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New Polish generation prefers black culture?

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #121
How is this relevant to "Black Culture?" in Poland?

I'm guessing you're a fan of such culture as it most certainly has a reductionist affect on individuals and their capacity to be objective. Now please allow the gentleman to answer:)
8 Aug 2011   #122
My original on-point comments way back when, were that what passes for "black" culture among many younger Europeans (including Poles!) is actually the "ghettoized" culture of rage which feeds rappers etc.. and not the more dignified expression of said culture as typified by Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson etc....
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #123
Ok, gotcha, so you're not a fan of the modern expression of Black Culture?

As stated, I think that term is incredibly inaccurate and nonsensical. Can someone define "Black Culture" and tell me how it's different than Hip Hop culture?
8 Aug 2011   #124
Hip-Hop grew out of previous African-American movements, that's all. That whites such as Eminem adopted it, is secondary.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #125
Yeah, that's not news to me though. Are you trying to say that this Hip Hop appeal in Poland has grown out of similar roots here in Poland or...
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Aug 2011   #126
Foriegner and Lyzko both of you are stereotyping the black culture that Polish youth prefer as being angry and unindividualistic. Surely youthful hi-hop has angry expressions as is to be expected from any youthful art, regardless of the color of its orignators, but hip hop is far from promoting conformism. To the contrary hip-hop in music, as well as in other artistic outlets, encourages its practitioners to develope their own distinct styles. Lyzko do you really believe neither Langston Hughes nor Paul Robeson ever expressed rage in their books and songs? If so I suggest you revisit their work and be disabused of your misapprehension.
8 Aug 2011   #127
Nie! Moim zdaniem jest, że wielu Polaków nie znaje byłej 'kultury czarnej', przed około 1994 r, a nie rozumią różnicę miedzy Hip-hop, Rap, Reggae i Soul!

My point is that many Poles aren't familiar with prior black culture before around 1994, they don't see the differences bwtween hip-hop, rapm reggae and soul.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #128
I didn't need it in English but thanks anyhow.
Please show me examples of where I did this stereotyping said culture being "angry and unindividualistic." My main task here is to find out what "Black Culture" is according to people and determine how it's different than Hip Hop culture or Rap culture, or Thug culture (pick one).
8 Aug 2011   #129
Des Essientes, expressing rage vs. vulgar "hate-whitey" anger as violence are two different things.
8 Aug 2011   #130
Having said that, the less influence there is of ghetto thug culture on Polish culture, the better.

How do you know it's not a inner-grown phenomenon? I doubt that Peja was inspired with American gangsta rap.

Guys this thread should be closed and deleted. The original question was about fascination with so called hip-hop culture not about inner ethnical problems in the USA.

For you all I recommend you one of my favorite tunes from hippie era:
Rotary Connection "I am the black gold of the sun"

Are there anybody else who likes this song? If you not, you have no taste ;P
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Aug 2011   #131
Foreigner, you claim in post #126 above that "such culture":

most certainly has a reductionist affect on individuals

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #132
Which culture?
Hip Hop, Thug or "Black?"

Are they all the same thing or are there differences? That being said I'll own up to that as stereotyping but I am not prepared to admit it's unfair as of yet.
8 Aug 2011   #133
But don't you see, Plgrl, that ethnic problems and hip-hop culture are intertwined? It's like saying 'Let's talk about klezmer music in post-War Poland and leave out the Holocaust!' It cannot be done.
TheMan  - | 56
8 Aug 2011   #134
Can someone define "Black Culture" and tell me how it's different than Hip Hop culture?

Firstly, there are a lot more black people in the world than those you see on American TV and before Hip hop came on the scene there was a cultural heritage and loooong after Hip hop has been forgotten there will still be a black culture.

The fact that polish kids copy it could be the same as why some went with the Anarchist movement. Whatever is viewed as bad by adults will be seen as "cool" by the kids... It's simple psychology and they just do it for attention or to get a rise out of you and they're succeeding.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #135
So are Poles embracing "ethnic problems" then? I realize it's popular here but I think it's just because of its pervasiveness in American and English media sources and well, dumb kids are dumb. It's monkey see, monkey do with them.

I don't get it. Are we only allowed to answer "yes" or "no" to the thread title and nothing else? I think the moderator may have stymied something relevant...well at least debate-worthy to some of us:/
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Aug 2011   #136
Which culture?
Hip Hop, Thug or "Black?"

If you would read the entire thread you would see that some weeks ago I made it clear that in my opinion it is surely hip-hop that is the black culture that Polish youth prefer, but that being said hip-hop has thuggish expressions and I am sure that some Polish youth find them to their taste. Honestly who hasn't fantasized about brutally dispatching one's enemies and gaining wealth by nefarious methods? Thuggish hip-hop has its charms.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Aug 2011   #137
Firstly, there are a lot more black people in the world than those you see on American TV

Which is why I think the term is kind of a misnomer...

If you would read the entire thread you would see that some weeks ago I made it clear that in my opinion it is surely hip-hop

No offense but I wasn't going to read the whole thread nor was I aware you had defined the term and everyone agreed or not. I just wanted to get some people to give their interpretation.

Now about that stereotyping...
TheMan  - | 56
8 Aug 2011   #138
Honestly who hasn't fantasized about brutally dispatching one's enemies and gaining wealth by nefarious methods?

I honestly haven't, but you put it so eloquently maybe I should relive my Hip Hop youth :)
JonnyM  11 | 2607
8 Aug 2011   #139
Honestly who hasn't fantasized about brutally dispatching one's enemies and gaining wealth by nefarious methods?

Probably most people. Tell us some more about your violent fantasies, maybe...
8 Aug 2011   #140
It's like saying 'Let's talk about klezmer music in post-War Poland

It's Poland related forum and every discussion must have something to do with Poland.
9 Aug 2011   #141
No, tak jest! Właśnie Plgrl! So there you are, that's it exactly! Black culture and its influence on hip-hop have everything to do with the present topic. Nothing exists in isolation-:)
ILoveArek  - | 1
7 Nov 2011   #142
This is incredibly stereotypical, and an ignorant view. First of all you can not group any one group of people together and say they are the same.There is no such thing as "acting Black". Fair enough there are cultural differences in everyone, but that is not based on the colour of ones skin, but on the environment in which they have been raised, and the people they have grown up with. So often people will say to me that I act like a white girl, there reasons are because I am articulate, and intellectual (in their opinions). Whats so crazy about it is most often it is black people, moreso men that will say these things. Is it so incomprehensible that a black woman can be intelligent, well mannered and carry herself with dignity? I dont listen to rap music, although if there were a song that I liked I would. I like most genres of music, even metal (believe it or not) I do not consider rock, "white music". And i do not smoke weed...but there is a girl that I know who does it all the time, and with her parents. She is white. There Is nothing black about her, she is simply someone who likes to smoke weed. If anything you should say that the younger Polish generation are interested in Hip hop culture, for e.g with the way that they dress. But to say they act black is just plain ignorance, and stereotyping at its best.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
8 Nov 2011   #143

yo, rap is rap... in EVERY country worldwide, artists make rap songs in their national language(s)... biggggg deal!!
8 Nov 2011   #144
The question remains though whether or not so-called 'black' i.e. 'African-American' hip-hop etc... necessarily translate into Polish culture! The mistaken notion is that somehow it does, since ALL culture is universal, ergo, English is THE sole universal language of cultural expression, correct?

Incorrect. At least I've found that precisely the stereotype(s) of American culure (black or white) persist(s) and the reality is usually far different from what is portrayed aborad. Many Europeans maintain the prejudiced belief that most American (white) males are like Homer Simpson!
pawian  225 | 27344
20 Mar 2020   #145
Czesław Miłosz wrote that upon his arrival in the USA he found that African-Americans were like Poles.

Did he say it upon visiting Chicago?

Home / Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture?

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