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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #421
It would be really nice if these "know it all" Brits would mind their own business and stay out of our affairs.

Don't worry, we have every intention of letting you kill your future generations.

Four armed officers and not a single one of them could stop or even attempted to stop the shooter, LOL!
25 Feb 2018   #422
It would be really nice if these "know it all" Brits would mind their own business and stay out of our affairs.

In that case, could you STFU about America?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #423
Thats sinply not true that 99.9% of mentally ill people wont conmit a crime. Rather, most of thr time they dont mean to and simply cant comprehend reality or distort it according to what disease they have. There are tons of crazy people some due to genes some due to being in bad environments or terrible situations they cant get over.

Honestly if someone wants to protect themselves in such a place in pl whrre crime is so low theres plenty of legal or household goods you can turn into weapons like fat mag life flashlights, homemade tazer, dazzler guns etc. Amd honestlt you dont even reallt need that. If someone starts **** with you chances are they wont have a gun. At worst a knife or knuckles but even thats rare. The worst thay happens is fights when peiple start coming out of bars and clubs. In my whole life in poland ive never seen anyting worse than fights. Even the stick up kids dont use guns and its more the threat of a group beating. That isnt the case in the us as its a different society, different mentality esp in major cities.


And how do you propose the us police fbi even army to get the millions upon millions of illegal guns off the street? 4 cops cant take muster enough balls to shoot 1 guy and take his ar away so he stops shooting kids. Amd you really think that the police and the people writing policies are going to change this? Were at a point were theres simply too many guns for that and far too much crime. People will shoot it out and often do instead of giving their guns up.

In the us esp in major cities thats simply not an option as one theres tons of goons rapists stick up kids people will shoot you over a gold cross, how ironic and all of them are armed. Now how do you deal with hundreds of thoudands of people all congregated in certain areas all with illegal guns including ones more powerful than anything cops have? The police cant protect people here esp those living in the hood.

If you want ill record a trip to the west side sometime this week so you can see the situation. Ill show you miles upon miles of open air drug markets where its basically lord of the flies but mostly kids with guns. Firefighters and ambulance get shot at when they revive overdoee victims because its bad for business and they dont like it... and you want to send cops in cops and hopefully have them unarmed? Now how do you think theyll treat cops? Theyll literally be fighting amongst themselves to participate in ambushing them

The cops dont even get out of their cars because theyll be shot at and not even know from where let alone who is shooting them.The only way you could do that is with an extreme heavy hand something like martial law in these areas and go house to house trying ti find all the illegal guns whichll never happen in the us. And trust me no politician wants to do that democrat for losing voters republican for being called racist.
Joker  2 | 2390
25 Feb 2018   #424
Don't be jealous SIP and I'm not the one complaining about firearms or America.
That's even more reason for the public to arm themselves because the police are worthless.
What if that were your school and you had a gun? I'm sure you would run as well! You ran away from your town just because someone wanted to have a beer with you! LOL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #425
That's even more reason for the public to arm themselves because the police are worthless.

And you're proud of the fact that your cops can't even enforce the law while gorging themselves on donuts and coffee?
Joker  2 | 2390
25 Feb 2018   #426
Your projecting again my cowardly friend. Where did I say I was proud? Where's your drunk friend? Did he get booted off the forum again?
25 Feb 2018   #427
But it's not just gun crime, burglaries are probably a lot more common in places where thieves are pretty sure the homeowners won't be armed...

Burglars in the UK don't rob houses where there homeowner is in. Occasional they rob while the owners are asleep.But burglary is a non violent crime, no weapons involved.

Armed robbery is something else altogether.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #428

I hate the cops here. There just as yellow bellied as the cops in florida theres no difference. They go after middle/upper middle class working people or drunks on the weekends because the state is broke and they simply get nothing out of arresting violent criminals. They have to lock em up while a speeding ticket bring them $400 with almost no cost. Even people caught trafficking are more of a target bc theyll have high restitution and oftentimes get flipped. The cops will even sooner target non violent drug dealers selling pot knwoing theres a gun dealer or maker who more often than not murdered people living right next door. Of course its not all cops some do really want to tske guns off the street but even they are realistic and see for every gun they recover hundreds more were sold illegally that day. Most of thrm though are told by their boss though to focus on one thing - bringing in money for the department. And thats what it all cones down too. Look at eben civil forfeiture laws. Cops have pulled people over even christian rock bands with jars full of donations claiming theyre drug dealers. Because its civil forfeiture and not criminal theyre able to seize all their assets even the jewelery theyre wearing and car they drive based on a mere accusation and zero proof. Cops have made billions this way by targeting law abiding citizens with no records who get pulled over for a traffic stop, searched, maybe a few grand cash is found on some businessman pr shopper or even church pastor and then all their stuff is seized even though theyll never be criminally charged with anything. Then they eventuslly give it back years later but theyll always keep a good chunk. Thatd be like if i stole your Mercedes and 100k in ur bank then settled with you to return your stuff years later but youll get a kia and 50k. Its absolute madness and yes that is why i refuse to raise a family in the us especially in any major city. Eveb alaska wisconsin vermont etc that use to be idyllic states are not crime ridden. Vermont use to be known for cheese and bucolic countryside now it's known as the fentanyl and heroin hotspot of the northeast
johnny reb  49 | 7974
25 Feb 2018   #429
Four armed officers and not a single one of them could stop or even attempted to stop the shooter, LOL!

Knowing your character would have done the same thing, ran and hid like you did when all Adrain wanted to do is buy you a cup of coffee.

I just can't picture you going face to face with a crazy person with a AR-15 after they have already killed.

And you're proud of the fact that your cops can't even enforce the law while gorging themselves on donuts and coffee?

Look who is talking Tubby, the only thing you have conquered in his life is a triple bacon cheese burger with extra cheesy fries and a 24oz. Pepsi.

But burglary is a non violent crime, no weapons involved.

And the difference is that here in the U.S. almost every home owner has a gun and the burglars know that plus the home owner here in America has ever legal right to shoot and kill a burglar if caught inside someone's home.

That is the difference between America laws and the Eurp laws.
O WELL  - | 150
25 Feb 2018   #430
Talk of Uk laws where guns are hard to find but knives are the choice.Here is how much the knife related crime in the UK compared to its Population and size with the USA
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Feb 2018   #431
.But burglary is a non violent crime

In pvssy universe maybe, if I catch home invaders it's gonna get violent.
O WELL  - | 150
25 Feb 2018   #432
No No Taking a home invader out in a body bag is non violent also.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
25 Feb 2018   #433
- bringing in money for the department. And thats what it all cones down

And may I add to that........the police would rather have soft none aggressive prisoners then hard core aggressive to take care of once they get sentenced.

The soft none aggressive want out so they pay their fines, court costs, over sight fees, humiliation classes.
The system got their money so NEXT>
They don't want the hard core criminals that have no intention of paying their fines or court costs and could care how long they are locked up with free t.v., weight rooms, free laundry, three square's a day and free health care.

The system loses money on those kind.
Adrain is TOTALLY CORRECT, "it is all about money and not justice."
That's why they don't legalize marijuana.....they make more money off non violent offenders then they would if they legalized it.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
25 Feb 2018   #434
The whole problem is that where Mr. La Pierre & Company maintain their steady mantra of "GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE", if the people didn't have the guns already in hand, probably nobody would be killed!!

Kinda a no brainer, ain't it?
O WELL  - | 150
25 Feb 2018   #435
Lyzko,Nope.People will resort to some other means like knives or forks like they do in the UK.
Also buddy ask the mayor of your town Mr Fulop,how the crime rate is in control when there is one of the highest rate of gun ownership in your county in the state.

Here is the latest news about when there are no guns
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #436

Well in a way its true. For example imagine a glock 19 tbat was manufactured today at a plant. Lets pretend it has one of two fates - being in a legal owners home/car or a teenage criminals boxers. Now that guns purpose is to take a life no ones arguing that. Thats what.guns amd concealed carry are for. A criminal will use that glock to rob shoot rivals or sell it on after it has a few bodies on it. Or a cop, a mother who was raped 20 years ago, mexican american dude living in a bad area, a taxidriver whos been stuck up numerous times etc will use that gun for legal reasons like self defense and will have it registered, will take appopriate classes, and have a foid card. Every cop kmows of somone has a legal gun because it automatically comes up in the system if theyre foid concealed etc. The cop feels far safer than pulling over an suv with tints all around driven by a person who id a known gang member and been to prison numerous times. So the cop already knows the person more likely than not has no criminal.record or mental problems. Yes, there are people that slip througb the cracks due to the 330 milliom americans in the country but the majority of the time when it displays a legal gun owners info cops knlw they atleady dont have a criminal.record altho yes some develop.mental problems or things like that arent picked up for numerous reasons including the nature of psychological.diseases, patient privacy, broken healthcare system esp mental healtg etc as was clearly the case with the school.shooter. Wby should that cop, rape victim, mexican dude be forced to give up their guns and hence lose the feeling of safety and security amd losing the abilitt to have a fighrinf chance in a life or death situation - which many legal gun owners esp in chicago face everyday. So just because some people dont like guns otgers shouldnt be able to have the ability to defend themselves in a crime ridden dangerous society with thousands of shootings 80% from illegal guns 20% in self sefense or by police when the criminals amd illegal guns would flow no matter what? Youre asking people to give up the pursuit of safety and security - happiness to most because of a personal ideological reason that you believe people ahouldnt own guns. And by you i dont mean specifically you i mean the gun grabbers. School shootinfs are a tragedy yes of course but thats no reason to prevent legak gun owners who must pass checks and take classes to be unable to protect themselves esp when so many of them were victims of something bad and or live in a very dangerous area

Trump on tv saying that both background checks will be enhanced specifically mental health will be far more scrutinized, also teachers will have option of concealed carry amd gun free school zones cancelled. A sign has never prevented a person from cancelling their pland to shoot people. A fair compromise imo given the circumstances in the us. Howeber this will face opposition both left and right.

The left does NOT talk about the cops even fbi knowing damn well he had mental problems and they did nothing. Like i said lazy yellow bellow cops.

To think a bad person wont do wicked things is madness...

Marcus aurelius, meditations
Based on stoicism the belirf people are judged bt actions and truth lies in action not words
TheOther  6 | 3596
26 Feb 2018   #437
The 2nd amendment is not about hunting or sporting. It is designed with the express intent as a final check against government tyranny.

So you really believe that a government tyranny is even remotely possible in the US? Don't have much trust in our country, have you? Or are you simply paranoid and hiding in your home waiting for the government to take away your guns and arrest you? Don't try to excuse the massacres of Sandy Hook, Las Vegas or the Florida high school with your lack of trust in our government. You are coming across as truly mental.

Trump on tv saying that both background checks will be enhanced specifically mental health will be far more scrutinized

Not really. At the moment he's planning to cut funding for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
26 Feb 2018   #438
Not really.

Yes really.
While the funding is being cut.......well, here is the rest of your sensationalized story.
The president's budget fully funds the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
The decrease in proposed funding is designed to match the level of spending requested by states that qualify for the grants.

The 2019 President's Budget proposes to reduce funding for this program because the number of states eligible for NICS Act Record Improvement Program funding is not expected to increase and the $10.0 million request is sufficient to sustain the existing level of activity under this program.

Noting that the government only funded the states that were eligible and that some states (the Blue ones) have failed to produce required compliance plans related to reporting mental health records.

President Trump doesn't spend "other peoples money" foolishly like the Dems do by just keep throwing money at a problem to fix it.
SigSauer  4 | 377
26 Feb 2018   #439

Yes, history is replete with examples of just that. I have immense trust in MY country (you're not American), and I have a healthy dose of skepticism about government and big bureaucracies as a student of history and politics. In fact your attempt at constructing more grotesque strawman arguments is only demonstrating how completely unprepared you are for this conversation and how horrible out of your depth you are. Name one person on either side of the political aisle who is excusing or endorsing school shootings and saying they're a good thing. We pretty much all universally condemn them, the disagreement is on which aspects of policy to focus in order to prevent them. You have a position, its not a morally superior position, its just a position. I am happy to discuss the particulars of each position and the policies being advanced, on their own merits, but not if you engage in sophism and straw man arguments.

Furthermore, do you have anything good to say about America at all? I'm not sure why you chose to move to a country that you seemingly have never made a single positive utterance of in any of your posts to date.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
26 Feb 2018   #440
The 2nd amendment is not about hunting or sporting. It is designed with the express intent as a final check against government tyranny.

This might have been justified 200 years ago bit nowadays this is simply laughable simply out of practically reasons. The government has now tanks, planes, drones, how do you think will some guys with guns stand up to this? We can see in Syria that a scrupulous government can stamp out any resistance as long as it is ruthless enough.
SigSauer  4 | 377
26 Feb 2018   #441
The same way that guys in man dresses and flip flops have managed to hobble the most powerful military on Earth for the last 17 years with small arms.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Feb 2018   #442
And how do you propose the us police fbi even army to get the millions upon millions of illegal guns off the street?

The reason you have God only knows how many illegal guns is because you have at least an equal number of legal ones. It's relatively easy access to guns that's the problem. So until you deal with that, your problem will continue to get worse. What would you, as an American citizen suggest as a starting point?

You mean like somebody with an AR-15 with a magazine capacity of thirty rounds with another magazine tapped to the one in the weapon.....good luck.

For that, the Irish guards have the ERU (emergency response unit) which was formed as a counter-terrorist unit back in the 1970s during The Troubles. To join the ERU a Garda must have four years experience in uniform and a perfect disciplinary record with no incidents. Because they're a small elite force, they're much more highly trained it would be possible to do if all police were armed as they are in the USA. Although the ERU has attended hundreds if not thousands of incidents throughout its formation (and including during the Troubles) they have killed only nine people and no officers have been shot. They only attend major incidents like an armed robbery but they also do house searches and arrests where gun violence is considered likely, for example if it's an organized crime gang.

There is also the regular ARU, armed support unit who are a bit less high level but again you have to have four years experience to join.

Bascially there are are heavily armed police available in Ireland for serious emergencies, but the average Garda on patrol in the street doesn't carry a gun and hopefully never will.
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Feb 2018   #443
What would you, as an American citizen suggest as a starting point?

This is the problem.... the Americans who are most in favor of gun control tend to live in urban areas and they want guns out of the hands of minority criminals but they can't say that out loud and so instead they talk a lot of smack about the NRA or responsible gun owners... good policy never comes from lies so until they can openly say that urban black and latino crime is a serious problem they can't actually address the issue.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Feb 2018   #444
'Morning Maf, how's tricks? I was just wondering how this rather old thread had got revived and I see that back in December somebody asked "how do hunting clubs work in Poland?" I think at this stage, we've probably discussed America's violent crime and gun problems sufficiently......
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Feb 2018   #445
we've probably discussed America's violent crime and gun problems sufficiently....

yeah... vast cultural rifts aren't going to be solved on an internet forum (who'd a thunk it?)

I have actually seen a couple of guns in Poland on the street (and once in the middle of an osiedle where a bunch of teenagers were admiring it).

This was back in the 90s though (maybe early naughts for the osiedle gun) and I don't go out at night much anymore...
Tacitus  2 | 1264
26 Feb 2018   #446
guys in man dresses and flip flops have managed to hobble the most powerful military on Earth

Because said military still follows (mostly) the basic rules of military conduct and fights on foreign soil with somewhat limited efdort. A tyrannic government would hardly have any of those limitations.


they want guns out of the hands of minority criminals

You still try to deflect from the desire to prevent mass shootings by bringing up migrant problems.
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Feb 2018   #447
I'm all in favor of mass shootings, but the problem there is mental illness and alienation (there's a high correlation between rootlessness and shootings) - not easily solved by taking away guns from normal law-abiding people.

And I'm not talking about migrants I'm talking about US citizens - but no one is supposed to mention differing crime rates by race/ethnic group in the US.
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Feb 2018   #448
I'm all in favor of mass shootings

Should be "all in favor of eliminating/reducing mass shootings"
Tacitus  2 | 1264
26 Feb 2018   #449
not easily solved by taking away guns from normal law-abiding people.

I never understood this argument. Even strict gun control does not mean that people loose their right to own guns. It is entirely possible for law-abiding citizens to own guns in countries with strict gun control like Germany, which has a very high gun percitizen ratio, and even in Japan. It simply takes time to pass all backround checks and tests that show that you can handle a gun. And given the low number of mass shootings in these countries, the system clearly works.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2018   #450
Idk atch. Short of putting in the national guard in every hood and a massive roundup amd forced collection of guns which would undoubedtly result in tons of deaths, I wouldnt blame any legal owner either for shooting it out when they try to take their guns or force their way without a warrant into peoples homes

And no much od the illegal guns come from robberies of gun stores cops homeowners illegal manufacture and a ton imported from the phillipines

Tbere are 3 ways you can legally acquire a weapon in pl hunting, sport and self defense. Self defense are most stringent. To have a weapon legally in poland, it is a long process involving mental checks, background checks, police statement, and fkr hunting or sport shooting you must belong to a club to which om sure you have to pay dues. The number of legal firearms is slightly increasing with 5k new registrations a year, most for hunting

Hahah germany doesnt have mass shootings but they sure as hell have mass rape, mass people killed by religiom of peace trucks, stabbings, etc. Idk anout you but id def rather be shot at than raped. Even a bullet generally hurts less than a knife wound. They may not have a mass shooting every so often but they have far worse problems with a far higher victim count and affected for more germans than a few dozen shot in a mass shooting

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