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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 May 2024   #631
Nobody cares.

You are exactly in the same situation. You just don't want to admit it.
Do you know what to do when two foreign drunks with knives break into your apartment?
I do.

Do Poles buy life insurance?
Do Poles have fire extinguishers?
Do Poles have police?
Do the cops in Poland have guns?
Does Poland have an army?

Why? Bad things happen so what's the point of planning for them...
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 May 2024   #632
Do you know what to do when two foreign drunks with knives break into your apartment?

Do you know what to do if a king cobra bites you in your sleep?

Do you know what to do if your shoes explode?

Do you know what to do if confetti falls from the ceiling and lights start flashing and music starts playing when you enter a store?

Do you know what to do if you're in an airplane and the person in front of you starts vomiting blood on you?
Alien  26 | 6527
18 May 2024   #633
somebody may decide that I lived too long.

The sad true is that guns won't do anything to the guy with the scythe who comes to take your life.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 May 2024   #634
That's his decision. At least here. In Europe, the King or his thugs decide for you.

I like here more. My body, my gun, my decision. I like that privacy between me and my gun dealer.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 May 2024   #635
In Europe, the King or his thugs

Who are "His thugs".

my decision

Until your government tell you otherwise.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2024   #636
Tragic news from Switzerland - a Polish immigrant who worked as a caretaker in an apartment block was shot dead by a Swiss resident who didn`t like being told off for his noisy behaviour at night.

Another sad news - 20% young males in Poland support free access to guns. Imbeciles! They don`t realise that many of them will die after being shot by crazies or simply furious attackers, like in Switzerland.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Aug 2024   #637
The American obsession with guns is mental and it will be their undoing.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Aug 2024   #638
When violent crime in "America" stops I will gladly remove the magazines from my guns.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Aug 2024   #639
Do you not think, even for a second that the violent crime in America is caused by the easy availability of guns?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Aug 2024   #640
is caused by the easy availability of guns?


Crime in "America" is caused by the easy availability of black people who are not prosecuted by woke Soros-funded black DAs.

I bought my first gun in 1984 and didn't use it to commit a crime even once. I guess that white privilege works.

There are 420 million guns in the US. The US Constitution makes it legal.

Now what?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Aug 2024   #641
30 people were shot in Chicago last week-end.
Five died.
Anyone want to guess what color these people were ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Aug 2024   #642
Anyone want to guess what color these people were?

Shooters are black.

Black victims are African Americans.

Root cause - whites and "systemic racism".
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
20 Aug 2024   #643
This fvcking argument that there are too many guns in the US is stupid and completely false. Most guns used in criminal acts were obtained illegaly through home invasion or other theft. Most of those same guns and people holding them are known criminals, and they used those guns multiple times. Guns obtained legally are not usually used in criminal acts. Simple. People commit those crimes, not the guns. I have never seen a gun just fire itself without a person being attached to it.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2024   #644
Most guns used in criminal acts were obtained illegaly through home invasion or other theft

So too many then.

In developed societies firearms aren't available to steal.

Stop trying to spread your stupid mistakes to more peaceful societies.

People commit those crimes, not the guns

They do it using guns.

Don't insult us by trying such facile 'arguments'.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2024   #645
When violent crime in "America" stops

The chance that in a bout of dementia you shoot your wife thinking she is an intruder is higher than the chance of being actually in a dangerous situation.

Most guns used in criminal acts were obtained illegaly through home invasion or other theft.

Exactly. So when people don`t have guns, thieves will have nothing to steal.

People commit those crimes, not the guns.

Yes, known fact, the same with knives etc. However, killing a person with a gun is much easier than with a knife. that is why gun killings run in thousands in the US while knife stabbings come by tens in Europe.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Aug 2024   #646
Stop trying to spread your stupid mistakes to more peaceful societies.

Who ? Switzerland ?
That is you Woke Marxists agenda on this forum so don't push it off on us.

So when people don`t have guns, thieves will have nothing to steal.

Besides their car, cash, jewelry, daughter's maiden, etc.
What a stupid statement from you Pawian.

Don't insult us by trying such facile 'arguments'.

jon ole boy, that is YOUR number one tactic here.
If you are allowed to do it, we are allowed to do it.
Remember your Collusion - Collusion - Collusion for four years none stop that was really No Collusion ' No Collusion, No Collusion Smoke screen.
While the whole time biden was colluding with China, that will get him impeached, to a tune of $30 million that was deposited in the biden families bank accounts ?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2024   #647
What a meltdown.

Some of those on the far right of politics across the Atlantic don't grasp that we don't want their problems and that there's no significant 'gun lobby' in the developed world.
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Aug 2024   #648
If you are allowed to do it, we are allowed to do it.

If the Europeans had the chance to own guns they would overwhelmingly vote for it.. You can see the jealously just dripping off Jons posts.

He dreams of owning a gun himself, but

Hey Novi, when do you want to visit the gun range again?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Aug 2024   #649
They couldn't afford to run three 30 round banana mags thru their new Ar-15 at the range.
That right there would cost them a Benjiman. ($100 usd)
Oh they would love to have the freedom to have a firearm in their homes.
With the high alcoholism rate in Poland I can see the governments point though.
If they abused firearms like they do their driving privileges it would be a totally uncivilized country.
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Aug 2024   #650
If the Europeans had the chance to own guns they would overwhelmingly vote for it

You have that the other way round: if Europeans overwhelmingly voted to own guns, they would.

Do you seriously think there are enforced gun laws where Jon spends most of his time? LOL!
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Aug 2024   #651
If the Europeans had the chance to own guns they would overwhelmingly vote for it

Major parties are opposed. We like safe environments.

You can see the jealously just dripping off

Jealous of your stratospherically high gun crime rates? Are you on drugs?

He dreams of owning a gun himself

I had a gun before in my last but one Africa job but never used it and eventually gave it back and come from the countryside anyway so am probably far more used to them than you ever will be. Like most people I dislike them and there's no reason for urban civilians to have them.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
21 Aug 2024   #652
Only one Polish politician has seriously proposed to allow gun ownership - Pawel Kukiz.

A few days later there was a mass shooting at a concert in Vegas and he dropped the idea.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
21 Aug 2024   #653
Yes, known fact, the same with knives

Not the right angle to approach when debating an American.

Poland is fortunate enough to have a very coherent nation compared to many countries (A Pole will surely disagree, since division and differences are a natural thing in Poland. If in lack of it, it's created...)

However Poland's ruling "elites" throughout last 200 years know perfectly well that without people's support they are doomed to lose their comfortable seats. No matter how much or what kind of repression is done due to mainly having very strong and populated states in it's vicinity that wouldn't mind to use and create strife to install or control the country directly how they see fit.

And... the population knows this very well. Therefore the need for individual and personal security is a lot smaller then in America as from the south to the north the greatest and useally sole reason for limitation of freedom, economy or opportunities in life are the ones who are NOT threatened by neighbouring elites or heads of state.

Therefore they must be far more aware of what is going in behind closed doors and level of paranoia is far greater then in Europe.

Also who has access to weapons such as guns and not only white weapons (swords, knives etc for all the "colour sensitives") is far more detrimental in societies that have conflicts across cultural, racial or religious lines and not only on the mere thought of ideological differences in management and goals how things should be run around.

Not to mention the military industrial complex that are the result of gun ownership and gun production. Avid defenders of personal freedom and gun enthusiasts are proponents of arm deals and gun enterprises to be sold domestically just as internationally.

U.S.A reaps many forms of rewards from having a very large military. Any major power that wants to outcompete U.S.A internationally needs to ban guns first in America, otherwise there will be partisans with guns just as "The amount of straws in the fields". No serious state would comfortably invade mainland U.S.A due to gun ownership alone.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Aug 2024   #654
if Europeans overwhelmingly voted to own guns, they would.

Europeans wanted migrants and they voted for migrants. I just don't remember the dates when they did.

Do you recall the referendum date in Sweden, the UK, Denmark, and Germany to demand more migrants?
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Aug 2024   #655
voted for migrants

Miloslaw  22 | 5206
21 Aug 2024   #656
@Mr Grunwald

A very good and thought provoking post.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Aug 2024   #657
Hey, Euros, cut the crap and stop designing societies.

Instead, tell me what you are planning to do when two drugged-up azholes break into your house.

After you tell me your plan, I will tell you mine.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Aug 2024   #658
Kansas mom sentenced to life in prison after her 2-year-old son fatally shot her 4-year-old daughter
That's what happens when morons buy revolvers instead of pistols with manual safety.

There would be no way for a 3-year-old kid to take that pistol off safety, chamber it, and fire.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2024   #659
That's what happens when

people have free access to guns.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2024   #660
20% young males in Poland support free access to guns. Imbeciles!

Not only young but oldies like shooting too. Forbidden fruit tastes the best.

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