Yes, known fact, the same with knives
Not the right angle to approach when debating an American.
Poland is fortunate enough to have a very coherent nation compared to many countries (A Pole will surely disagree, since division and differences are a natural thing in Poland. If in lack of it, it's created...)
However Poland's ruling "elites" throughout last 200 years know perfectly well that without people's support they are doomed to lose their comfortable seats. No matter how much or what kind of repression is done due to mainly having very strong and populated states in it's vicinity that wouldn't mind to use and create strife to install or control the country directly how they see fit.
And... the population knows this very well. Therefore the need for individual and personal security is a lot smaller then in America as from the south to the north the greatest and useally sole reason for limitation of freedom, economy or opportunities in life are the ones who are NOT threatened by neighbouring elites or heads of state.
Therefore they must be far more aware of what is going in behind closed doors and level of paranoia is far greater then in Europe.
Also who has access to weapons such as guns and not only white weapons (swords, knives etc for all the "colour sensitives") is far more detrimental in societies that have conflicts across cultural, racial or religious lines and not only on the mere thought of ideological differences in management and goals how things should be run around.
Not to mention the military industrial complex that are the result of gun ownership and gun production. Avid defenders of personal freedom and gun enthusiasts are proponents of arm deals and gun enterprises to be sold domestically just as internationally.
U.S.A reaps many forms of rewards from having a very large military. Any major power that wants to outcompete U.S.A internationally needs to ban guns first in America, otherwise there will be partisans with guns just as "The amount of straws in the fields". No serious state would comfortably invade mainland U.S.A due to gun ownership alone.