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Polish and Czechs

Arise_St_George  9 | 419
20 Mar 2008   #1
I've known Czechs and have been drinking with them aswell as Polish. The Czechs had quite a bit of dislike for the Polish. When I told them I thought they were Polish they were flabbergasted! They said "I'm not Polish, I hate Polish." They spoke of their dislike for Poles. Yet they genuinely seemed to be decent people. Is there a cultural dislike for each other or is just them? You speak more or less the same language, what's the problem?
Polson  5 | 1767
20 Mar 2008   #2
I have a question : did they say that BEFORE or AFTER having drunk ?... ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #3
More or less the same language, not really, it's from the same school of languages but there are clear differences. I can understand parts of Czech radio but not so much. In my experience, they see Poles as domineering. They resent the Poles seeing themselves as superior. Many Poles I've asked don't like them either.

It doesn't augur well for a future Slavic pact
OP Arise_St_George  9 | 419
20 Mar 2008   #4
I have a question : did they say that BEFORE or AFTER having drunk ?... ;)

They were sober and were really decent people.
Polson  5 | 1767
20 Mar 2008   #5
It doesn't augur well for a future Slavic pact

Don't worry, i'm pretty sure Crow will find a solution ;)

They were sober and were really decent girls. Just as stunning too

Oh girls.....for my part, i think they are just jealous of Polish girls... ;P
LondonChick  31 | 1133
20 Mar 2008   #6
Isn't it a bit of joshing though? Like asking a Canadian if he's from Amarica?

Germans think that I'm Dutch, and Dutch think that I'm German, and Americans always ask what part of Australia I'm from LOL!
20 Mar 2008   #7
it migh thave some thing to do with the participation of Polish Army along the Russina Army in the invasion in 1968:)
panienka  1 | 205
20 Mar 2008   #8
What nationality likes us?
OP Arise_St_George  9 | 419
20 Mar 2008   #9
Oh girls.....for my part, i think they are just jealous of Polish girls... ;P

I had an itchy feeling someone would say that lol. That's why I edited it. You were too quick... d'oh! But they were just as stunning. You couldn't tell the difference.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #10
The Vatican, population of 770, LOL
Polson  5 | 1767
20 Mar 2008   #11
I had an itchy feeling someone would say that lol. That's why I edited it. You were too quick... d'oh!

Hehe, sorry ;)

The Vatican, population of 770, LOL

Now the pope is not Polish anymore, i dunno... ;)
panienka  1 | 205
20 Mar 2008   #12
The Vatican, population of 770, LOL

i think so...
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #13
Monaco maybe
Polson  5 | 1767
20 Mar 2008   #14
Okay then why not San Marino...... ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #15
Leichtenstein too. Back to the thread, we'll see the full extent of the rivalry in the football as they are in the same group. The Poles have nice women but I saw many stunners in the Czech Republic too.
Lukasz  49 | 1746
20 Mar 2008   #16
Panienko Hungarians are our best friends :)

as to Czechs ... Neighbours are neighbours. (1920, 1938, 1945, 1968 ...)
panienka  1 | 205
20 Mar 2008   #17
that's nice... as Pole i have felt such lonely for a while :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #18
The Magyars are an interesting bunch, one of the most enigmatic. They are friendly and I admire them. Some great chessplayers
Lukasz K  - | 103
20 Mar 2008   #19
It can be that Czechs and Slovaks, especially those from villages near the border can see Polish as troops of stupid tourists just wantng to get drunk for a long taime alcohol was much cheaper behind southern border), feeling supreyor etc... Something like Dutch and German if yo know what I mean...

And of course not very nice history (we took Zaolzie in 1938 when Hitler partioned Czechoslovakia, then Polish army was present there in 1968 etc.)...

On the oposite it is quite different. Polish people generally like Czech. Of course they treat them more like "minor brothers" with funny language but there is no anger (maby becouse Czech last time invided us in 1348...).

My expirience is that on "neutral ground" (my and my friends expirience from Erasmus in different countries) Polish and Czech stay together and are closest from the cltural point of viev (no culture clash, silmilar life expirinces, opinions, food customs etc.)..

And the closesd multi-maional friends that were made diuring erasmus exchanes (resulting in vistis later on) were made between Polish and Czech students...

Lukasz K
SouthOfDaThames  - | 87
20 Mar 2008   #20
The Poles have nice women but I saw many stunners in the Czech Republic too.

oh g*d yes.

the most gorgeous girl in my ends is either Czech or Slovak (not sure which, I can't speak enough Czech (yet) to tell the difference; I'll wait until I hear her say Letiště instead of Letisko, then I'll know... lol :-)

All my family has only ever had good things to say about the Czechs/Slovaks, btw.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #21
I think the sliwowica started kicking in in ur last paragraph £ukasz K, LOL. U made some good points tho
Lukasz  49 | 1746
20 Mar 2008   #22
Czechs have Absinth ... ;)

(many because Czech last time invaded us in 1348...).

1920 ...

as to Hungarians they are much different form Poles ... we like each other.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #23
Absinth is fantastic. I had it in Prague, got mightily merry on it. It was expensive but cost was the last thing on my mind. U pay for quality these days. Beherovka is decent too. No substitute for real absinth tho, I still have their business card as a memory, I'm surprised I remembered anything at all.
lesser  4 | 1311
20 Mar 2008   #24
Lets not create artificial problems, we don't have any problems with Czechs and otherwise. According some old Czech poll I have seen Poles were their second best neighbors right after Slovaks.

Leichtenstein too.

I dream about Liechtenstein someday invade us and forcibly incorporate to their duty. This nightmare would be over. :)
LondonChick  31 | 1133
20 Mar 2008   #25
No substitute for real absinth tho

See, I was v. disappointed by the green fairy.... I was expecting all kinds of trippy fun, but nothing happend - not even after 5 shots.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Mar 2008   #26
They ripped u off, the bar I went to was the real deal, the real McCoy. It's not really a trippy thing like Nepalese Black, more of a light-headed hazy, drifty thing.

It would be interesting to see u alongside me after 5 shots of the stuff I had. U wouldn't be gone but u would probably be buzzed.
LondonChick  31 | 1133
20 Mar 2008   #27
They ripped u off

Hmm.... this was at a mate's house. He'd bought it in the duty free shop at Prague airport....
Lukasz  49 | 1746
20 Mar 2008   #28
Lets not create artificial problems, we don't have any problems with Czechs and otherwise. According some old Czech poll I have seen Poles were their second best neighbors right after Slovaks.

Ukrainians as to the polls consider us their the best friends ... this case is much more complicated ... ;-) (I don't trust them ;-) )

as to Abisnth true effects appear after true absinth ... you can buy it form farmers or somebody who has self made Absinth and it has black colour ... and kicks ;) green is commercial version.
southern  73 | 7059
20 Mar 2008   #29
I think the Czechs dislike Poles because they regard them as strict and traditional while Czechs are generally more liberal,like bohemian attitude.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249
20 Mar 2008   #30
What nationality likes us?

Liechtenstein loves us.
Czechs and Poles have an uneasiness because they were fellow Communist sufferers. Anytime a group of many factions suffers, there is a resentment among these groups (just look at the recent Poles and the Holocaust thread). This is why Ukranians and Poles have a rift (although that one's more complicated and longer). From the mid 1800s through Communism all these Slavic Nations were struggling for Independance and Poland was lucky enough to achieve it quickly so the other nations resent it. That's a simple, slightly Polish-biased version, but hits the mark a bit, I think.

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