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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #361
I find it very funny that Americans push

We are just enlightening you to what you have been indoctrinated with during Communism.
This is 2024, Love, and times are changing.
Take your neighbor Finland for example so you know what and why it is coming to Poland's society too.
Finland is embarking on a national defense and public safety initiative by opening 300 new shooting ranges across the country.
This comprehensive project doesn't just aim to enhance military readiness and civilian preparedness but also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society.

As global tensions continue to rise, Finland's proactive strategy sets a global standard for empowering citizens while fortifying national security.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Apr 2024   #362
Told you- in case they meet you.

No. They don't even know I exist. Cops in Poland don't carry guns to deal with tourists.

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Apr 2024   #363
Let the record show that Poles here don't know why cops in Poland carry guns.

This means that Poles are stupid or don't know what guns are. That would explain why the Polish ruling class doesn't want guns in the hands of irresponsible morons. One day, one of them will think that a gun is a can opener and somebody might get hurt.

We, on the other hand, know very well what guns are for and why American cops carry them. We also know why we have the Second Amendment.

What I personally don't know is why the US makes tanks and artillery, but that's an entirely different subject. Strangely, Poles are too fvcking stupid to explain why their cops carry guns, but they are world-class experts on why the US needs tanks and artillery. A really weird dichotomy...
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Apr 2024   #364
Poles here don't know why cops in Poland carry guns.

Of course we do. Police officers carry guns to prevent criminals from escaping in their cars - a few shots in the tyres and finito. Ha!!
Feniks  2 | 857
21 Apr 2024   #365
refuse to connect the dots

There aren't any dots to connect. Abortion and the right to own guns are two completely different topics. As others have also pointed out.

Can't help noticing that both you and Novichok ignored my post about the 33 week old unborn child and the mother shot dead by her 2 year old son.

Nothing to say about it? Do guns trump the lives of unborn children with you two?

That shooting of the pregnant woman and her unborn child wasn't an isolated case either, there have been others.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2024   #366
Abortion and the right to own guns are two completely different topics.

I agree Karen, I was simply pointing them out for analogies of which one was an accidental murder and which one was Intentional murder.
I don't want to have to tell you that again.

That shooting of the pregnant woman and her unborn child wasn't an isolated case either, there have been others.

Really, how many because we already know that a 120,000 children in Poland were murdered last year Intentionally so please post your sources of how many pregnant women in Poland were shot Accidentally.

Man you are on the rag this morning.
No date again last night or what ? 😕
Feniks  2 | 857
21 Apr 2024   #367
how many

Unborn children are expendable? Guess guns really do trump the lives of the unborn as far as you're concerned.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2024   #368
Unborn children are expendable?

You're asking me ? 🐍
I should be asking you that since you are pro abortion and think it is a womans right to commit murder. 🐷

Guess guns really do trump the lives of the unborn as far as you're concerned.

How on God's green earth did you ever come up with that one, Karen ? 🦨
Your projections of what I think shows us how I live in your head rent free. 🤣
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Apr 2024   #369
Abortion and the right to own guns are two completely different topics.

They are the same.

If a pregnant woman has a right to kill a live human being who is a threat to her lifestyle, I have a right to kill a guy in my house who is a threat to my life.

She needs a doctor. I need a gun.

Feniks  2 | 857
21 Apr 2024   #370
How on God's green earth did you ever come up with that one,

The deflection tactics you're using.

They are the same.

You are deluded.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Apr 2024   #371
You are deluded.

OK, show me where in this sentence:

If a pregnant woman has a right to kill a live human being who is a threat to her lifestyle, I have a right to kill a guy in my house who is a threat to my life.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2024   #372
The deflection tactics you're using.

No deflection Pam, I am spot on, you are unable to counter so now you are desperate and come up with a b.s to deflect.

Better you just stfu when you don't have one of your Bimbpo's to back you up.
I am tired of your mouth so bug off and button it.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #373
Hey, Feniks, why do cops in Poland carry guns?

No, it's not against tourists like try something less idiotic.
Feniks  2 | 857
22 Apr 2024   #374
unable to counter

You haven't even addressed the subject of the unborn child that died as the result of a shooting. All you've done is to detract by asking how many pregnant women have been accidentally shot. That's not the point. That mother and child would not have died if there hadn't been a gun available.

Funny that you are so eager to condemn women for abortion but put guns above the life of the unborn child. Hypocrisy much?

I think you Americans are so used to people being shot and killed that you don't regard it in the same horrific way that non-Americans do. And you are keen to import this lunacy into Poland, a country that had only 35 gun deaths and a gun death rate of 0.08 per 100K.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2024   #375
@ Fenkis
Did you hear about the pregnant lady that got killed in a car ACCIDENT
Should we outlaw cars too?

You haven't even addressed the subject of the unborn child that died as the result of a shooting.

Thats because you refuse to address Accidental deaths compared to Intentional deaths.( ie: ABORTIONS)
Did ya get it that time ?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2024   #376

No, it's not against tourists like try something less idiotic.

You stumped her on that one Novi.
Her come backs are golden as anything is possible when she doesn't know what she is talking about.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #377
That mother and child would not have died if there hadn't been a gun available.

Mothers and children don't die where there are no drunk drivers, pointy kitchen knives, and men with fists, either. Now what?

when she doesn't know what she is talking about.

To women, feelings are facts. Debating with them is like trying to nail jello to the wall. Pussified men are not much better.

On top of that they are stupid. That's why they don't see a gun as the great equalizer and their best friend. They are also too stupid to see the trans movement as their enemy.

Instead, they support transgender "women" in women's spaces and sports to show how nice and progressive they are. "Are you fvcking nuts?" are reserved for their husbands.

To their credit, they are still smart enough to send their men to check if anybody is in the house when at 2 am they wake up because they hear noises downstairs.

They never say "Honey, just sleep...I will go and check..." Never.

Hey, Feniks, other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Apr 2024   #378
And now we are at trans again?

Gin laws in Poland- just a polite reminder.

I wonder - do the posters here think the easier gun laws should be introduced against the wish of most Polish people?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #379
Gin laws in Poland- just a polite reminder.

They have laws about gin? What about rum or bourbon?

I miss "Polish Gin" with the yellow label... haven't seen it in years.... Lubuski is.... okay
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Apr 2024   #380
Autocorrect is trying to tell me something:)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
22 Apr 2024   #381
Why not hold a referendum and then have an overwhelming victory on the subject? Instead of letting politicians decide, let the people decide. That is democracy isnt it? Just like the abortion issue. Whats the problem with this?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2024   #382
And now we are at trans again?

Lenka let me ask you, "Do you know what an analogy is ?"
Here so I don't have to keep explaining it to you.
a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

Did ya get it that time ?

I wonder - do the posters here think the easier gun laws should be introduced against the wish of most Polish people?

A few of us here have already agreed that since vodka is Poland's national drink that relaxing the gun laws for them would be a bad idea however for the rest of the responsible and law abiding citizen should have at least a choice to own a gun but you think if you don't want a gun then the next guy shouldn't have one either.

That is a typical Liberals mentality.

Analogy #2
You are pro abortion and believe in murdering babies is o.k. verses me who is anti abortion and murdering and taking lives from innocent children is not o.k.

Did ya get it that time ?
Guns in Poland killed 35 people last year and half of them deserved to die and the other half were ACCIDENTS yet 120,000 defenseless babies were killed INTENTIONALLY in Poland last year. THAT IS AN ANALOGY !

Now address that or STFU !
If you don't like me telling you what to do then don't tell me what I should or should not do.
Did ya get it that time ?
Talk about a Stubborn Polak.
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Apr 2024   #383
Why not hold a referendum and then have an overwhelming victory on the subject?

Because it's a non issue for Poles? Should we make a referendum because some people from across the globe don't like the fact we don't want to follow their laws?There is no significant movement to get it changed really. If there was a plan to change it it would be nice to get it under referendum.

To those who pay any attention to the idiots here:
There was about 1.000 abortion a year in Poland before the change in law. Even pro abortion organization talks about 2.5 k abortions in 3 years.
You have to now wonder where the morons get their numbers from.

Btw, for those who want to know this is a right wing outlet.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
22 Apr 2024   #384
JR this is a democracy - maybe not as established as the US but now 35 years old and the way we solve these problems is by elections.

Abortion is one of the biggest electoral issues in Poland today. We will use our democratic process to decide.

In the 2019 elections only one party wanted more liberal access to guns - Kukiz. However during the campaign there was another big massacre, I think at a concert in Vegas, and they dropped that policy.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #385
Other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
22 Apr 2024   #386
Two came round to mine this morning because someone had vandalized a bus stop nearby. They didn't have guns.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #387
Quoting in response to: How many police officers are in Poland?

100,000 police officers

The Polish Police is a centralized, armed, and uniformed formation. As many as nearly 100,000 police officers, backed up by almost 25,000 civilian employees take care of the safety and security of citizens and maintain public order.

Is every Pole an evasive retard or just the few here?

Other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #388
Why do cops in Poland carry guns?

Because they are entrusted by the state (which has a monopoly on the legally sanctioned use of force) to carry out duties that may require force. And the overwhelming majority of the citizenry (probably well over 95%) are okay with that.

Why are American police so incompetent that a large percentage of the citizenry feels compelled to carry around guns?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #389
to carry out duties that may require force

Bullshit. Duties that may require force need force, not guns. For example: evictions, breaking up a fight between two drunks, or resisting arrest.

Is every Pole an evasive retard or just the few here?

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #390
Why do cops in Poland carry guns?

Asked and answered.... and in legalese force = violence.

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
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