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Unmarried father - child born in Poland

2 Feb 2023   #1
What are the rights of an unmarried father( not together) when the child is born in Poland and lives abroad. Any difference if he is on the birth cert or not?
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2023   #2
Of course there is a difference wether or no you are on the birth certificate. Both in rights and obligations.

Being mqrried would only change the fact that you would have been authomatically recognized as father.
OP Fheoeie
2 Feb 2023   #3
What rights and obligations do you have when on birth cert? Unmarried I'd imagine you still don't have guardianship and its only the mother who has it automatically?
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2023   #4
The right to contact, taking part in decision making and e.g. give permission for a passport.
Obligations- financial, becoming the sole parent in the mothers serious illness, death etc
OP Fheoeie
2 Feb 2023   #5
But the only obligation the father will have is to pay child support? He doesn't have guardianship unless the mother applies for him to have it?
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2023   #6
Both issues are hopefully sorted by parents between themselves. If they cannot agree they have to go to court.

If the father is not on berth certoficate he basically doesn't exist until the mother goes to court and points to him or he steps forward.
OP Fheoeie
2 Feb 2023   #7
But does he get guardianship when on the birth cert? In other countries it's only the mother and it only if married he has automatic guardianship
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2023   #8
What do you mean by guardianship?
OP Fheoeie
2 Feb 2023   #9
Guardianship is when the parent has a duty to maintain and care for the child's needs, make decisions such as religion, education etc. In most countries, its the mother automatically who makes these decisions only if she is not married to the father. The father does not get automatic guardianship just because he is on the birth cert. The mother would have to apply to make that happen
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2023   #10
Both parents have guardianship. It's pretty hard to enforce though when parents don't live together
OP Fheoeie
2 Feb 2023   #11
OK thank you for your message.

Home / Law / Unmarried father - child born in Poland

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