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Help regarding Polish spouse visa issue for student of Erasmus Mundus Phd program in Poland

shawon  2 | 20
16 Jun 2013   #1
Hi all! I am from Bangladesh and going to join for Erasmus Mundus Phd program in Poland this year. I would like to know about Polish visa requirement for my spouse since I want to move to Poland with my wife. Is there anybody who can help me in this regard. Your help would be highly appreciated.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 Jun 2013   #2
This might be useful to you:

If you're doing a Masters, there may be additional funding for your wife and kids:

Good luck, and welcome to our country. You might like it enough to stay!
OP shawon  2 | 20
26 Jun 2013   #3
Dear Jon357,
Thank you very much for reply. Actually I am PhD scholarship holder. So I think funding will not be an issue. Actually I am looking for Polish spouse visa requirement more specificity. I am finding it really hard to get any information regarding that.
Monitor  13 | 1810
26 Jun 2013   #4
Here you have bunch of important information for foreigners:

Our ministry has mess on their websites, because I cannot find any webpage about this topic.

Here are general visa requirements:

Polish embassy in New York writes:
" Certificate of marriage is required only when the applicant is traveling with a spouse as a dependent or when a spouse of the applicant is a UE citizen; Certificate of birth is required if an applicant is traveling with a minor."

So I guess that you should attache all this information to your visa application. The best call new dehli embassy:
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Jun 2013   #5
Actually I am PhD scholarship holder

One of my staff, an Iraqi citizen is in your situation. The University in question is helping him with the necessary paperwork. Perhaps you should contact their admissions office or your academic supervisor - you may find they have a lot of experience with this.
OP shawon  2 | 20
26 Jun 2013   #6
Thank you all for your kind reply.I have already mailed New Delhi Polish Embassy, however, in terms of response they are very slow. No Polish website provided me the exact information. My assigned university (AGH, Krakow) can issue me an invitation letter. But what will be the case for my spouse? Will the same invitation letter work for her?
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Jun 2013   #7
It should, however you should check with AGH about past cases and maybe ask to be put in touch with somebody there who has been in your situation.
Monitor  13 | 1810
26 Jun 2013   #8
If found you a little bit of information from portal of European Union (btw. much better than Polish embassy's website)

If you hold a settlement permit, a long-term residence permit or a residence permit and have resided in Poland for at least two years, you are entitled to family reunification.

Your family members include:

your spouse;
your minor unmarried children including adopted children and those of your spouse.

Where to apply? Family members may apply for a residence permit at the embassy or consulate in their country of origin.

You may also submit the reunification request in Poland.$en&langDefault=8$en&userLang=8&languageLocaleId=8

So this describes situation when you have Visa and staying permit (which you will probably have to apply when arriving in Poland). So that means that your wife will have to join you later. Don't know If it's possible to come together.
OP shawon  2 | 20
26 Jun 2013   #9
However, New Delhi Embassy has replied to my mail and they said that my spouse can apply for visa along with me. Is there any body who has brought his spouse while first moving to Poland?
Sarah khaan
7 Dec 2016   #10
Merged: My husband have student visa of Poland for Ms , can go with him on spouse visa what r the requirements

My husband have student visa of Poland for Ms degree , can go with him on spouse visa frist time or later.... what r the requirements ...?how i can apply?
Pulak  - | 2
13 May 2022   #11
However, New Delhi Embassy has replied to my mail and they said that my spouse can apply for visa along with me.

Dear Mr Shaon

I am also a new incoming PhD student in Poland with scholarship from Bangladesh. My case is the same that I need to take my family with me, wife & 2kids. According to visa profile for Bangladeshi, I can or should be able to. I need to contact you. Did you get the visa of your family/ spouse?

Thanks in advance!
20 Nov 2024   #12
Can my family come with me to Poland if I have a student visa?

"Your family can come to Poland with you if they apply for a residence permit as an accompanying family member. You must prove your stable and regular income to show that you can support your family member during their stay. Your family can also work and study in Poland with your student visa, as long as you also have a temporary residence permit."

Home / Law / Help regarding Polish spouse visa issue for student of Erasmus Mundus Phd program in Poland

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