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Polish and Czechs

Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #31
Aha, LC, u have to try it done by the proper procedure. Sugar cubes n'all. Without the sugar, it just ain't sweet girl. The bottled stuff lags way behind
Davey  13 | 388
20 Mar 2008   #32
What nationality likes us?

I would think Lithuanians because Poland and Lithuania used to be one nation.

More or less the same language, not really, it's from the same school of languages but there are clear differences. I can understand parts of Czech radio but not so much

Definitely not the same language however was derived from the same language as Polish. Many Czechs and Poles can still communicate with each other speaking their own languages and most will be understood.
Lukasz  49 | 1746
20 Mar 2008   #33
I would think Lithuanians because Poland and Lithuania used to be one nation.

oh no :) honestly they don't like us ;-) I have been to Lwow I have been to Czech rep. I have been to Lithuania ... Ukrainians seem to like us (I don't trust them ;) ), Czechs were neutral (towards me), Lithuanians are not our friends ... all they have it is folk everything ealse has been created by Poles or by Russians (they decided to deny their noble past) ... so they are very nationalistic ... politicans have much better contact than people ... in Lithuania Poland is admired by people who consider themselves Poles ... what is more surrounding lands to their capital are governed by Poles in coalition with ... Russians :P

What can be interesting Russians like Poles, what a pity they don't have influence on their regime decisions.
Davey  13 | 388
20 Mar 2008   #34
Here is something I got from a website, I don't really agree with it though:

What Europeans think of each other

The Poles — Not much seems to register about Poland and the Poles except that they’re quiet. They are a relatively big country (40 million people) so the supposed scare of being overrun by Eastern Europeans when a bunch of Eastern European countries joined the EU in 2005 focused in on the Poles. The Germans really don’t like Poles, and among Germany’s 9 neighbors, are disliked the most. Poland is considered a country of car thieves by the Germans. Really, the relationship between Germany and Poland is similar to that of the United States and Mexico, and often for many of the same reasons (differences in income, history of war, different languages, etc.).Poles really shore up their hatred for their eastern & southern neighbors, primarily Russia and Ukraine, although they don’t like Czechs, Slovaks or Lithuanians either. Oddly, they don’t really mind the Germans, and probably still fear them a bit — you never, ever hear jokes about Germans in Poland.

The Czechs — Considered a relatively bright spot of Eastern Europe by Western Europeans, but I think primarily because Prague is such a gorgeous city and a popular tourist destination. Czechs are a bit like Germans, though — a bit rude, blunt, and cold. Poles don’t have much good to say about them.
SouthOfDaThames  - | 87
20 Mar 2008   #35
Here is something I got from a website, I don't really agree with it though:

What Europeans think of each other

The Poles - Not much seems to register about Poland and the Poles except that they're quiet.

Completely disagree, except disliking Russians and Ukrainians, and the car thieving bit :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746
21 Mar 2008   #36
The Czechs - Considered a relatively bright spot of Eastern Europe by Western Europeans, but I think primarily because Prague is such a gorgeous city and a popular tourist destination.

Stag parties and sex-tourists ;)

Poles really shore up their hatred for their eastern & southern neighbors, primarily Russia and Ukraine

Ukrianians are more and more liked in Poland ... in result of orange revolution, closer ties with Poland and maybe it is result of 350 000 - 1 000 000 Ukrainians who work in Poland (I think they are prefered imigrants) but still ... . As to Russians we dislike more they country than people.

as to making jokes form Germans (in second min appear German)
lesser  4 | 1311
21 Mar 2008   #37
Ukrainians as to the polls consider us their the best friends ... this case is much more complicated ... ;-) (I don't trust them ;-) )

The Czechs are more mature nation I would say. Ukrainian society seems to be so naive and their "liking" might disappear quickly because of some trivial issue. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Liechtenstein loves us.

Then they should invade us, I will be the first to wave white flag :)
przemek79  - | 12
21 Mar 2008   #38
There is some reluctance from Czech and Slovak side. I speak Slovak and Czech fluent and I spoke many times with Czech ans Slovak people. Slovaks don't like us more than Czech, to be sure I found it as an inferiority complex. They said something that they came to Polish markets for shopping (they probably try to found us as we found Russians in the beginning of 90'). I like them in general and don't know any Polish who doesn't like them. They have nice country (both Czech and Slovak) and speak nice language which is no problem to learn for Polish.

Regarding those people that looked decent and hate Polish... you probably found some guys on sport suits who don't like anybody apart from them :)

EbonyandBathory  5 | 249
21 Mar 2008   #39
EbonyandBathory wrote:
Liechtenstein loves us.

Then they should invade us, I will be the first to wave white flag :)

They will rename Warsaw Valduz East and they will demand that all art be paintings of comic book panels! Liechtensteiners, all 34 thousand of you, on the march!
lesser  4 | 1311
21 Mar 2008   #40
Regarding those people that looked decent and hate Polish... you probably found some guys on sport suits who don't like anybody apart from them :)

I have read that Polish, Czech and Slovak nationalists are good buddies.
Lukasz  49 | 1746
22 Mar 2008   #41
The Czechs are more mature nation I would say. Ukrainian society seems to be so naive and their "liking" might disappear quickly because of some trivial issue. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Oh yes Czechs in comparison to Ukrainians look much more mature ...

as to Ukrainians their president has noticed last time that Polish TV they watch in part of Ukraine is dangerous or brainwash them (our German media lol) ... so ... I think you are right.

btw it is normal Ukrianian syndrome ... they don't know where they want to be ...

I have read that Polish, Czech and Slovak nationalists are good buddies.

especialy when it comes to Germans ... I think that connections end here ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
22 Mar 2008   #42
They spoke of their dislike for Poles.

And there are even Poles, who like Germans... Looks like you are looking for a sensation where there isn't any... Generally Poles like Czechs but see them as funny and quite "unserious" people. Czech attitude toward Poles seem to be more neutral but still definately more positive than negative, so I don't see any problem.
Kemaleon  3 | 122
24 Mar 2008   #43
This thread reminds me of a conversation i had recently with friends, i know Polish, Czech and Slovak people who all understand much of what they each say. After learning this a couple of my English friends said that it makes sense, what with the countries being so close, Yugoslavia, USSR, blah blah...

So i asked them how many words they knew in Welsh, Celt or Gaelic (Scotts and Irish lingos) and funny enough, they didnt know any!

But then thats probably just the English ignorance and our meglomanical expectations that the whole world should speak English.

Cest la vie.... oh no wait, wrong language... aww who cares, its all Europe right?

... erm, whats the relationship between Poland and France like? do they hate you guys too?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
24 Mar 2008   #44
do they hate you guys too?

We hate them because they eat our snails.
Kemaleon  3 | 122
24 Mar 2008   #45

oh wait, whats Rofl in Polish?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
24 Mar 2008   #46
But they really eat our snails.
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Mar 2008   #47
ROFL is the same, just like LOL.

Poland has great seafood. Who eats ur crabs Greg?

I'm on the seafood diet. I c food and I eat it
Kemaleon  3 | 122
24 Mar 2008   #48
Well they don't eat ours, you should be proud!
vlk  - | 19
15 May 2008   #49
Average Czech's opinion on Poland is that it is a poor country and Poles only traffic and smuggle goods, use horses instead of tractors and lisp... sadly.

Poles see as funny and lazy but meanwhile economically and culturally superior.

(I'm Czech married to a Pole)
Polson  5 | 1767
15 May 2008   #50
Neighbours opinions are always the same "i'm the best", "he/she just sucks" ;)
cyg  5 | 119
15 May 2008   #51
Poles see as funny and lazy but meanwhile economically and culturally superior.

Does your wife see you as "culturally superior"? I have a Slovak friend who lives in Warsaw, who told me most Slovaks (and I presume Czechs) couldn't care less that there is a country to the north of them. I find that somewhat strange, but that may be because of my inherent wanderlust and curiosity.
Kilkline  1 | 682
15 May 2008   #52
most Slovaks (and I presume Czechs) couldn't care less that there is a country to the north of them.

As an Englishman I can understand this completely. It only holds true though until 150,000 of them come south, get p1ssed and trash a town centre.
vlk  - | 19
15 May 2008   #53
cyg: she doesn't but I know many Poles do.
And you're right, many of us don't care about Poland at all. Silly but true.
Polson  5 | 1767
15 May 2008   #54
many of us don't care about Poland at all

What if Portugal beat the Czech Rep. in the group A (Euro), and that they play against Poland in quarter finals ? Would the Czechs care a little about Poland, would they support Poland ?..

Silly but true

Yeah silly, the Czechs will be among my favourites at the Euro :) LoL But Poland will be champion.
z_darius  14 | 3960
16 May 2008   #55
Poles see as funny and lazy but meanwhile economically and culturally superior.

Things may have changed in the last years but I would have never thought of Czechs as culturally superior because it would be hard to decide whether the culture is Czech or German.

One opinion that used to be common in Poland was that Czech aren't such a brave nation. (halo, halo, TV Praha, my se ne boim jeno mamy straha)
vlk  - | 19
22 May 2008   #56
What if Portugal beat the Czech Rep. in the group A (Euro), and that they play against Poland in quarter finals ? Would the Czechs care a little about Poland, would they support Poland ?..

Hmm, interesting, I don't think they would... I hope we face Poland though, but I'm more into hockey.

it would be hard to decide whether the culture is Czech or German.

It's Czech, really, as much German as Śląsk :-)

One opinion that used to be common in Poland was that Czech aren't such a brave nation. (halo, halo, TV Praha, my se ne boim jeno mamy straha)

Right, we are not brave at all.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2008   #57
Both lovers of śliwowice
southern  73 | 7059
22 May 2008   #58
From my conversations with Czechs they like Slovaks while Slovaks dislike Czechs.It is a strange relationship.Basically Czechs are viewed as cold,cunning and lacking morals while Czechs view Slovaks as their little brothers in a picturesque,agricultural country.Many Slovaks like Hungarians though.

The Slovaks have neutral opinion about Poland or positive.The Czechs think of Poles as economically undeveloped and reminding of their own flaws.They cause a confusion in the identity they want to have.Czechs are heavily anti-German,very deep rooted feelings here and do not bother to show their attitude.

It is to notice that 90% of Czechs are atheists while 90% of Poles are catholics.This causes a kind of mutual dislike as Czechs view Poles as strict,not liberals,inflexible while Poles may view Czechs as funny,unreliable etc.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2008   #59
The Czechs are viewed as untrustworthy, that's true. I have heard many Poles say so. The Slovaks are a bit more humble perhaps. I think Poles would prefer to hang out with Slovaks rather than Czechs. The Czechs are more welcome than the Russians tho
vlk  - | 19
24 May 2008   #60
All right guys, I agree accept Slovaks don't like Hungarians, these two nations are hostile to each other. They'll meet at next year's hockey championships which I'm eager to see :-)

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