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My roadbike is stolen in Poland - what are my options?

ShaqaWarszawa  1 | -
9 Aug 2024 #1
My Trek roadbile (It's a blue Trek. Domane2) was stolen from my front garden in Sayba today.
It's Domane 2 size 52 please please someone help me. As an expat I feel so helpless
Alien  22 | 5478
9 Aug 2024 #2
My Trek roadbile was stolen

Call the police, give them a picture of the bike, bike ID number, etc.
9 Aug 2024 #3
If you know where it was parked, perhaps there are public cameras on the nearby buildings so that the police could review them and possibly find out how it happened.

Home / Law / My roadbike is stolen in Poland - what are my options?
BoldItalic [quote]
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