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The best job in the World - Polish farmer.

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Oct 2010   #31
it doesn't help the farmers, does it...?

Not really, it's the opposite way around, for free range a farmer must pay even more of a percentage of his intake to buy suitable food, crop, ect.
pgtx  29 | 3094
19 Oct 2010   #32
well, i still think they should be cheaper... :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Oct 2010   #33
So rear your own then, you will see it's not that cheap ;)
20 Oct 2010   #34
Lets get back to Polish reality, do you want to pay 3 PLN at carrefor for 12 farmed eggs or do you want to pay 11 PLN for 8 organic eggs?

I know the answer, but my wife does not and she orders the shopping.
convex  20 | 3928
20 Oct 2010   #35
want to pay 11 PLN for 8 organic eggs?

People are willing to pay for it at Alma at least. It's picking up slowly but surely. People are actually interested in the quality of meat now! Restaurants buying grass fed beef for instance.
20 Oct 2010   #36
I agree, my wife only buys organic products, or from the farmers outside of Warsaw. I just don't trust the quality in PL. I know the reality they are all out to make a fast buck. Buying eggs from your neighbors and selling them as stamped organic because you are certified, would be something I expect in PL.
OP enkidu  6 | 611
20 Oct 2010   #37
Buying eggs from your neighbors and selling them as stamped organic because you are certified, would be something I expect in PL.

That is possible.

On the other hand, comparing to western standards, its fair to say that the majority of Polish farms are in fact "organic". Certificate is just a piece of paper.
23 Oct 2010   #38
I say the best job in Poland is wildrowers, he is in the process of becoming a movie star,he has women adoring him from as far as Moscow, he is a biker by day, an internet guru by night, and all under the fall of the apple trees.

Some of us have to work in the city...
Pinching Pete  - | 554
23 Oct 2010   #39
,he has women adoring him from as far as Moscow

.. even though his main diet is beans.. he is truly a skilled human being.
23 Oct 2010   #40
Maybe she thinks he is sitting on a new alternative energy. These yorkshire men are a wee bit canny.

majority of Polish farms are in fact "organic". Certificate is just a piece of paper

That is a nonesense you have use cheap pesticide's for on your land for many years. The only god thing is that products are grown and animals farm in a semi natural way, but that is al about money and the small holdings farmers have.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
23 Oct 2010   #41
I wonder, is there some possibility of converting what use to be a farming property into some sort of a recreational area? In the future i might find myself in the position of inheriting some land around Podhale, about 7Km from Zakopane, i wonder what can be done with it, apart from selling of course.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
23 Oct 2010   #42
- Average farm in Poland is 10,23 ha (102300 square meters).

In the States farming 25 acres can get you $100,000.00. Truck farming (vegetables) and selling them at a farmers market or selling them to local restaurants, grocery stores. 12 hour days March through October and than you get the winter off. Farming can be quite lucrative.
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Oct 2010   #43
at my gandmother's farm, the villagers worked together. At harvest, they would get together and attack each field en masse, until they were all done. And then they would party for a month.

And then the winter, which really sucked.
1jola  14 | 1875
23 Oct 2010   #44
at my gandmother's farm, the villagers worked together.

Ah, the PGR was a beautiful thing, huh? That team spirit.
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Oct 2010   #45
This was not a PGR. Those were small family owned farms. My grandmother subsidized her retirenment by selling off pieces of land until she died.
28 Oct 2014   #46
ı'm turkish and ı am tring to learn (polish) farmer's social security. can u help me to find a english web site. ı found krus and zus or something like that. what is the differens between zus and krus? ıf ı am not wrong farmers just paid tax for have social security rights. thats all?
pawian  226 | 27558
25 Jul 2023   #47
Not so much. Under current PiS` rule, farmers are experiencing hard times.

Certain grower put up a notice in his 1-hectar red currant field: Pick for free without questions.
Interrogated by reporters, he said he can`t afford hiring a machine to pick the fruit.
Thank you, PiS!

  • 1.jpg
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Jul 2023   #48
red currant

They already look terribly sour.
pawian  226 | 27558
25 Jul 2023   #49

You speak like a fox from La Fontaine`s poem. Except it looked at grapes. :)_:)
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Jul 2023   #50
speak like a fox

As long as you can understand me, everything is fine.

Home / Law / The best job in the World - Polish farmer.

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