A few years ago certain printer refused to make LGBT leaflets. He was sued for illegal segregation of clients and after a few initial convictions, even by the Supreme Court, he was eventually acquitted by the Constitutional Tribunal led by rightist PIS nominees.
Read about it here:
That`s what PiS Justice Minister said:
"I would like to say that everybody is entitled to freedom and nobody, using slogans of tolerance, should use the apparatus of the state to force others to violate their own freedoms, be it freedom of conscience, freedom of religion or economic freedom," the minister added.
That ruling opened the door to public segregation of clients. No wonder more and more such cases are taking place.
One of them: certain restaurant owner refuses to serve the police (with their families!!!) in reprisal for their brutal actions against the society. His exact motives are: beating and tear-gassing people/ harassing enterpreneurs/cultivating the traditions of communist riot police.
Read about it here:
That`s what PiS Justice Minister said:
"I would like to say that everybody is entitled to freedom and nobody, using slogans of tolerance, should use the apparatus of the state to force others to violate their own freedoms, be it freedom of conscience, freedom of religion or economic freedom," the minister added.
That ruling opened the door to public segregation of clients. No wonder more and more such cases are taking place.
One of them: certain restaurant owner refuses to serve the police (with their families!!!) in reprisal for their brutal actions against the society. His exact motives are: beating and tear-gassing people/ harassing enterpreneurs/cultivating the traditions of communist riot police.