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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

cms neuf  2 | 1810
7 Apr 2018   #691
Correct but we must put off the other 90 percent of criminals as effectively as possible. In Poland even if you are determined then it is very hard to get a firearm illegally - you would need to have a good contact in organised crime.

The numbers of mass shootings in the USA do compare to Islamic terror - in fact they are far higher, in Europe then 56 innocent people were killed by terrorists in 2017, in the US then 58 in Las Vegas alone, just for attending a concert In 2018 so far then 5 in Terror attacks and 17 in the US school shootings. Small samples but just as relevant as comparing New York to London for a sinngle month. Killings are going down in Europe due to better police intelligence and the fact that lots of militants were killed in Syria.

The YouTube shooter would not get a gun in Poland. Background checks and the psych exam would quickly pick up her eccentric YouTube behaviour and the concerns her family had about her. Polish background checks are now extending to social media and checking affiliation to extremist organisations. It is clear that whatever checks are done in the US are meaningless box ticking exercise - no surprise as a proper background check would absorb huge resources when it is millions of people applying for a gun.

This is not a left / right issue - if any of you gun nuts ever visited a Polish small town and stopped 100 PiS voters outside church then they would overwhelmingly be opposed to relaxing the gun laws.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Apr 2018   #692
Some of those PiS voters would some of them wouldn't
7 Apr 2018   #693
Perhaps, you should ban all knifes in the UK as welll. It doesn't appear safe on the streets of Londonistan at all.

The police (head of Met Police) are blaming social media. A complete ban of Facebook etc seems logical and easily achievable.
7 Apr 2018   #694
You take the knife off the shelf the rob the store and take the cash home. much lighter sentence if you get caught.

What a bizzare thing to say.

Armed robbery gets the same sentence regardless of where the robber got the weapon or how they disposed of it.
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Apr 2018   #695
I like to see the stats on whom is committing the stabbings, Muslims or English? Of course, the lefty msm will obscure or omit those stats.

Well here are the victims:

Knife crime spans all ethnic groups as do the victims.

In one of the more recent attacks the attacker shouted 'death to Muslims' and 'go back to Syria'.
mafketis  38 | 11127
7 Apr 2018   #696
Knife crime spans all ethnic groups as do the victims.

Well unless we see information on the perpetrators it's hard to say that for sure.

And even if the perpetrators span all ethnic groups chances are that it's not normal proportional representation but a couple of groups are wildly over-represented.

What's important are the percentages which is just the information that the governmnet wants to conceal..

one of the more recent attacks the attacker shouted 'death to Muslims'

Well maybe that will inspire the unimpressive london mayor to do something beyond uttering fatuous blather.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
7 Apr 2018   #697
Wulkan the maths is clear - in CBOS poll only 11 percent of Polish citizen supported liberalisation of the gun laws.

Given that the same organisation often publishes polls that show support for the ruling party at between 40 and 50% that means that at least 75% of PiS voters support gun control - And that's no surprise, they are conservative people who like to look after their families and live in a safe place.
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Apr 2018   #698
chances are that it's not normal proportional representation but a couple of groups are wildly over-represented.

Yes, but my point was that it's not Muslims who are responsible for the crime wave which is what Joker was suggesting. Anybody knows that most violent assaults are perpetrated by young men against other young men and that the pepetrators and victims often know each other. I would say that in the parts of London where those crimes have been committed, the rates of knife crime are probably shared about equally between the black and white communities, with the black stats being a bit higher and the Muslim ie Middle Eastern Indian sub-continent not being especially high.
Walgreens  - | 6
7 Apr 2018   #699
London has higher crime rate than new york now.
peterweg  37 | 2305
7 Apr 2018   #700
Over one month, not anymore however.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 Apr 2018   #701
London has higher crime rate than new york now.

Yes it does and it is time for both Poland and Britain to face the facts.
I am so sick and tired of Eurps telling me about all the violence in uncivilized United States.
Gun rights activists have consistently warned only criminals and the government have guns.
The result of the stripping of gun rights has left the citizens of the United Kingdom sitting ducks just waiting for violent criminals and a corrupt government to take hold.

This violent crime spike comes as police have lost control of the streets and public areas.
Following a massive spike in murders one that has now passed that of New York City police chiefs have no answers for knife and gun violence in London.

Six teenagers were stabbed this week in the space of only 90 minutes in London.
The need for police would be drastically diminished if the citizens of London could simply defend themselves with firearms.
A well armed citizen is the best defense against crime, not police.
Disarming has not worked so well in Britain and it is just a matter of time before such violence spills over into unarmed Poland.
I tell all those who disagree, "Hide and Watch !"
8 Apr 2018   #702
A well armed citizen is the best defense against crime, not police.

The victims are teenagers. 15 and 16 years old and often gang members.

They are too young to buy guns and the crime they would defend themselves is murder.

Your solution is to arm gang members with guns so they shoot each other instead of knives.

johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 Apr 2018   #703
Your solution is to arm gang members

No, the solution is to arm law abiding citizens so they have a chance to defend themselves and their families against life threatening criminals.

They are too young to buy guns

Think before you post

the crime they would defend themselves is murder.

Not at all, it would be called "self defense".
I didn't see you at Mass this morning either.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
8 Apr 2018   #704
The people of Britain can vote for that if they think it is a good idea. Honestly I do not think you would find a single British MP, police officer for any mayor or local officiial who would support that view.
8 Apr 2018   #705
Only Poles from good patriotic familes should have the right to own as much guns as they want. They should also be part of the Army or WOT.

A new noble class of real Poles to make Poland great again.
9 Apr 2018   #706
No, the solution is to arm law abiding citizens so they have a chance to defend themselves and their families against life threatening criminals.

There is no threats to law abiding citizens. These crimes are by and against children that know each other

Technically most of the killers aren't criminals as the first crime the commit is murder, driven by Social media.

You really cannot comprehend that the world is not like America, can you?

Only Poles from good patriotic families should have the right to own as much guns as they want. They should also be part of the Army or WOT.

They can join up to WOT, will get the latest MSBS assault rifle.Plus training with machine guns and RPG's.
mafketis  38 | 11127
9 Apr 2018   #707
arm gang members with guns so they shoot each other instead of knives

To be perfectly frank, if their aim is good enough I don't care about gang members shooting each other, I only care when they hit civilians instead (unfortunately as most of them are blithering idiots wtih no areas of life competence that happens a lot).

My main remains, it's not the existence of weapons or efficacy of laws, it's the public.

Too large a percentage of the public in London has no realistic hope for any kind of decent life (party government policy, party their parents' and their choices).

Fix that and you'll fix the knife crime problem. Don't fix it and you won't....

It's not that hard...
cms neuf  2 | 1810
9 Apr 2018   #708
Dunno - certainly the
individuals and their parents have a lot to answer for. Not sure I agree that they don't have any life chances - they get a free education, live in one of the richest cities in the world, it's low unemployment at the moment and has been for quite a long time, there is unrivalled culture on their doorsteps. It's certainly more than your average kid in Poland has.
mafketis  38 | 11127
9 Apr 2018   #709
Not sure I agree that they don't have any life chances - they get

Those chances don't live forever... it takes years of solid effort to develop the social and educational capital necessary to find and keep a job and stay out of trouble with the law etc, it's not something that they can decide to do quickly once they're past the age of 10 or so, it's a little like languages and the critical acquisition period...

My guess is that the youth busy stabbing each other to death come from cultures where education is not much valued and that idolize petty thugs over small businessemen

live in one of the richest cities in the world

which is no fun if you're not among the richest part of the population...

it's low unemployment at the moment and has been for quite a long time

but they have to compete with short term migrants from places like Poland who are willing to work for less (since they don't live there and will accept living conditions that natives rarely find attractive) the modern pattern of large west european metropolises is very stratified with low income natives at the bottom
johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 Apr 2018   #710
There is no threats to law abiding citizens. These crimes are by and against children that know each other

LOL and now tell us that the Queen is Catholic............
That is the exact propaganda the youth of Poland need to be aware of by people like you.
London's mayor promises to keep the ban on knives like that is going to work any better then the ban on guns in Chicago has worked.

Take their guns.
Take their knives.
Then also demand to continue taking in the very people using the guns and knives to wreak havoc on the law abiding people of that same city while leaving Londoners defenseless against attack.

The once proud Brits have allowed themselves to be made fools of by globalist operatives like Sadiq Khan who has been pushing for "cultural enrichment" of Muslim immigration into Great Brittain for years even as that immigration has created a shocking increase in violent street crime by extremist Muslims. attention to the head of the snake and stand your ground against the destruction of Poland's culture and civilization.
The same increase in violence is taking place throughout Western Europe and if these globalists get their way will be coming soon to a Polish city near you.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Apr 2018   #711
@cms neuf

Yes thats bc again, guns arent rly needed for self defense in poland as it is a safe country with most violent crime being fights. Even the polish cops.use way less force on a person... the us is in an entirely different situation. Now the curious thing would be is if u asked those same 100 church goers if tbey wanted increased gun rights for citizens should poland be subject to the same forces of multiculturalism that germany has, esp considering there were 2 attacks just over the weekend - one successful one thwarted. I guess time will tell how gun laws change. One municipality around me just banned semi auto.rifles so all ars aks fal scar etc. 1k usd a day fine. It's a rich white liberal suburb so kind of expected
Joker  2 | 2363
11 Apr 2018   #712
New Stop and Frisk Policy in Londonistan

Muslim Mayor Sadiq Kahn claims there is never a reason to carry a knife?

I hope nobody has to open a box or cut a pice of string anymore. Talk about having No

I guess, this is the direct outcome of multicultural PCness gone amuck.
11 Apr 2018   #713
Muslim Mayor Sadiq Kahn claims there is never a reason to carry a knife?

For self defence.The two most common ages for knife injuries is 15 and 13 years old.
Could you explain why children under 16 need too carry knives. Lots of Christmas presents to open on the street perhaps?
Children are already banned from buying knives.
mafketis  38 | 11127
11 Apr 2018   #714
There must be something deeply wrong with the UK, it sounds like a broken, defeated society. Teenagers running and carving each other up is a clear sign of collapse.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Apr 2018   #715
I hope nobody has to open a box or cut a pice of string anymore.

there would still be no reason to carry a knife when you are out even if you did want to cut string would there?
Honestly some of these posts are just pure silly.
mafketis  38 | 11127
11 Apr 2018   #716
there would still be no reason to carry a knife

A friend or relative calls up and wants to borrow a knife, they live about 500 meters away, too short to drive, but can you legally carry it?

What about scissors, won't outlawing knives just mean that the victims of US societal dysfunction will start using scissors?

The deep pathology in the UK needs to be addressed and enacting one irrational restriction after another is not going to do that...
Joker  2 | 2363
11 Apr 2018   #717
They are already talking about removing the knife`s out of their kitchens and homes. It has turned into an Orwellian society over there, comform and obey.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Apr 2018   #718
Actually Joker, the UK is a highly individualistic culture, far less conformist than America. As for taking knives out of the home, what do you mean already? That's old news. About fifteen years ago, that was looked at but not literally removing them, rather redesigning them. The reason is that most deadly assaults are carried out with ordinary kitchen knives. Apparently most kitchen tasks don't require such a sharp knife and other less dangerous designs would do the job perfectly well.
Joker  2 | 2363
11 Apr 2018   #719
About fifteen years ago, that was looked at but not literally removing them

Mayor Kahn is proposing even more strict rules. Say goodbye to your knives, which freedom will England loose next? I highly doubt Londoinstan would have such problems if they didn't let their city get overtaken by Muslims. They cant blame the knifes or guns anymore, the increase in the crime rate is proof enough.
mafketis  38 | 11127
11 Apr 2018   #720
About fifteen years ago, that was looked at but not literally removing them, rather redesigning them

Wouldn't it be better to address the underlying crazy rather than make piecemeal attacks against the symptoms?

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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