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Weapon Law in Poland: what kinds of knives are legal?

29 Oct 2013   #1
I'm going to buy a knife as a birthday present for my friend. Blade length is 3.5 inches (about 8,89 cm). It's a simple knife, not a balisong or anything. Is it legal to have such knife in Poland? Will my friend be able to transport this knife from Ukraine to Poland? Also, if anybody knows, what types of knives are legal in Poland, please, write about it.
johnb121  4 | 183
29 Oct 2013   #2
Wikipedia "All kind of knives are regarded as dangerous tools, but are not considered weapons under Polish law, so no restriction related to weapons apply. The exception is a blade hidden in an object that doesn't look like a weapon (a sword in an umbrella, a dagger in a shoe etc.). It is legal to sell, buy, trade and possess any knives, and Polish law does not prohibit carrying a knife in a public place. However, certain prohibitions in possession of so-called "dangerous tools" may apply during mass events."
OP keith_rabid
29 Oct 2013   #3
Thank you a lot, John :)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
29 Oct 2013   #4
what types of knives are legal in Poland, please, write about it

The kind you wouldn't use to kill someone despite your worst intentions.
Alien  25 | 6402
19 Oct 2023   #5
"All kind of knives are regarded as dangerous tools, but are not considered weapons under Polish law,

Maybe this should change after idiots are running through the streets and killing preschoolers with knives.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #6
I remember a Italian chef in Warsaw who would walk around with a cleaver in his backpack and said he can always get away cuz of his profession as there is a limit on the size of a knife one can carry in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Oct 2023   #7
Women are in a special category of idiots...

They love their pointy knives in the kitchen - in the open and ready in less than a second to be a tool of murder - but totally freak out at the sight of a gun - unchambered and with safety on.

Still waiting for one of those morons to recall the last time they used them to stab anything. But they look so good...I guess if he can have his crossbow she can have those pointy knives. Very useful in making a sandwich...
Lyzko  45 | 9751
20 Oct 2023   #8
A kitchen knife though is not intended as a weapon!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #9

A very dangerous weapon,so silent that you dont even feel that the arrow has crossed your body for first cpl of minutes.Once I was evicting a tenant who was selling them and boy was I scared to even go to the parking lot without rolling up my windows.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Oct 2023   #10
A kitchen knife though is not intended as a weapon!

You are hereby certified as PF #1 idiot. Now, tell those who were stabbed to death what you just told me. They will be so amused...

Since you are now officially certified, I will go slow...There are TWO KIDS OF KNIVES: for stabbing and for cutting. Are we OK so far?

The cutting type is what good people use to prepare food. The stabbing kind is to kill.

If you are stupid enough to have the stabbing kind, then it should be locked up where nobody can get it - a would-be murderer or a child. Duh!

My wife cooks often and well. In the 54 years of our marriage, she probably wanted to stab me but nothing in the kitchen. No, we don't have that stupid wooden block with ten murder weapons in it.
Lenka  5 | 3546
20 Oct 2023   #11
My two favourite knives. I cook with them every day. What do you do with your gun beside shooting?

  • 20231020_161455.jpg
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Oct 2023   #12
What object did you stab lately?
Knives first. Then guns.
Lenka  5 | 3546
20 Oct 2023   #13
Watermelon. Yesterday.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #14
Wrong one ,today,slash your wrists after taking 5 pills of Ambien 12.5 mg,if that dont work just stab yourself on the left side,wait dont do that your toe touching booblas might make that try worthless lol.
Lenka  5 | 3546
20 Oct 2023   #15
Oh what happened sweetie? Did you wake up again with the realisation what a waste of space you are?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #16
I never authorized you to fu.cking call me sweetie bi.tch.

what a waste of space you are?

Cant do something about it?lol not even that mouse to click "ban" for your brit idols.
Alien  25 | 6402
20 Oct 2023   #17
My two favourite knives

These are ceramic knives, very sharp, very dangerous.
Lenka  5 | 3546
20 Oct 2023   #18
Be careful or that vain on your forehead will pop :)

very sharp

That's why they are so good.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #19
very sharp, very dangerous.

lol Even better for her to slash her wrists :))))
didnt happen for almost 2 decades lol will not happen in future.
BTW was fun though as I was sitting right on ya nose with new account lol took me less then 30 secs to come back, bi.tch.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Oct 2023   #20
Watermelon. Yesterday.

BS. You can cut it. No need to stab it.
We just shoot them.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #21
We just shoot them.

Please make sure you shoot when she is standing and holding the watermelon with 2 hands on her hairy chest* lol.I am not worried about your aiming skills lol have seen those targets from the range lol

PS:I said chest* and not on head cuz of your shooting skills lol
Chest* with toe touching uneven booblas lol
Paulina  19 | 4548
20 Oct 2023   #22
click "ban"

That's what mods should do with you now, you psycho (if they're still around on this forum, that is).
Alien  25 | 6402
20 Oct 2023   #23
You can cut it. No need to stab it.

To cut a watermelon, you must first stab it.
Lenka  5 | 3546
20 Oct 2023   #24
No need to stab it.

It's safer to stab it first. I also cut pockets in meat with it, cut out veins with blood left over and so on.

BTW was fun though

I can imagine considering what a sad and empty existenceyou must have. I guess I will count it towards my 'help the less fortunate'.

@Paulina, we should pity that poor creature.
Bobko  27 | 2195
20 Oct 2023   #25
I'll admit I like knives quite a bit. I don't really have any nice ones, but I like looking at them. Myself, I've got a Swiss Army knife in my glove compartment (which I use once a year), and another which I keep in my fishing tackle bag.

Whenever I'm at a sports equipment store, I like to look at the expensive knives. The Damascus steel patterns are beautiful, and oftentimes the handle is a work of art. I've seen handles made from dinosaur bones and from meteorites.

Where I live, they're all very small. Quote:

Possessing a knife with a blade length of four inches or more in public places, streets, or parks in New York is prohibited, regardless of any unlawful intent, and is punishable by a fine or up to 15 days in jail.

Four inches is about the width of an average person's palm. Supposedly, this isn't enough to reach any vital organ, though I don't know how it helps with bleeding out to death. Also, I don't know why having something in your pocket that is longer than 4 inches is illegal, while having a 15 inch dagger in your kitchen is totally kosher.
Paulina  19 | 4548
20 Oct 2023   #26
@Bobko, I'm guessing it's because a kitchen is a natural environment for a knife, while your pocket in a public place - isn't. So, if someone is going out to a public place with a knife in their pocket one may assume that there's something wrong with that person, that this person my have an ill intent:

we should pity that poor creature

Maybe we should, but somehow I can't :)
Bobko  27 | 2195
20 Oct 2023   #27
So, if someone is going out to a public place with a knife in their pocket one may assume that there's something wrong with that person

Guns are illegal in NYC. So everybody has one, except for good, law abiding citizens.

Carrying a knife around, though I wouldn't do it myself, doesn't seem like such a crazy thing to do.

I've seen a few fights where knives were pulled out, and the effect is pretty much the same as with a gun - though obviously scaled down. A rowdy, aggressive person suddenly becomes docile and walks away.

Pepper spray, and other stuff like that probably has a bigger role to play though.
Joker  2 | 2449
20 Oct 2023   #28
15 inch dagger in your kitchen is totally kosher.

Poland is a safe place for knives especially since there aren't any muzzies around to attack you.
Paulina  19 | 4548
20 Oct 2023   #29
Guns are illegal in NYC. So everybody has one, except for good, law abiding citizens.

That's in the US, in Poland there's no such big problem with that.

Carrying a knife around, though I wouldn't do it myself, doesn't seem like such a crazy thing to do.

Why? What do you need a knife for in your pocket in broad daylight in a public place in a city?
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Oct 2023   #30
It's safer to stab it first.

Use a box cutter.

Them are amazing tools...You can use them to cut boxes, watermelons, neck arteries, and start a 20-year war in Asia.

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