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Climate change payments for replacement of coal boilers

Braveheart16  19 | 142
25 Feb 2024   #1
I have had a new pellet boiler installed in my home together with a new set of radiators. A few months ago I made use of a provision from local government to receive finance as a result of changing my heating system from coal to wood pellets. It would seem that either Poland or the EU do not recognise this kind of heating system when it comes to receiving finance. The cost was many thousands of zlotys for an A+ heating system. I am still waiting for a response which should hopefully be soon after waiting many months, but suspect it will be bad news. I was under the impression that wood pellets were a more acceptable fuel compared with coal and that at least I was doing my bit to reduce pollution. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Feb 2024   #2
but suspect it will be bad news

That's not good.

It's a great shame but the coal lobby has held back renewables in PL.
mafketis  38 | 11261
26 Feb 2024   #3
the coal lobby has held back renewables

Is that bad? Renewables are decades away from being capable of use at scale..... they are just niche products around the margins yet some (Germany) want to throw away perfectly good technology chasing after them.

That said, pellets are better than coal and it sounds like PiS fkkkkery that they're not recognized (or glacially slow EU processes).
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Feb 2024   #4
Renewables are decades away from being capable of use at scale

So we've got to start sometime.

And if a home boiler runs in pellets rather than coal, that's no bad thing. It should certainly be encouraged.
mafketis  38 | 11261
26 Feb 2024   #5
So we've got to start sometime.

Incrementally... not too fast (like Germany is trying, shutting down nuclear to try to scale up Germany's vast reserves of sunshine and wind.

Andrew Hammel has written on some of the addleheaded projects they've sunk vast amounts of money into with no discernible effect.....

And the problems are in the third world.... China, for example.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
26 Feb 2024   #6
We can only hope to serve as the "bad example"...for others to avoid what Germany is doing! wasn't all for naught....
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
26 Feb 2024   #7
We can only hope to serve as the "bad example"...for others to avoid what Germany is doing!


And not just Germany, many other idiotic nations are following suit!
Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Feb 2024   #8
So we've got to start sometime.

Great idea! Starting today, do not buy any plastics, do not use anything that needs gas or oil...
Would you like the list of 1000 other things that need fossils? We even have a guy in the White House...

You are a true genius...
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Feb 2024   #9

Which is precisely what installing a pellet boiler is.

vast amounts of money

Here of course we're talking about small practical measures.

And Poland of course has huge pollution problems from
domestic coal and wood use.

plastics, do not use anything that needs gas or oil

Who mentioned petrochemicals? We're talking about domestic heating boilers.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 Feb 2024   #10
at least I was doing my bit to reduce pollution.

Hey, genius, we are talking about pollution, the environment, and stuff like this...Duh!
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Feb 2024   #11
We're talking about a poster who has replaced his domestic boiler.

, the environment

Exactly, and levels are high in PL due to domestic coal use. This causes respiratory problems among other issues.

Plus of course subsidies are available in PL for certain home improvements; the OP is talking about the process of claiming them.
mafketis  38 | 11261
5 Mar 2025   #12
Doomsday climate number fvkkcery in the UK:

How can anyone take them seriously after this? (and after other examples of number fkvkery in the past)?

It's a religion, not science.
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Mar 2025   #13
I doubt many people use twitter any more
mafketis  38 | 11261
6 Mar 2025   #15
I doubt many people use twitter any more

More people than believe the climate doomsday cult, for sure.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Mar 2025   #16
the climate doomsday cult

Jesus, are you turning into a vaping, daily express reading gammon? You've probably double the IQ of most of them.

Remember, rather than use terms like climate doomsday cult, it's better to be pragmatic and acknowledge that Just Stop Oil, the Myrna Thunberg or Greta Minkoff of whatever she's called and the various Green Parties hold a view as extreme as the pathetic climate change deniers (often fundamentalist Christians or Muslims) at the other end of the spectrum.

There used to be a no-mark here, very unpleasant, a similar dense and banal posting style to Joker who believed that oil wasn't a fossil fuel but was created spontaneously by God to use as we wish. That view is laughable and beyond extreme, just as extreme as that German guy who lives in the forest and wants to kill everyone who works in an oil company, even the tea lady.

The important thing is to mitigate man made climate change and do it in a pragmatic way, to the benefit of the many, not the few.

Climate change is one of the great problems of our age, fuelling mass migration, resource shortages, and as we see in Darfur, contributing to a genocidal war. It will not be the last such war.
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Mar 2025   #17
It's a religion, not science.

For a reason...

Science welcomes skeptics. Religion burns them.

Climate change is one of the great problems of our age,

I did some googling and discovered that climate started changing when global warming stopped about 20 years ago.

From the day the Universe was created until 198x, climate was as stable as Mount Rushmore.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Mar 2025   #18
Of course, however since the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the automobile, we have made the Anthropocene Era the most destructive.

Steps to mitigate the effects of climate change do not exist solely to rile up people who are riled up by change.

The important thing is to follow the consensus of science where it is practical to do so, and not the extremes of denialists and activists.
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Mar 2025   #19
the consensus of science

Science is not based on consensus. We can buy consensus with grants.

But I agree that there is only so much on or in Earth we can burn. This leads to: What's next? question.

We can all agree that life on Earth will come to a slow end. Now what? Should we commit suicide NOW?
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Mar 2025   #20
The consensus of scientists does however carry far more weight than the emotion of non-scientists.

I agree. It may well be too late. We should go on as we can and do what we practically can do to mitigate it. Scientists talk about tipping points and doubtless there will be one soon,

There might be a reason we don't ever see aliens through our giant telescopes. Maybe every intelligent civilisation destroys itself with technology and industry.
mafketis  38 | 11261
6 Mar 2025   #21
Remember, rather than use terms like climate doomsday cult

What should I use given the apocalyptic rhetoric of Hallam and his ilk?

Is there any argument based on data presented in the thread? They 'recorded' data from stations that didn't exist or used to be elsewhere and pushed info bits in a selective and provocative way (measuing 'record' temperatures at an airfield with jets landing'.

So... color me skeptical.

I think that if (big if) climate change is as real as some say then there's nothing that individuals (singularly or collectively) do to change or even mitigate it. The only solutions lie in technology and further research.

Starting to live like medieval peasants won't reverse a global trend like that.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Mar 2025   #22

I'm not sure who you mean, however as far as I know, there are no senior policymakers in your country called that. If he holds extreme views that you don't share, like the climate change deniers at one end of the spectrum and Thunberg at the other, rest assured that they have free speech and you still have a democratic vote and can take part in political parties' policies during the autumn conference season.

Starting to live like medieval peasants

Huge swathes of the world (I'm in one now and the internet connection is crap) still live like that. Nobody whose views count however expects you or I to.

Windfarms don't hurt, hydroelectric doesn't hurt, solar doesn't hurt. Some of the prats here may get all worked up about plastic bottle tops fastened to the bottle however the same numpties complain about pretty well anything.
mafketis  38 | 11261
6 Mar 2025   #23
solar doesn't hurt

How long do solar panels last? What happens to them then?

I'm not sure who you mean

This idiot, the one behind 'extinction rebellion' and young adult attention vvhores who throw soup at paintings and glue their hands to roads.... currently in prison where he belongs.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Mar 2025   #24
How long do

Don't worry about that. As you say, technological research is important, and solar panels are great. If you've any issues about how they're recycled, I can assure you that there's as many or more problems with the kit used for hydrocarbon extraction and old fashioned fuel generation.

Neither resisting the development of cleaner technologies nor striving for purity in them is a sustainable path. We should however do what we can.

This idiot, the one behind 'extinction rebellion' and young adult attention vvhores who throw soup at paintings and glue their hands to roads.... currently in prison where he belongs.

Agreed. He is a turd and his followers what I think people in the southern parts of the USA would call p1sswillies. It's an irony that some of those and the Just Stop Oil people are retired Anglican vicars from the West Country and bourgeois students from leafy suburbs where an average house costs more than ten times that of homes in former coal mining places. We can't have the coal back and they don't give a damn about the food banks. We can't however be at 5he forefront of cleaner powergen, do open cast mining build green technologies but they don't care; they just enjoy protests.
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Mar 2025   #25
reverse a global trend like that.

...or stop China and India from polluting all they want...

No, I am not buying that "somebody has to lead" line.
Alien  26 | 6528
6 Mar 2025   #26
.or stop China and India

They will come to Europe when the USA withdraws.

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