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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2024   #601
that although Lazarus is telling the grim truth about your past,

Wanna a bet me say $5000 just for grins and giggles jon 357.
We will let Vincent hold the money and give him 10%
Your fantasy man is in very poor health and when his name is published in the obituaries in the county news paper I will gladly take your the egg drips off your faces again. DEAL ?
Lenka  5 | 3548
15 May 2024   #602
I know...

And yet we don't have your murder rate....
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2024   #603
Because we have a Black population almost as big as your entire country. HELLO !
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 May 2024   #604
People in both Poland and the U.K. are happy with the gun laws as they are now.

People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies and so are able to settle their differences with words, or man to man if words might fail.

The sad thing is that although Lazarus is telling the grim truth about your past, present and future,

We really must not speak about his future. Jim knows full well that he'll soon be back in the place he spent five months last year, where there's no internet connection and from where his kind tend to end their days.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #605
People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies

Pussie - A Euro who begs for his life when two scumbags break into his house.
Man - An American who says "die, you piece of shyt", and shoots two scumbags who broke into his house dead.

Now that you know the difference between Euro pussies and real men, let's discuss the "statistics".
When you separate blacks from Whites, the rates are as follows:

US blacks - 20 per 100,000 per year.
US Whites - 1.7
Finland - 3.3
Austria - 2.8
France - 2.6

Can you divide 20 by 1.7 or do you need my help?

BTW, it must be a real bit*ch to be disarmed, muzzled, and still die like pussies no different than 10-year-old girls...

Oops...I forgot you can escape through the chimney...sorry...
Korvinus  3 | 629
15 May 2024   #606
A Euro who begs for his life when two scumbags break into his house.

If the scumbags cannot get hold of a gun, it is better. In the shootout a pussie bandit can get lucky.
In my home arsenal, I don't need firearms. Knives, stun gun taser, pepper spray. And fists. That is all any man needs to protect his family.

My home arsenal:
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 May 2024   #607
One shootout only begets others, much like with violence itself.
We all at some time have been violent or hurtful in pursuit of
either self defense or defense of a loved one, perhaps too a stranger.
And yet in the end, it's nothing to be proud of... merely a sign that humans
are simply higher animals, though animals nonetheless.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #608
That is all any man needs to protect his family.

Hey, Polish genius and a hero, half of the earth's population are WOMEN - those creatures with vaginas that bring out the worst in men...

When God created the first gun he meant it as the greatest equalizer ever...It's not equal rights, income, or even martial arts....It's the fvcking gun that makes women equal.

And then there are pussies like Lyzko with biceps the size of another man's wrist. And the seniors who are feeble or confined to wheelchairs - an easy target for all kinds of scum.

Didn't think about them? Of course not...So take your stupid arsenal and shove it up your ass ...

Man, do I hate stupid Polaks...
cms neuf  2 | 1943
16 May 2024   #609
Thet bring out the worst in you for sure.

That's because you are a bitter old man obsessed with LGBT

I quite like women, enjoy their company and just had a pleasant enough evening in Warsaw dancing and drinking.

You staying up for a bit more trolling at a guess ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #610
Thet bring out the worst in you for sure.

No, moron, I have 7 women in my immediate family and would kill anyone who would try to harm them. Would you do the same for yours?

Oops ...I forgot you have only fists... like any Euro eunuch...

Do you need a permit for fists in Poland? You know fists can be lethal...Ask Mike Tyson...
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #611
People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies

They seem to live in a permanent state of fear.

And it isn't as if their 'American Way' is anything special or anything people in developed societies would want.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #612
People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies and so are able to settle their differences with words,

That is ironic coming from a Euro...Almost funny if dead people can laugh...

BTW, how many wars did you have in the last 200 years? The last one took already close to a million lives. The one before that - 60 million.
Feniks  2 | 857
16 May 2024   #613
cops in the US should not be armed because humans make errors?

I'm saying that your 'sensible' suggestion of keeping a small gun on yourself at all times still doesn't guarantee you won't get shot and killed. So you arm yourself against home invaders only to get shot by law enforcement. You couldn't make it up!

It just keeps on happening again and again.

I wonder how many more dead human beings are acceptable to Novi. I think he should give us some numbers as he demands of everyone else on this forum. In addition better training for the police. Their policy appears to be shoot to kill first and ask questions later.

I have 7 women in my immediate family and would kill anyone who would try to harm them

Best advise them not to answer the front door whilst armed! Instead of the postman it could be your friendly law enforcement officers at the wrong house!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 May 2024   #614
That is ironic coming from a Euro...

They don't understand Novi.
Most are clueless just how big the United States is.
U.S. 3,810,000 square miles
Poland 120,800 square miles
Most European country's are no bigger than one of our States.
On a large part the United States is rural area's where there is zero crime.
Most shootings (70%) are in nine of our big Black democratic gang infested cities
I fear no one breaking into my home and rarely even lock it up.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #615
So you arm yourself against home invaders only to get shot by law enforcement. You couldn't make it up!

I am not a stupid nig*er. When I see LEOs I don't even have a phone in my hand. When they pull me over, my hands are on the steering wheel.

And we never open the door to a random knock. No, I don't carry a gun at home. Some do.

I fear no one breaking into my home and rarely even lock it up.

We lock everything. We sleep better that way...
Robin1988  10 | 68
16 May 2024   #616
The more I appreciate myself and my family the more I want to own a gun.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #617
What is stopping you?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 May 2024   #618
We lock everything. We sleep better that way...

Well yeah, you live in the heart of Crime Country.
I will post a picture of my two black shepherds one of these days and you will understand why there is no need for me to lock my doors at night.

One weighs 95 pounds and her brother weighs 120 pounds.
Both are very well trained to voice and hand commands and don't miss anything.
This is why I laughed so hard when the snitch joker said that he was coming to my house to attack me.
He may drive in the driveway but I promise you he would never get out of his car unnoticed.😋
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #619
One weighs 95 pounds and her brother weighs 120 pounds.

I admit that under these conditions locking the front door is not necessary.

My favorite YouTube videos are about animals. I am amazed how intelligent they are and how they bond with people who care for them. Even the wild ones like wolves...

As somebody said, the more I know people the more I like animals. I was devastated when we had to give up our cat before moving. She was declawed and nobody wanted her because of that.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
16 May 2024   #620
The ultimate in impotence - the feeling that is against nature and the instinct of self-preservation - is when a man has to ask another man to protect his woman.

That's exactly what happens when a powerless pussy calls 911.

The feeling of powerlessness is so disgusting that normal men reject this concept as intolerable and not open to debates. Begging some azhole not to rape her and spare her life is a vomit-inducing image.

Unless one is a slimy Euro bootlicker with a severe case of Stockholm syndrome...

Memo to Euros: There is a 12-step program designed to convert men from subjects to citizens.

Step 1: Get a gun.

Step 2: Shoot all royal garbage dead. These useless parasites are just paid actors. There is nothing royal about these morons. Bolsheviks were right.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2024   #621
An American woman with more balls than all PF Western Euros combined...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 May 2024   #622
I saw the original on Fox News a long time ago and the guy she shot was laying there screaming like a baby, DON'T SHOOT, DON'T SHOOT, I' AM SORRY, PLEASE DON'T SHOOT !"

The Liberal media gun grabbers wouldn't touch this story if you remember.
One more reason that Poland will eventually liberate their stringent gun laws for self defense.
So what color was the perpetrator, Novi ?
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 May 2024   #623
Poland will eventually liberate their stringent gun laws for self defense.

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2024   #624
So what color was the perpetrator, Novi ?

The color of my shyt and the IQ of my last cat, Penaut. Sorry, Peanut, I didn't mean to insult you that never killed or raped anyone...
jon357  72 | 23654
17 May 2024   #625

Doubtful going on impossible.

There's simply no call for it among the public or major political parties.

People are happy with low crime rates.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 May 2024   #626 never killed or raped anyone...

But it so rarely happens in Poland there is no need for a gun, until it happens to you.
No need for a parachute either until you need one.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2024   #627
One more reason that Poland will eventually liberate their stringent gun laws for self defense.

The right to defend my life is mine and not open to debates.

I had choices once I was out of prison known as Poland. I chose the US for many reasons. Two of them were the right to own a gun and say whatever I want. That First and Second are addictive. Europe never had those two so I am not surprised we can't communicate with them on such subjects How do you explain to a blind guy what a rainbow is?

Even in "free and democratic" Poland they have neither. In this respect, nothing has changed since I left.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2024   #628
Irony: Nobody attacked Poland since 1939. Yet Poland is arming itself to the teeth because somebody might and the US may not come to the rescue in time. if at all...

Well, Polish azholes and faggots, I am in exactly the same situation. Nobody killed me since I came here in 1967 but I am armed just in case somebody may decide that I lived too long.

Got it, morons? Or is my English as incomprehensible as Lyzkos's?
Lenka  5 | 3548
18 May 2024   #629
I am in exactly the same situation

Nobody cares.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 May 2024   #630
until it happens to you.

It doesn't happen in PL.

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