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Getting a job in Poland with a working visa - Need legal advice...

Hustler  1 | -
19 Nov 2019   #1
Hi Guys,

I am seeking some legal advice here...

Any help would be appreciated ♥

I came to Poland/Waw a month ago with a working visa (D-06). Since then, I have been exploring the city, Polish culture and discovering cool places for myself. Simultaneously, I've been applying to different types of jobs (Intern/Junior positions). After going through a number of CV/Phone screenings, different tests and interviews I "almost" got 2 job offers. Unfortunately, in the last step of a recruitment process which is document verification, both companies and their HR deps declined my visa saying that I need to have a work permit "for general access to Polish work market".

After doing some research on Polish Labor Code, I found out that only an employer can get "work permit" ( zezwolenie na pracę). But, both companies say that they do not (want?) participate in this type of document process.

They sent me the following message yesterday:
"Dear [my name], HR Department says that you should be released from the obligation of having work permit and we cannot prepare a civil contract if you do not have a work permit "for general access to Polish work market".

My question:Is it possible to get a normal job with D-06 Working visa? What can I do if employers do not want to get a "work permit" for me?

I am really confused and frustrated.

P.S. I didn't like the work conditions of a company that initially invited me to Poland. Therefore, I didn't work there a single day.

Thank you for your help and time.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
19 Nov 2019   #2
The visa is specific to the employer - since you left that job you need to start from scratch or maybe find an employer who is willing to go through the process for you. It is quite a lot of effort for the employer and being as you already left one job they might be worried that you will be wasting their time.

There are others here who will give you more precise advice.
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Nov 2019   #3
My question:Is it possible to get a normal job with D-06 Working visa?

Yes If you find an employer who is willing to go through the arduous process of obtaining a work permit to hire you. However, it is extremely unlikely that they will go through the trouble of doing so for someone at the intern/entry level.

What can I do if employers do not want to get a "work permit" for me?

Nothing at all in Poland. Return to your country of origin and start all over again.
20 Nov 2019   #4
Your original employer is obliged to inform (within 7 days) urzad wojewodski that you didn't take up the job for which you got your work permit, so your work permit and D 06 visa are probably already void (or in the process of becoming void). Better check with urzad because your stay in Poland may be illegal.
Jatinder_Singh77  - | 3
3 Nov 2020   #5
The visa itself doesn't allow you to work in Poland. Usually, you need to have the additional document which is called the work permit. For me I cooperate with one company who did the work permit for me. The company is Audytowanie. I also did my residence card with them. They work pretty fast and always replies to my calls if I have any question which is rare in Poland:)) Because before I worked with another agency, and they never contacted me, it was just not possible to reach them.

However I also know that in some case you don't need the work permit, so I think you better go to the lawyer and discuss yours situation specifically.
moondoggie  - | 26
3 Nov 2020   #6
funny how Indians think it is OK to colonize Poland by vicious racist job discrimination against Poles in their own country, dont worry when first terror attack in Poland you guys will be made to feel very unwelcome
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Nov 2020   #7
when first terror attack in Poland you guys will be made to feel very unwelcome

It seems you can`t wait to see the first succesful terrorist attack in Poland. Are you getting ready for it, so that you can immediately go out onto streets to plunder Indian businesses and murder their owners?

But remember, if you try to do it, decent Poles will stand in your way. And they won`t be bare-handed. I am just warning you.
moondoggie  - | 26
3 Nov 2020   #8
libtards like yourself will be responsible by inviting and encouraging the 'diversity' rulez right? Plus you are not Polish, move to Israel and enjoy segregation and apartheid mixed in with a dose of ethnic cleansing. No plunder or attacks, just had in mind shunning and lots of dirty looks, plus seems you support the terror and encourage it in your hatred of Poland
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Nov 2020   #9
Plus you are not Polish, move to Israel

hahaha I knew you would use that old argument, nazi boy. But you should realise it discredits not only you but also your opinions. Reasonable people read them and know the case is closed. Simple.

like yourself will be responsible by inviting and encouraging

Really? I thought it was PiS who have invited the biggest number of immigrants ever. Much more than previous governments. It is well documented.

just had in mind shunning and lots of dirty looks,

hahaha shunning and dirty looks by Nazis? No, you dream of another Crystal Night.

Home / Law / Getting a job in Poland with a working visa - Need legal advice...

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