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Putative Spouse Poland

dhjelm  4 | 24
2 Jul 2020   #1
- Is Putative Spouse legally recognized in Poland? (Refers to a spouse who cohabits with another on the bonafide belief that he or she is lawfully married to the other person.)- If legally recognized, how would one prove that at immigration?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
3 Jul 2020   #2
Are there any countries that recognize such a status ?

I'm not sure what a Bona Fide belief means but standing in a church in expensive clothes and then signing a piece of paper is one of the few things I do remember about my twenties
3 Jul 2020   #3
Yes, unmarried is a legally recognised status.
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
4 Jul 2020   #4
@cms neuf
Yes, several countries do actually. Actually I think common law Spouse is mostly used to describe such relationships. Spain as an example.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jul 2020   #5
common law Spouse i

No, it's not the same thing, not as you described it anyway. You said:

a spouse who cohabits with another on the bonafide belief that he or she is lawfully married to the other person

That sounds like somebody delusional, 'believes' they're married. You're either married or you're not. As for common law spouse, that status can only exist in a country that has common law as part of its legal system. Poland doesn't. Also, a common law spouse in the handful of countries where that status is acknowledged has certain legal rights and entitlements if they're a citizen of that country but those rights are limited and they are not treated as a full, legal marriage partner. Anyway, as far as immigration in Poland is concerned, no you can't bring your girlfriend to Poland if she's not an EU or EEA citizen, as a family member or dependent.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
4 Jul 2020   #6
There is a status of Outative Spouse in some US states I read - it means where you are married but it turns out the marriage is invalid because one of the parties was married before, because one of them thought their husband was dead when in fact he had just disappeared and various other Wild West explanations,

Bit no that status does not exist in Poland - you have to go through some hoops to get the right paperwork to show you can get married And probably they expect other countries to have the same standards.

Just put a ring on it if you are in love - that will solve all your problems with whether you are married or not.
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
5 Jul 2020   #7
You are right, What I actually ment was common law Spouse.
Thank you for the answer
28 Aug 2024   #8
I had to look up the word "putative" but now I know what it means. I can imagine it can happen quite often between international spouses. Still, in some cases both spouses may know the marriage was illegal due to the fact one of them had already been married, but it can only see the light of the day when the marriage is in trouble for other reasons.

Home / Law / Putative Spouse Poland
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