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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Dec 2024   #691
Poland makes firearms training mandatory for schoolchildren

We kept telling the anti-gun people that it was just a matter of time before Poland gave in.
Poland has introduced mandatory firearms training for schoolchildren amid concerns over potential Russian aggression.
The new training will see children aged between 14 and 16 years old train with guns for up to an hour a week as the war in Ukraine continues to impact Poland's borders with both Ukraine and Russia.
The "Education for Safety" program will create one-hour weekly lessons conducted in school gymnasiums.
The training will involve laser-based technology to ensure safety, with no live ammunition being used.
The curriculum encompasses firearms handling, state security education, survival skills, tactical rescue, first aid, and cybersecurity.
Students will also be taught how to assemble and disassemble weapons.

This is long over do and about time for self preservation for Poland.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Dec 2024   #692
Next time try in English:

This is long overdue and about time for self-preservation for Poland.
Joker  2 | 2447
26 Dec 2024   #693
Next time try in English:

It must be all the waves crashing over the bow of his Nice of him to cut his fakecation short to chime in on PF. It must be soooooo exciting!

This is long over do

Indeed. Trump wants Europe to fight their own battles from now on. Which is long overdue.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Dec 2024   #694
Indeed. Trump wants Europe to fight their own battles from now on.

...just like an 18-month-long pregnancy...Time to let the bastard out and fetch for himself...
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2024   #695
Poland has introduced mandatory firearms training for schoolchildren amid concerns over potential Russian aggression.

Military training with firearms is OK.
Gun ownership is a totally different matter. Do not confuse these two. One can train as a tank driver while in the army. Does it mean you can own and drive a tank as a civilian????? hahaha
Feniks  2 | 858
27 Dec 2024   #696
children aged between 14 and 16 years old train with guns

Laser guns. No live ammunition will be used.

please stay on the back page with your immature off - topic

Take your own advice for once then. Your post #695 has little to do with the thread.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2024   #697
it was just a matter of time before Poland gave in.

Not really. Military training with shooting practice was present in Polish schools decades ago, still in 1990s. Then they dropped it, probably due to lack of funds and to the false but very popular belief that Russia became civilised at last. So, we are sort of returning to old traditions. Nothing new. Still far from wide access to guns.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Jan 2025   #698
Poland is so lucky with that restriction on gun ownership. We don`t need US like massacres here.

Latest story:
"Today in the afternoon in the town of Mielnik (Podlaskie Province) a soldier of the 18th Mechanized Division carrying out tasks as part of the Safe Podlasie operation, after arbitrarily leaving the camp area with his service weapon, fired shots at a civilian vehicle and then took refuge in a nearby forest," we read in a statement by the Operational Command on the X portal.

"As a result of the search activities undertaken immediately, he was immediately captured by soldiers from the Mielnik Task Force. No third parties were injured in the incident. Initial findings indicate that the soldier was intoxicated," it added.

"The explanatory activities are being conducted by the Military Gendarmerie in BiaƂystok," it was reported at the end.

OP Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jan 2025   #699
Except for the Polish army...They have guns and the fact somebody may get hurt by accent or commit suicide means shlt - as it should should.

Half of gun deaths in the US are suicides. Good. It's very considerate to do it in your own bedroom instead of while flying a jumbo jet with 400 passengers right behind.

There should be an 800-get-lost line to assist...
Alien  26 | 6528
2 Jan 2025   #700
Then you should outlaw cars in Poland too because 15 people just died in a massacre

Cars cannot be banned, but in Germany only 5 people died, the car was smaller, a passenger car, and in the USA the car was a large pickup truck.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jan 2025   #701
Gun is just an injector. A guy who gets an injection loses the desire to harm the intended victim. Amazing how well it works...

Medical textbooks mention the head and torso as the best body parts ...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jan 2025   #702
the car was smaller, a passenger car, and in the USA the car was a large pickup truck.

So your point is that Poland should ban big guns but little guns are o.k. ?
Alien  26 | 6528
2 Jan 2025   #703
Poland should ban big guns but little guns are o.k. ?

It would be some kind of compromise.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Jan 2025   #704
For Pete's sake, can Ameriacans stop pushing their view on others?
Can you get it into your tick skull that not every society dreams about guns all around?
mafketis  38 | 11263
2 Jan 2025   #705
can Ameriacans stop pushing their view on others?

no.... they mostly can't....

Can you get it into your tick skull that not every society dreams about guns

many realize that, and some.... don't or don't want to realize that
Lazarus  3 | 364
2 Jan 2025   #706
It would be some kind of compromise.

Come now! It is the right of all free-born men to carry at all times an XM307. Next thing you'll be saying that we don't have the right to own an M29 Davy Crockett!

Can you get it into your tick skull that not every society dreams about guns all around?

My theory is that a great many American men believe everything they see on TV. So when they watch p0rn, they think it's a documentary and thus feel very under-endowed. To compensate for that they go out and buy a big gun. It's much the same reason why so many of them want to have huge trucks.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jan 2025   #707
It's much the same reason why so many of them want to have huge trucks.

Your inferiority complex brings your jealousy out, Harry.
Those big trucks you are referring to cost $80,000 which is why you couldn't own one if you wanted to.
And notice how the hot girls love riding in them compared to being picked up for a date in your little tin U Go.
Oh wait, that's right, you don't own a car or a gun do you Harry, only a sling shot and an old fat tire bicycle. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
2 Jan 2025   #708
some.... don't or don't want to realize that

Well, some Americans are so stupid they think people will be impressed by them claiming to punch nuns in the face. When people are that stupid, it's easy to see why they would want to always carry a gun. In fact, some Americans are so stupid they think people will be impressed by them claiming to have given narcotics and liquor to teenage girls until those girls are unable to fight off their sexual advances. Frankly those people should be given guns, as they're so stupid they're highly likely to shoot themselves and thus improve society.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jan 2025   #709
Well, some Americans are so stupid they think people will be impressed by them claiming to punch nuns in the face

What a smart kid...I am sure that nun didn't touch him again. I like swift justice.

Can you get it into your tick skull that not every society dreams about guns all around?

Yes, I can. A society that thinks cops are there to protect wants them to have guns. Was there ever a referendum in Poland to disarm cops?

So I have news for you...Cops DO NOT PROTECT. They come post fact to investigate how you died.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Jan 2025   #710
So I have news for you...

Great. Now can we move on and accept we don't want USA-like gun laws and view you for most part as gun freaks?
mafketis  38 | 11263
2 Jan 2025   #711
can we move on and accept we don't want USA-like gun laws

Don't ask. Tell.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jan 2025   #712
USA-like gun laws

US gun laws are fine. What's not fine is the US death penalty laws.

We don't have the death penalty. What we have is a cruel joke known as the death penalty. 30 years on death row and waiting for the next hearing...

Guns work exactly as they should. Just compare the murder rates inside police stations and outside. There is your proof.

Don't ask. Tell.

So, how is your combat experience so far? Russians were so impressed that they published a story about you on RT.

If you god forbid got wounded, who will give a medal? U, P, or the US?
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Jan 2025   #713
They have guns and the fact somebody may get hurt by accent or commit suicide means shlt

Stop twisting. The madly drunk soldier with mental problems was shooting at civilians. Now imagine that anybody can obtain a weapon. How many maniacs would roam streets to take out their life problems on people???
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jan 2025   #714
claiming to have given narcotics and liquor to teenage girls until those girls are unable to fight off their sexual advances.

That's what happened to me.
A college girl forced me into ingesting illegal drugs and then raped me when I was unable to fight her off.
I felt so helpless as the bullets in my gun were already know how weak us men can get.
And like your incident of the young lovely putting capsules of cocaine up your azz admittedly and voluntarily because your nose was to raw to snort anymore.
That was just disgusting to say the least.
No wonder Poland doesn't allow guns to rapists and druggies such as yourself Harry.
Felons in the U.S. can not own a gun or be in possession of one either.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jan 2025   #715
If guns means murders, police stations should be the killing fields. Also the gun stores and ranges.

The exact opposite is true. Those are the safest places in town.

There is a reason why anti-gun demagogues don't post "Gun Free House".
Ironside  51 | 13087
3 Jan 2025   #716
we don't want USA-like gun laws

Is anyone arguing for that? Hell, even the topic stipulated something else. If you are clueless spare us your worthless opinion based on your ignorance and misplaced feelings.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
3 Jan 2025   #717
The safest places on earth are where everybody has a gun. See gun stores and police stations. Duh!

Guns have nothing to do with murder rates. It's the skin pigment and distance to Russia.

Latvia - 2.5
Lithuania - 2.7

Iowa - 1.7
Utah - 2.0
DC - 33

US Virgin Islands (all black) - 50
Jamaica - 50
Alien  26 | 6528
3 Jan 2025   #718
safest places on earth are where everybody has a gun.

Even safer places are where no one has a gun.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
3 Jan 2025   #719
You are a moron so I am wasting my time...

What the fvck...let me try one more time dealing with an imbecile...

where no one has a gun.

Yes, genius, where guns are banned the murder rate is zero.

And that's why the murder rate in Lithuania is higher than in Iowa.

God, have mercy on these idiots...
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2025   #720
I am wasting my time.

You never do coz attention sicking needs constant feeding. :):):)

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