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Do Poland's taxes apply to foreign pensions?

Magician4  1 | 4
29 Jan 2015   #1
I should also add that I have a good pension here in the U.S., which would probably be a better pension in Poland given the exchange rate. I'm curious if Poland's taxes would apply to foreign pensions?
pigsy  7 | 304
29 Jan 2015   #2
Poland's taxes would apply to foreign pensions

I am not sure but if you are not a polish citizen I am sure it does not matter then.Dual citizens have to declare there incomes in both countries.
Monitor  13 | 1810
29 Jan 2015   #3
Dual citizens have to declare there incomes in both countries.

Not in every country. Poland has bilateral agreements with many countries (all EU), which allow to pay taxes only in the country where you have tax residency.
Looker  - | 1129
29 Jan 2015   #4
I found this article on a Polish website, and I hope it will clarify some things (if my translation is understandable enough)

Pensions received from foreign institutions by the Polish tax resident are PIT taxable income, as well as benefits paid by ZUS. Together with other income, taxed on general principles, they are subject to progressive rates, which is currently 18% and 32%.

From the foreign pensions, during the fiscal year, PIT advances should be accounted. If benefits are obtained through a Polish bank (foreign institution sends a pension to an account in Polish bank), then it will be paying for those advances. In another situation the taxpayer-pensioner should settle accounts himself.

It should also be noted that there are provisions of the agreements on avoidance of double taxation - in most cases pensions should be taxed in the country of residence, in this case, only in Poland. In most agreements to which Poland is a party, to the income from foreign pensions is applicable so called exemption with progression method, according to which the income in Poland is exempt from tax, but it is taken into account when calculating the PIT rate. Sometimes the proportional credit method applies. It consists that the foreign income is reported in Poland, but the PIT shall include the pension tax paid on abroad, to the amount of tax that would be payable on the income in Poland.

bullfrog  6 | 602
29 Jan 2015   #5
Dual citizens have to declare there incomes in both countries

Taxation has nothing to do with citizenship/nationality and all to do with (tax) residency, except of course for US Nationals.
pigsy  7 | 304
29 Jan 2015   #6
except of course for US Nationals

The OP is from states as he states that.
6 Jul 2015   #7
I'm a Canadian citizen receiving pension from Poland (ZUS) and just received a questionnaire asking for canadian social insurance number, apparently because of some recent requirement that ZUS must relay income info to the polish government. This is puzzling since i've been getting year end tax receipts for the pension from ZUS prior to this and don't understand what's changing. Also, how does that make them need the canadian social insurance number? I can't find anything on the form either, it's called 'Kwestionariusz dla nierezydenta'. Anyone else got anything like it or knows what it is about?
terri  1 | 1661
6 Jul 2015   #8
It all depends whether you are a Polish resident or a Non-resident. I cannot easily determine from your post the country where you are a resident.
scottie1113  6 | 896
7 Jul 2015   #10
To answer the OP's question-yes, if you receive your US pension in a Polish bank, as I do. I have to declare that income on my PIT along with income from my school and a company I have skype lessons with. I have an American friend here in Poland who receives his US pension in the US and transfers it to his bank in Poland-no tax on that.
7 Jul 2015   #11
I'm a canadian resident. the polish pension is taxed here in canada and i declare it on my canadian tax return, that is nothing new. I am puzzled as to why an additional form and information, which seems redundant since all that information was already provided on the pension application, is required now. I found no evidence of changes to taxation of foreign pensions in either country.
terri  1 | 1661
7 Jul 2015   #12
Get in touch with whoever is named on the form and ask. Ask them to quote the relevant Law for this requirement.
8 Jul 2015   #13
Thanks Terri. I won't bother with ZUS (form sender) because based on previous experience it would be a waste of time but I might try the Ministry of Finance since they wrote the law. I was hoping I would find other polish retirees here and see if others were getting the same forms to fill out.
4 Oct 2021   #14
I am a British citizen with a permanent residence permit. I am in receipt of two pensions from abroad: a very modest one from the UK and another in respect of 10 years' work in Denmark, which is taxed at about 40% at source. Both these pensions are paid into an account I have at Santander Bank. Until recently, the pensions were not taxed but in the last three months Santander has removed 1,600 złoties from my account claiming that this represents compulsory tax on foreign pensions. Can this be right? I was under the impression that foreign pensions which are taxed at source are not liable to further taxation in Poland. No one in management at my local branch of the bank will speak to me, by the way, and my only contact is with a young cashier who knows nothing of any use.
cms neuf  1 | 1907
4 Oct 2021   #15
The UK one certainly you need to pay Polish tax on though you should get a credit for any British tax paid.

You would be much better off asking your question on one of the Brit expat Facebook groups. Maybe Brits in Poland. Here you mostly get trolls and flame wars
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Oct 2021   #16
Can this be right?


Until recently, the pensions were not taxed

It took them time to find out where that money was coming in from>I will not be surprised if you soon get a letter from the tax office about the taxes owed with interest and penalty.I have friends from Australia & Netherlands,who have to pay taxes on there pension.They can use the NFZ Govt health insurance free in Poland though.
amiga500  5 | 1523
5 Oct 2021   #17
Always best to put money in a digital money account like transferwise or a bank in U.k that has a card with no foreign transaction fees and then no way polish tax man will find out.

Maybe Brits in Poland.

Is that where delph is hiding now? were prison visits to harry organised on that fb group?
jon357  72 | 23527
5 Oct 2021   #18
no way polish tax man will find out.

The Polish Urząd Skarbowy ask the UK government about British citizens in Poland, and sadly they tell all. Even a minor premium bond win (taxable in PL but not UK), and certainly about any state pension payments. Maybe 'brexit' has changed things a bit, however as far as I know the bean counters do still share tales about people's beans.
amiga500  5 | 1523
5 Oct 2021   #19
Yes, but how would would they able to tax someone if all the money is in a foreign bank account? :)
jon357  72 | 23527
5 Oct 2021   #20
They ask the bank, and the bank sadly tell them. Or they know how much went in the bank and tax accordingly.

This happens all the time.
18 Feb 2023   #21
Pension (pensions) is a part of the worldwide income subject to taxation in Poland. You are able to deduct taxes paid in the US.

Home / Law / Do Poland's taxes apply to foreign pensions?
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