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Do I need proof of name change when registering in Poland?

Schmiznurf  9 | 31
1 Sep 2014   #1
So I was going to be registering tomorrow and I was looking at the form before filling it in and noticed it asks for previous surnames. My name was changed as a child and I then changed it myself as an adult.

Does anyone know if the documents are required, translated of course, or will just my passport do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Sep 2014   #2
I suppose that would depend on how thorough and scrupulous you are. Since your name changed as a child rather than, say, last week I wouldn't mention it.
30 Aug 2024   #3
A passport is a legal document possibly checked multiple times before approval. As long as you keep quiet, go with the name in the passport. Next time think twice before changing your name, it is stupid and causes problems till the end of your life..

Home / Law / Do I need proof of name change when registering in Poland?
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