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Cops in Poland

20 Feb 2022   #1
Do cops in Poland beat people into confessions like it used to be in the U.S. in te 80s during the drug war? I have some weird feeling it happens a lot because in America cops are too worried about being sued now or losing their jobs but I guess in Poland its like that? Like for instance, look at the outrage george floyed has caused in the usa. I mean things changed there in that sense. But also I have a feeling it happens because the laws are super laxed in Poland when compared to the US for the most part outside money crimes or tax evasions or zus fraud or anything against PiS or the govt so I have a feeling they just beat people into confessions and its like taking a plea bargain no?
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Feb 2022   #2
Do cops in Poland beat people into confessions

not typically - but you can be sure they would beat you if you cross their path
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Feb 2022   #3
Lol! Good one, Gumi :))
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 Feb 2022   #4
they would beat you if you cross their path

Not necessarily. They can beat you if you protest against the government or in favour of the Opposition.

Support the police - beat yourself up!
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Feb 2022   #5
They can beat you if you protest

I think you are a bit exaggerating - but well - maybe you cannot be yourself without
Novichok  4 | 8478
21 Feb 2022   #6
but you can be sure they would beat you if you cross their path

Lol! Good one, Gumi :))

No, it's not. "Cross their path" is not a legal term - just meaningless evasive Polish poetic crap.
21 Feb 2022   #7
lol what a come back "tney dont but theyll to you" like some sort of a threat form a halfwit retard.

I made this thread as a joke or due to the belief that usually countries filled to the brim with cons but with lo sentences or policing the ay they become filled to the brim is with forced confessions.

Home / Law / Cops in Poland

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