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Rejecting Inheritance

Novichok 5 | 7804
8 Feb 2024 #31
30 years ago for most Poles there were no debts and no assets

So 30 years ago, a 10-year-old kid could be dragged through a bureaucratic nightmare because grandpa was an idiot and made him inherit a negative estate.

Novi, don't be such an idiot. Under Polish law you inherit the deceased's debts as well as their assets.

Why did the PF bootlicker call me an idiot instead of calling the Polish inheritance law idiotic? The answer: Because bootlickers never, ever criticize the system and the ruling morons.
Lenka 5 | 3526
8 Feb 2024 #32
Why did the PF bootlicker call me an idiot

1- because it's true.
2- because you claimed something that wasn't true in the Polish legal system.
Novichok 5 | 7804
8 Feb 2024 #33
Idiocy is not a system. It's a mental disorder.
I naively assumed that I was dealing with rational people. Sorry...
Ironside 50 | 12345
9 Feb 2024 #34
rational people.

Look, don't you know that rational people do not listen to you? From time to time like now they can talk down to you but that's bout it, so don't get your hopes up.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
9 Feb 2024 #35
Unless the law has changed, only the children of an indebted inheritance, that is of a property which was never paid off etc.
are legally required to pay off said debts, liens or similar incumbrances!

Requiring, say, grandchildren for example, cousins and so forth to relieve the debts from a more distant deadbeat, is both folly
as well as unrealistic. Today especially, our youth are often saddled with more debt, such as student loans, than they know what
to do with. Why burden their lives forever and make them pay for the exigencies, financial mistakes, of others who passed on
without possibly even realizing that their offspring might well have to pay for their irresponsibility?

Who among us is so above sin that they can afford to cast the first stone?
Lenka 5 | 3526
9 Feb 2024 #36
May I remind all the people here that that can be easily solved by rejecting the inheritance?
Novichok 5 | 7804
9 Feb 2024 #37
Look, don't you know that rational people do not listen to you?

I will let you know later today who is more useless here - you or Alien...

is both folly as well as unrealistic.

That's a different argument...It should not ever come to the point where anyone would have to say it. Doing nothing should be enough.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
9 Feb 2024 #38
Yes, you're right about that, Rich.
Ironside 50 | 12345
9 Feb 2024 #39
who is more useless here -

You. don't you know even the basics?
Novichok 5 | 7804
9 Feb 2024 #40
I have three choices for the most useless: Iron, Alien, and tits on a bull.
Which one would you vote for, Iron?
Alien 22 | 5229
9 Feb 2024 #41

What? ....Well, I'm as useful as a teapot for chocolate. 😇
Novichok 5 | 7804
9 Feb 2024 #42
What is your vote, Alien?
Alien 22 | 5229
9 Feb 2024 #43
your vote, Alien

Useless as Liberals?, or useless as uloaded gun?
Novichok 5 | 7804
9 Feb 2024 #44
Useless as Liberals?

Keep up. It's leftists, not "liberals". Leftists are totalitarian criminals.
Liberals are pussified intellectuals with skinny arms. Aka Libertarians.

Home / Law / Rejecting Inheritance
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