Hmmmm, it seems to me that truly great nations don't brag about their great people.
As a Jew, I resent that. Besides, Israel brags about Israelis for good reason-both in Israel and in the Diaspora, we've contributed quite a bit. In fact, we made Wiłno the "Jeruszalajim d'Lita" and Poland the "Jisra'el d'HaGolus". In fact, the Hebrew names for Poland-"Polin" and "Polinjah"-are a wordplay that are thought to be made by God. "Po, lin"-"here, dwell"; "Polin-jah"-"here dwells Yah."
Also, we gave Poland Marie Curie (Google it. She apparently was an Ashkenazi "marrana".), John Paul II (whose mother was Jewish), Jonas Salk (whose parents were born in Poland, and whom gave Poland and other nations the Polio Vaccine), Edith Stein (of blessed memory, and may her blood be avenged by Yehovah), Stanisław Lem, the Vilna Ga'on (whom at least considered the Haredim to be heretics, even though he hated Jewish Christians just as much), the Warner Brothers (at least one of whom was born in Krasnosielc), and countless other people whom helped Poland become a great nation-not to mention, e.g., you can thank my great-great-grandmother Katherine Gaydos' maternal grandmother, Eva Polin Jas, for being a great-grandmother of Mickey Haslin, since her daughter Susana Jas Haszlinsky Uszinsky happened to be the comment parent of Katherine Ushinsky Gaydos and George Haslinsky (and why Dad and his family preferred to tell
bubbie meises over much-more interesting truth still baffles me).
PS Chopin was a
Poylisher Yid? I may have actually wondered about that.