the Poles, Poland and things Polish in general, the heritage, history, religion, food, customs, you name it. And they have tried to set their uppity, look-down-on-others, godless, pub-crawling, scotch-guzzling, Marmite and baked-bean scarfing and resultant wind-breaking as the superior lifestyle which everyone should uncritically emulate. Rule Britannia!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
27 Jun 2016   #272
"PF's Anglo-expats are posting less frequently.", I don't think it is just that, (but one or two longtime members are currently absent) , I believe there is now more of a spirit of mutual respect and restraint when it comes to personal abuse and ignorance, be it from Anglo or Pole.
27 Sep 2016   #273
Hi Wizard, it would be nice to know your own national/ethnic background though ....and what did you do in Poland actually? just to have an idea where the great, self-honest, well travelled, intelligent, good mannered, self confident and so on individuals such as you come from? That must be a really great country I guess.
the sausage
17 Oct 2016   #274
i have 2 polish familys living next to me and several others from romania latvia and lithuania and bulgaria, the romanian woman talks, the polish are ignorant one woman thinks she is 'it ' better than everybody the other one is ok she does say hello but thats it,they dont socialise or do small talk, i wish they would f#ck off, when they were moving in it was obvious the 2 polish women were not intrested in talking to me or my wife, how hard is it to say 'hello how are you' even when i asked one, when they moved here do you like this town she just looks and gave a stupid look
adolf was right
17 Oct 2016   #275
they are, they can go back to poland they are in the EU ! horrible people ignorant and they are not the hard workers people think they are they are not intrested in socialising very unfriendly people, oh and they dont have the best looking women in the world but as my mrs said the men are ugly and odd looking, and they seem to have 8 people living in a house meant for 6,
Bartkowiak  5 | 114
17 Oct 2016   #276
"i have 2 polish familys living next to me and several others from romania latvia and lithuania and bulgaria, the romanian woman talks, the polish are ignorant one woman thinks she is 'it ' better than everybody the other one is ok she does say hello but thats it,they dont socialise or do small talk, i wish they would **** off, when they were moving in it was obvious the 2 polish women were not intrested in talking to me or my wife, how hard is it to say 'hello how are you' even when i asked one, when they moved here do you like this town she just looks and gave a stupid look@ the sausage they are, they can go back to poland they are in the EU ! horrible people ignorant and they are not the hard workers people think they are they are not intrested in socialising very unfriendly people, oh and they dont have the best looking women in the world but as my mrs said the men are ugly and odd looking, and they seem to have 8 people living in a house meant for 6,"

I combined the two, as judging by the horrible grammar: this imbecile used two nicknames.
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Oct 2016   #277
i wish they would f#ck off

they can go back to poland

But they will not, no matter how much you hate it so stfu you loser.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Oct 2016   #278
I would agree, so tough titty, the poles aint going nowhere no time soon, unless like me they choose to do so.

"adolf was right " what a nasty little man he was,committed suicide and ended up in a pit set fire by his own followers, what a heroic way to go.
Albany, NY
27 Oct 2016   #279
I'm American and my mother is from Poland. I'm sorry to report Poles have a very bad reputation. It's generally believed, rightly or wrongly, that Poles are hard working and ambitious but also exceeding dishonest. It's breathtaking the degree young and old, men and women, are obsessed with taking the possessions of others. Most Poles come to the US and claim to be European not Polish, to avoid the label of being dishonest and pernicious.

I'm sorry to report, and it's disheartening to admit it, it will take several generations to reverse the negative perception of the Polish people.
27 Oct 2016   #281
top 6 disgusting habits of poor, ignorant Polish people (50% of Poles living abroad):
6) removing light bulbs from lamps in public buildings and other petty theft
5) buying an air conditioner in June, only to return it in September
4) hoarding obscene amounts of cash in their houses
3) scratching new cars of other Polish people
2) sabotaging their compatriots' lives
1) scavenging at night for luxury items left out in front of houses in wealthy suburbs

For them, life is a zero sum game full of paranoia about their compatriots' motives.
They are devoid of personal responsibility and respect for other peoples' property.
Superstitious and functionally illiterate, they are distrustful of civic institutions,
and unable to cooperate, leaving them isolated victims of fate who are deeply ashamed
of their inability to overcome their circumstances.

Truly a deplorable kind of people.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Oct 2016   #282
scavenging at night for luxury items left out in front of houses in wealthy suburbs

lol I had two Polish brothers in law who made a nice bit of pocket money from doing that....:)
johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Oct 2016   #283
scavenging at night for luxury items left out in front of houses

I know a family (Polish Jews) that do this also.
They drive around in an old truck on trash pick up day, pick up anything of any value.
We call them "The Pickers".
Then every Saturday they have a huge yard sale (that looks like a flee market) and try to sell the crap for five or ten bucks.

(No income tax to report as it is all cash transactions and 100% profit)
At the end of the summer they put what is left out for trash pick up. :-/
Who said that Polish people are the most ignorant in the world ?

top 6 disgusting habits of poor, ignorant Polish people (50% of Poles living abroad

You could not have made that up as that describes perfectly several Polish people I know here in America.
That's funny.

Americans make me laugh

The Brit's ARE a laugh.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #284
After reading the comments it's clear other people are noticing the strange repulsive Polish behaviors. Naturally the Polish resist the argument and attack the observer, which only makes it more obvious.

I want to ask only that we have compassion on the Polish people; nobody willingly acts this way. They don't need your criticism; they need patience and psychiatry.

God please forgive the Polish people .
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #285
Too funny; Ukrainian woman, late 50's, just tried to steal my portable electric heater at work (she's a custodian).

So people, please do just blame the Polish people for theft, it is obviously a larger geographical problem.

Although she is dishonest like many Polish people, she wasn't rude and obnoxious like them. She just told me her "house is cold" and moved on.
Wulkan  - | 3136
28 Oct 2016   #286
God please forgive the Polish people .

Says the half Polish person, way to hate yourself. I do hope they keep razors and other dangerous objects away from you.
28 Oct 2016   #287
They took all his razors and turned them in for scrap.
Btw Ukrainians are even worse.
They make Polish people look like upstanding citizens.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #288
Please guys, don't be silly, and I don't hate Poles, I love them and spring from one. But if no one speaks honesty and candidly, many outside Poland will continue to have contempt for the Poles.

I don't know enough about the Ukrainian people to say more. I've spent my entire life around Poles- family, church, vacations, etc. to have.volumes to say.

I'm only sharing my experience and that of many Americans. None of the current generation of Poles acknowledge they are from Poland, only Europe. That obvious embarrassment breaks my heart, since it implicates me and my mother's side of the family.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #289
Case Study: Chicopee Massachusetts, USA where I previously lived for 5 years. The city is filled with Poles! Huge Polish population, Polish churches, Polish schools, and the home of the Polish National Credit Union.

Now visit the Chicopee Chamber of Commerce. (Google the website, it's on 264 Exchange Street.)

There is virtually no Poles as business members, in a town largely dominated by Poles.

Reason: Americans, of all nationalities and ethnicities, will not contract business with Poles, because the reputation of the Pole is too dishonest.

Let's all pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary that we (Polish people) change so the world will no longer have disdain for us.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Oct 2016   #290
Blessed Virgin Mary that we (Polish people) change so the world will no longer have disdain for us

Don't be so stupid or at least stop trolling.

"There is virtually no Poles as business members,"

Plenty of us have made a shed load of cash and paid a shed load of tax quite happily.

" world will no longer have disdain for us."

Utter rubbish, people have disdain for wingers, who contribute nothing and just whine about what they don't have , does that sound familiar to you.

"that we (Polish people) change"

What a plonker you are, get a job , get a life , and come back and post here when you retire and have achieved something positive to talk about.

"Let's all pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Somehow I don't think she would be too impressed with you.

"Chicopee Massachusetts,"

Never heard of the place before today, what is it famous for?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Oct 2016   #291
what is it famous for

The story goes that in the late 19th or early 20th centuries a shipload of Polish immigrants had landed on America's shore and all had pre-paid tickets for Chicago. They boarded their train and were on their merry way.The following day one of the stops displayed a sign that read: Chicopee, Mass.

That was quite a mouthful for the immigrants, some of whom were illiterate even in their native Polish. They slowly read the sign. Chi-co-... and someone second-guessed them and wishfully shouted Chicago and they all grabbed their cases and disembarked. The train pulled away and there they stood in the middle of Chicopee. Lacking money for another ticket they had no choice but to settle there. The town is known for the world's largest kiełbasa, although that is hotly debated by the PolAms from Rogers City, Michigan.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Oct 2016   #292
The story goes

Thanks for the explanation , a very plausible urban myth,

Some Brit expats on their way to Warsaw got off the bus at Walsall they never realized they are still struggling with the Black country language to this day.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #293
@Dolnoslack. What you said about Chicopee is correct, although I'm not sure about the Polish immigrant arriving that way.

Polish people work incredibly hard. If they could only honestly soul search a bit and receive criticism as a opportunity to grow rather than an opportunity to exchange insults than the future of Poles will be promising, at home and abroad.

An honest exchange of experiences and viewpoints is superior to insults.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Oct 2016   #294
rather than an opportunity to exchange insults

So when you repy "@Dolnoslack.", only goes to show your hypocrisy, what a tit, go and get yourself a job and do something positive in life rather than looking for opportunities to exchange insults on a internet forum.

Who is the ignorant one now ?
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #295
Look at this thread. When a Pole reads something he doesn't like, he appeals to ignorant cheap insults, which demonstrate the truth hurts for many Poles.

No one (here) knows my income, wealth or education. Speculating only makes Poles look desperate as well as dishonest.

For you honest Poles who disagree with me but do not have the typical pathological Polish urge to exchange insults, you can make a big difference in mentoring repulsive Poles that their behavior is universally lamented around the world.

God Bless Poland.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #296
The more dolnoslack types, the more he looks---- Polish---- and therefore desperate and dishonest.

Your desperate desire to insult is an obvious demonstration that what I say is true.

If it wasn't true, you wouldn't pretend to know my income and employment status.

God please Bless Poland, including Dolnoslack and his family.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Oct 2016   #297
No one (here) knows my income, wealth or education.

True but your posts on this forum bring all of the above into question , not meant as an insult only an observation.
Albany, NY
28 Oct 2016   #298
It's fair to question my income, education, and anything else. But is it prudent, unless your willing to meet and verify it?

If your unwilling or unable to meet, what is the point of discussing it? I don't challenge your income since I don't know you.

I'm sharing my experience in hopes of a broader discussion on Polish perception abroad. Of course it's true because it's my experience. Of course, also, it isn't true for everybody and some people have shared otherwise.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Oct 2016   #299
I'm sharing my experience in hopes of a broader discussion

Then let us move forward positively in that vein, is your experience of poles limited to the USA? are you talking about distant descendants of Poles or new migrants that have just recently arrived

Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Oct 2016   #300
world's largest kiełbasa

One of Chicopee's claims to fame is

Home / Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!
BoldItalic [quote]
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