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Cost of English Speaking Kindergarten in Krakow?

devil_storage  4 | 26
20 Aug 2020   #1
I have an unrelated question, I am moving from katowice and here and English speaking Kindergarten PODMONGLIA is charging 570 PLN + food, But online I see completely different price in Krakow, how much is the cost of English Speaking Kindergarten in Krakow.....I say English speaking because my kid was not able to adjust in Polish speaking daycare...Please don't ask me to go back to India, as I will not....LOL
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2020   #2
Please don't ask me to go back to India, as I will not....LOL

Don`t worry, we won`t - we love Indians and all other immigrants who can contribute to greater diversity in Poland.

how much is the cost of English Speaking Kindergarten in Krakow....

google Bright Child kindergarten site to find out.

..I say English speaking because my kid was not able to adjust in Polish speaking daycare.

How long are you going to keep him/her away from Polish speaking environment?
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Aug 2020   #3
my kid was not able to adjust in Polish speaking daycare..

How long was your child there? It can take a child six months to settle. You really need to give it time and not be too quick to take them out. How old was your child when they started and had they been to kindergarten before? If not, then it's a big, big adjustment and doesn't happen overnight.

As Pawian implies, it's not wise to keep your child out of the Polish speaking environment entirely. At least continue to take them to places where they will have a chance to play with Polish kids, local park, playgrounds, or any kind of play activities/events where kids interact. If they get used to interacting with Polish kids in a casual way, you will find after a while your child will be asking 'please can I go to kindergarten.' :))
mafketis  38 | 11277
20 Aug 2020   #4
it's not wise to keep your child out of the Polish speaking environment entirely

My take is he doesn't want the kid to get too attached (because they have.... ambitions to move westward....).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2020   #5
Primary ambitions are to introduce some confabulation here..... hahahaha
devil_storage  4 | 26
20 Aug 2020   #6
hmmm I think someone is presuming a lot and I have to answer, so here it goes, My kid came from INDIA and was ok, She stayed in Kindergarten for 3.5 months and lost another half kg. so much that medicover got worried and did all kind of tests(not to make money they din't ask me a dime), they then asked me to perform some more tests and nothing came out, then as a mother and female my wife stopped kid for kindergarten and then my Kid stayed home and gained weight(Wife had to leave her job in the process), we visited doctor three of them , and all three told us it was an intelligent decision to take her out, Yes everyone has ambitions that's why we have lottery for USA and CANADA and Australia PR and Germany Job seeker visa, and one should have ambition, what is a life without ambition, I don't have anything towards Polish it's just she is 2 years and needs time to settle down and we just her pics from day care all the time detached from other kids and crying, just imagine being put in a room for 7 hours with every speaking mandarin...Kid was never at kindergarten in hime country and she started there at approx 1.6 years and at 1.10 we decided we had enough as the kid just didn't eat a single meal for 7 hours...Again all the doctors we visited since then told us it was an intelligent decision to take her out....Thanks for your advice it adds to what I can do moving forward....
mafketis  38 | 11277
20 Aug 2020   #7
we have lottery for USA and CANADA and Australia

nailed it!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2020   #8
and lost another half kg.

That`s good, too many kids are overweight or even obese these days. That kindergarten must have had a good policy for a healthy diet. If I were you, I would send her back there.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Aug 2020   #9
we have lottery for USA

No not for the USA for Indian citizens or even Polish citizens now.

she is 2 years and needs time to settle down

I would hire a English speaking Polish nanny and take her out with Polish friends who have kids and Polish restaurants.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Aug 2020   #10
all the doctors we visited since then told us it was an intelligent decision to take her out.

The child is very young, so the language was not the issue. It's an emotional condition called separation anxiety. It's not surprising given the circumstances. Any change in routine is unsettling for an infant and her daily life/routine and environment underwent huge changes due to your move from India. Add to that, being sent to daycare for the first time and it's quite a potent mix.

Sending her to an English speaking setting may make little initial difference. The issue is about being separated from her primary care giver, presumably her mother. Your child needs a bit of a break with no kindergarten at all for a while, but make sure she keeps mixing and playing and socializng outside the home. When she starts again at kindergarten, you need to inform the manager and class teacher that she's had a few problems previously. Only enrol her if they show understanding and agree that she simply come for a short visit a couple of times a week to begin with and that mother can stay with her. I'm talking very short, about 15 minutes and let her wander around, look at the toys etc. Don't try to direct her to any activity or make her play/interact. Once she gets to know the place as simply a place she visits with mum, mum can withdraw and child can be left for longer periods. Under no circumstances should you leave her for an entire day to begin with. It may also help if she's allowed to bring her own familiar food/snacks at first.

I think that under the circumstances, an English speaking setting would be best purely from the point of view that you, the parents, need to be able to communicate with the staff, very clearly, for the sake of your little girl's welfare and you might struggle to do that in Polish.

One thing you need to really be careful about, is communcating your own worries or anxieties to your child as she will pick up on them and they will make her worse.

You may find this helpful:

I'm a teacher btw, Montessori, and have many years experience dealing with the pre-school age group, and with foreign national children with no English, in English speaking settings :))
devil_storage  4 | 26
21 Aug 2020   #11
I cannot express in words how matured and realistic your reply is, Thanks,,,,
21 Aug 2020   #12
We enrolled our son to an English-speaking kindergarten when he was 2.5. He didn't understand a word of English or Polish at that time (even though the kindergarten is advertised as English-speaking rather than bilingual Polish-English, he was very much exposed to Polish there since 80% of kids there are Polish). After about a month he managed to adapt and morning dramas have stopped. He rarely finished his meals though, and there were days where he didn't eat at all, but we didn't attribute this to a new language environment. He is just picky about food and doesn't like to try new things. Perhaps your daughter has the same issue? Anyhow, after about 8 months, we moved to Warszawa where English kindergartens cost 2500-3500/month. We decided to enrol him in a bilingual Polish-English kindergarten since those are more reasonably priced, and we realised that isolating him from Polish doesn't benefit him in any way (nor it is possible). I suspect that in Krakow you would have to shell out at least 2000 zl for a decent English-speaking kindergarten. Consider finding a bilingual English-Polish nanny who will gently introduce your daughter to Polish and then enrol her in a bilingual kindergarten. I find most of those English kindergartens to be quite a bad value.
alazofiajanosh  - | 4
25 Mar 2022   #13
This is really pricey. My kid goes to ITSW and it's way lower. You can find the Price List on their page - I assure you it fits reality. And in this price you have 3 languages.

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