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Do Polish people have a good ear for music?

croggers  7 | 108
28 Nov 2011   #1
Hi I was just wondering whether or not you think Polish people have a good ear for music? I'm not talking about music school kids who are "trained" but more like the average Joe who just picks up a guitar/any other instrument and teaches him/herself to play/sing etc..........
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #2
the last Polish person who had an ear for music died 2 years ago (and she was very old already) ;)

I think it is now pretty clear for you why you have never heard of a Polish musical group never mind a singer :P
JonnyM  11 | 2607
28 Nov 2011   #3
the last Polish person who had an ear for musi

And here she is:
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #4
I guess our Liverpudlian friend will now succumb to despair and move out of this musical inferno Poland is ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
28 Nov 2011   #5
And here she is:

Singing a traditional Russian song,in Russian lol
(btw,is that a Dude? Kinda working a Danny LaRue look there)
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #6
Singing a traditional Russian song lol

that actually sums up what a musical void Poland is - her best talent have to sing foreign songs and in foreign tongues - croggers you really should have chosen Bulgaria and not POland ;) (Bulgaria is a proper Slavic country)

(btw,is that a Dude? Kinda working a Danny LaRue look there)

well, it's a public secret that Violetta Villas was actually born Wilhelm Chałupa ;)
JonnyM  11 | 2607
28 Nov 2011   #7
(btw,is that a Dude?

May as well be, but she isn't. She used to be famous for driving a pink Jaguar around Warsaw in the seventies, earned from performing in Las Vegas. In fact she's still alive and wearing high heels and the wigs. Not as happy as she used to be since the police took away her 80 dogs, but at least they left all the cats. I wouldn't like to smell her carpet.
OP croggers  7 | 108
28 Nov 2011   #8
I ask because I really don't like what I'm hearing on radio and TV here. I don't get it. I have watched many unsigned bands/singers here in trojmiasto who blew me away but it seems that they are never given the chance on a bigger stage. Seems that only mainstream is accepted on radio/TV? A lot of people will come back at me and name a lot of old school Polish bands/singers but that's been done, give me something new. Are there any new, young bands FAMOUS in Poland? It happens all the time in UK and US, there are BANDS everywhere.


I do love a great pop record but come on...............

A great band from Gdansk called Trup Trupa SHOULD be on their way to the top but I'm afraid that as it's Poland it won't happen.

I'm not having a go, just asking for your thoughts, for and against :)
28 Nov 2011   #9
Are there any new, young bands FAMOUS in Poland?



You listen to wrong radiostations obviously.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
28 Nov 2011   #10
SHOULD be on their way to the top but I'm afraid that as it's Poland it won't happen.

Lets face it, the ear bleeding arse we have to listen to in the UK on "Pop" radio (god im getting old) is hardly the best of British is it? You just have to look around I suppose,but,to be fair, the only non traditional songs I knew in Poland tended to be by Moldovans(Moldovians?).

She used to be famous for driving a pink jaguar around Warsaw in the seventies, earned from performing in Las Vegas.

Lols, Im begining to like her, good girl :)
OP croggers  7 | 108
28 Nov 2011   #11

You listen to wrong radiostations obviously.

There is possibly one or two MAX that are decent. Trojka ( I think that's it ) and sometimes Eska Rock. Not a lot of choice now is it? Could you give me a few worth listening to?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
28 Nov 2011   #12
Are there any new, young bands FAMOUS in Poland?

Lao Che

Lols, Im begining to like her, good girl :)

There way a vote to oust the local mayor about a year ago (the one who ordered the 80 dogs to be taken away) and she turned up to vote accompanied by a film crew. SShe climbed up the marble stairs of the town hall weaing thigh length sequinned (very) high heeled boots and had to hang on the the balustrade for dear life.
28 Nov 2011   #13
There is possibly one or two MAX that are decent.

I agree. For me it's Czwórka and Chili z.
OP croggers  7 | 108
28 Nov 2011   #14
Lets face it, the ear bleeding arse we have to listen to in the UK on "Pop" radio (god im getting old) is hardly the best of British is it?

You're totally right, but we have so many other stations playing great music, and stations dedicated to different genres. I'm afraid this is going to start in to a comparison between UK and Poland which is not what I'm trying to do. I know about the UK, I'm trying to find out about Poland and Polish music :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #15
the last decent Polish bit I heard was this ;)
28 Nov 2011   #16
You're totally right, but we have so many other stations playing great music, and stations dedicated to different genres. I

The reason is money. Look that the stations where you can hear an independent or niche music are in general public radiostations (state sponsored). Dlatego moi drodzy płaćcie abonament ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #17
do you mean that RMF FM and Radio Zet are state sponsored? nah

btw contemporary music is overrated - the true Music is Mozart Haendel and Enya ;)

to be true actually I would have to state that off-beat type of music (most pop, all rock, jazz and blues) is a spiritual poison - if anyone of you are into spirituality

(I can give you hints where to search for into on that)
teflcat  5 | 1024
28 Nov 2011   #18
Ach! You grumpy sods. Some of us like hearing 'Another Day in Paradise' twice an hour, round the clock. Personally, I can't get enough of 'I want to break free', 'Simply the best', that yellow Sting thing, or all the other joys of RMF and ZET. My Alzheimer's is getting worse, the docs say, but my Alzheimer's is getting worse, the docs say, but I love it. Did I mention my Alzheimer's? And the Media Markt ads. It's good to be reminded of their great deals every five minutes, just in case you missed it the other four times in the last hour. "I want to break free...I want to breaak freee...' Check out and expand your radio mind. When I'm off on Sunday mornings I listen to stuff from Alabamha, Freetown, Stornaway, Rekjavik... Who needs local FM?
28 Nov 2011   #19
do you mean that RMF FM and Radio Zet are state sponsored? nah

Do they play independent music?

the true Music is Mozart Haendel and Enya ;)

There are some state sponsored radiostation which play such music.

if anyone of you are into spirituality
(I can give you hints where to search for into on that)

What do you mean?

jazz and blues) is a spiritual poison

Jazz is a poison for a soul? Sorry but you are a music ignorant or just old ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #20
Jazz is a poison for a soul? Sorry but you are a music ignorant or just old ;)

yes it is - it's not me who came up with that - and I liked jazz before - the mechanism why rock or jazz music gives you pleasure is explained here:

the article is lengthy but the explanation is there (just be patient and read on)

ok I this is the most telling bit but I recommend you read the whole article

The basis for this new musical culture is music based on the syncopated beat, which breaks the rhythm of life. This forces the spiritual light into the lower chakras, where it is released in a violent action. As explained elsewhere, the chakras are designed to release light, and therefore it feels good when light is flowing through them. So even if light is forced through the chakras, the flow of light will still produce a pleasurable sensation. This is what causes people to feel pleasure during a violent release of light, whether this happens through rock music, certain forms of sex or other activities that force the light through the lower chakras. When a man is raping a woman, he feels pleasure, but I am sure you agree that doesn't make rape right.
28 Nov 2011   #21
the mechanism why rock or jazz music gives you pleasure is explained here:

But I don't like rock music in general. I like electronic music. Have you tried Tim Hecker?

the article is lengthy but the explanation is there (just be patient and read on)

Ammm, I'm not very religious, so no thanks.

light into the lower chakras

Do you really believe in such stuff or are you just mocking?
mafketis  38 | 11142
28 Nov 2011   #22
The problem is that Polish people mostly are conformists.

This means that even though there is (or used to be) some good stuff around many Polish people wouldn't listen because they want to like what people in other countries like and who in other countries is going to listen to Polish music?

Also, there's this weird idea that music that sounds pleasant is inevitably superficial so many people cultivated a taste in the less melodic and in unappealing hoarse voices. Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits were respected as _singers_ for chrissakes.

I stopped listening to Polish radio many years ago (mostly because I want the speaking and singing to be in the same language). Had there been a station that only played Polish music I'd have listened but there wasn't s I didn't.
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #23
Do you really believe in such stuff or are you just mocking?

yes, I do believe in that - in a way it was pretty easy for me to believe in that as I experienced related things and the teaching I introduced you to is just a small part of large body of teaching I find reliable based on my personal experiences - but one thing should be said - believing in things is not enough - I can believe rock music is harmful to my soul but can still listen to it occasionally - simply believing is not heeding - they say even satan believes in God (and they also say even satan can be saved - it's a matter of revising some choices)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Nov 2011   #24
Enya ;)

lift/supermarket 'music'
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #25

I wouldn't call that supermarket music - when was it last when you listened to 'Shepherdmoons' and 'Watermark'?
28 Nov 2011   #26
I wouldn't call that supermarket music - when was it last when you listened to 'Shepherdmoons' and 'Watermark'?

Oh give me a break, everyone has Enya's album on a shelf. I like Clannad too, isn't it her family?
mafketis  38 | 11142
28 Nov 2011   #27
. I like Clannad too, isn't it her family?

I have a bunch of clannad records, but no Enya except for fuaim which she appears on (as aithne? the original Irish spelling I assume).
Richfilth  6 | 415
28 Nov 2011   #28
There are a number of good Polish bands, and there's a reasonably healthy underground of bars where small bands can play.

Unfortunately, the Polish attitude to music is "it's good if I can sing along with a bellyful of vodka in me" which explains the everlasting popularity of Kazik and Kult, Lady Pank, Strachy na Lachy and the new band of pointlessly growling pseudopunks like Hey! and Illusion.

For those who prefer something a bit more melodic than pointless growling, have some Tides From Nebula:
28 Nov 2011   #29
That's quite good music even for non rock music fans. I heard the name of that group somewhere before but never heard their music. Could you give some other examples of good Polish less known music? You seemed to be quite informed in that field, with good taste additionally :)
mafketis  38 | 11142
28 Nov 2011   #30
have some Tides From Nebula:

meh, I guessit's okay for what it is, but I'm just not into instrumentals.

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