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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #331
Cut the cute crap...

Why do they carry guns?
mafketis  38 | 11260
19 Apr 2024   #332
Why do they carry guns?

It's called the state monopoly on violence...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Apr 2024   #333
why do Polish cops have guns?

I know, I know.......because they have no one to call when their life is on the line, they are the line.
Just like when your life is on the line and it takes the cops twenty minutes to show up to save you if you are still alive.

With a gun you would have had a least a chance to survive until the cops got there to save you.
Am I a genius or what ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #334
It's called the state monopoly on violence...

It's a very well-sounding term but how does that keep me alive in a country with murders? Poland has murders. Right?

Am I a genius or what ?

Yes, you are and you are not alone...

My research revealed that every single person without exceptions, before taking his last breath after getting stabbed, said this...Quoting:

Man, I wish I had that fvcking gun my gun-hating friends talked me out of buying...

...except for gun-hating Polish idiots. They, in the last seconds of their gun-hating life, were so happy to die by the no-guns rules. It must be very comforting...I have to try it...
cms neuf  2 | 1943
19 Apr 2024   #335
35 gun deaths last year means that is literally a one in million chance for your average Kowalski

We have more chance of winning the lottery
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Apr 2024   #336
how does that keep me alive in a country with murders? Poland has murders.

You don't live in Poland. It's not your business what laws Poland has.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2024   #337
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Of course I wouldn`t. I am not crazy like Novi who keeps a gun in each bedroom and even sleeps with one under the pillow. That`s American paranoia which we don`t need here.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #338
35 gun deaths last year means that is literally a one-in-a-million chance for your average Kowalski

Hey, stupid, did you know that five seconds before a knife is plunged into your gut statistical probability quickly morphs into an absolute certainty?

And that one in million probability is insignificant when you place a ten-buck bet in a casino. When you bet your life, one in a zillion odds are still too high...

Why do Polish cops carry guns? Statistically, they will get hurt by them before they can use them. Right?

Is every statistical Polak a moron?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Apr 2024   #339
That`s American paranoia which we don`t need here.


Poland has murders. Right?

Yeah but Poland is not in the same league as the USA when it comes to murders.....
You are not comparing like with like.You live in a violent country.

Am I a genius or what ?

No, you are an idiot..... Americans need guns, I can't dispute that, because you have created a very violent society.
Europe did not follow America's route and we have a much more peaceful society where you don't need guns.
I have said it before, If I lived in America,I would get a gun.
It's an American problem, not a European one, so please don't try to impose your mentality on a continent that doesn't need it.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2024   #340

That`s disgusting sucking. Yuk. Don`t you have any dignity??? : What is your background??? (:(:(:(
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #341
Yeah but Poland is not in the same league as the USA when it comes to murders.....

Ten seconds before they are murdered, they are in the same league. See Sydney.

Death feels exactly the same way everywhere and so do the regrets that you were not armed.

Americans need guns,

Everybody needs a gun ten seconds before he is murdered.
JR is right.

Make murders illegal and I will dump my gun.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2024   #342
Death feels exactly the same way everywhere

But US murder statistics don`t feel the same in Poland. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Apr 2024   #343
Of course they don't.Rich is not comparing like with like.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2024   #344
Stop sucking to me. It is really disgusting. Keep your dignity. Do you have any?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Apr 2024   #345
The Polish troll tries all types of snake like tricks,but I am too smart for him.

If he says something I agree with, then I will agree with him.

That is the difference between a normal poster and a troll.

A troll will never agree with anything you say, even if he does.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Apr 2024   #346
Rich is not comparing like with like.

Rich is comparing options.

In the US:

1. Pray
2. Beg
3. Call 911
4. Do nothing
5. Kill the POS

The beauty of the US system is that you may have four fully loaded guns on you and still act like a Euro or a Hassidic Jew. See 1 - 4. Your call...

The disgusting thing about the Euro system is that you can't act like an American and blow the mother fvcker's head off. See 5.

I like the US system more.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #347
The Polish troll tries all types of snake like tricks,but I am too smart for him.

And then the alarm clock went off. 🤣
These anti gun women are up in arms about kids getting accidently killed with guns yet they are in favor of abortion that intentionally kill 120,000 kids a year in Poland. 😨
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Apr 2024   #348
yet they are in favor of abortion that intentionally kill 120,000 kids a year in Poland.

With the restrictions as they are now...

Imagine abortion on demand, for no reason, up to the day of delivery...Then all the statistics about depression and medical complications would be out...

If you cite them, you are a women hater...

It's late in Poland...I am really curious what you are going to get back from them for this post...
Feniks  2 | 857
20 Apr 2024   #349
in favor of abortion t

abortion on demand,

The subject of abortion has nothing to do with the right to own guns. Discuss it in the relevant thread.

However, if you want to rant about the rights of the unborn child, perhaps you'd both like to comment on the unborn child that never got to see the light of day because a two year old boy shot his mother who was 33 weeks pregnant in yet another accidental shooting. The mother also died. No doubt you'll see this as yet more collateral damage.
mafketis  38 | 11260
20 Apr 2024   #350
has nothing to do with

He's a senile old man doddering around and muttering crazy things going on in his head....
dannytoro1  5 | 102
20 Apr 2024   #351
Bear in mind; it can take an eternity for emergency services to arrive in much of America. It is not merely a luxury having a tool to keep the wolfs at bay until the authorities arrive,
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2024   #352
Bear in mind [...]in much of America

Bear in mind this is a thread about Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11260
20 Apr 2024   #353
this is a thread about Poland.

Yes and the self-defense reasons for gun ownership that might (I repeat... might) make sense in the US don't apply in Poland.

Similarly the reasons that guns aren't necessary for self-defense in Poland don't apply in the US.

Different countries, different norms...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #354
The subject of abortion has nothing to do with the right to own guns.

Oh but it does, you just refuse to connect the dots because it is inconvenient for your woke logic.
Your rational is about Accidental deaths that you are not in favor of by guns yet comparing those deaths to Intentional deaths (120,000 of them by abortion) in Poland every year that you are in favor of.

Your rational that 120,000 intentional baby deaths are acceptable but 35 gun deaths in Poland every year are not.
Please help me understand that.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
20 Apr 2024   #355
But a good proportion of Poles oppose both abortion on demand and access to guns - I'm one of them and I reckon about 40 percent share my views.

They are totally separate issues unless you an American right winger
mafketis  38 | 11260
20 Apr 2024   #356
unless you an American

A lot of Americans are incapable or realizing that different countries.... are different and people in different countries have different values. They're heavily invested in the idea that their values aren't shaped by history or culture but are universal ur-values that all humans share.... nonsense but that's what many Americans believe.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #357
a good proportion of Poles oppose both abortion on demand and access to guns

I am not debating them, I am debating a Woke British feminist until you showed up to defend her.
She must be off Googling the subject.

They are totally separate issues

No no they are not if they are used as analogies like I just did.

you an American right winger

Wrong again, I am a " Proud" American right winger with lots of guns, that have never shot anyone in the last 60 years. 🤠
They just sit there harmlessly in my holster in case I do need them in a life-or-death situation.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Apr 2024   #358
Bear in mind this is a thread about Poland.

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #359
. are different and people in different countries have different values.

Oh maffy, serios;y !
So now you are implying that there are no murderers, rapes, child molesters, home invasions, sexual assaults, robbery assaults, assaults with deadly weapons (other than guns), and other deadly crimes in Europe that take the cops twenty minutes to respond to ? PffffT!

nonsense but that's what many Americans believe.

Wrong again, that is what "Most" Americans believe.
It's the Woke's that never admit when they are wrong and just keep doubling down on their b.s. over and over again until they wear you out and we Right Winger's

come to the conclusion that you can't fix stupid.
You don't want a gun then don't have one but don't be telling the next guy he can't have one to defend himself and his family just because Liberal YOU don't want one.
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2024   #360
I find it very funny that Americans push so hard against what Poles want as if it was their freaking business what Poles do in their own country

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?

Told you- in case they meet you.

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