Temporarily thrown off by adjectival phrases such as "...polskomowiacy = [a, the] Polish speaking man, which is technically not a gerund
Yup -ący (masculine singular and plural virile), -ąca (feminine singular), -ące (neuter singular and plural nonvirile) etc are adjectivals derived only from only imperfective infinitives, hence there's only "Widzący", "Widząca", "Widzące" etc., and no such thing as "Zobaczący", "Zobacząca", "Zobaczące" etc...just like no such thing as adverbial "Widziawszy", although I think the imperfective-only infinitive "Być" is the only imperfective infinitive I've ever seen that has both forms of adverbials "Będąc" (imperfective) and "Bywszy" (perfective). I've seen only "Będąc" used mostly in demonstration sentences, and I've never seen "Bywszy" used. Unlike the adverbials I demonstrated in my previous postings, the adjectivals are gendered and have grammatical cases/declensions, and if immediately preceded by "Subject + Participle/Verb Tense + Object (if object is even applicable, depending on sentence)", this time the adjectivals aren't immediately preceded by a comma. Shown below are demonstration sentences of adverbial "Będąc" and adjectival "Będąc + Adjectival Declension Suffix (depending on gender and grammatical case/declension)", using "to see" imperfective "Widzieć" and perfective "Zobaczyć" (As I previously mentioned, I'm not sure if it's proper grammar to use infinitive-derived adverbials/adjectivals in first-word positions in Polish sentences, and so this time I just omitted those sentences altogether):
"Widzę Adama, będąc jego/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I see Adam (by way of, when, while) being his (male) employee"
"Widzę Adama, będąc jego/swoją pracownicą/pracowniczką"---> "I see Adam (by way of, when, while) being his (female) employee"
"Zobaczyłem Adama, będąc jego/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I saw Adam (by way of, when, while) being his (male) employee"
"Zobaczyłem Adama, bywszy jego/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I saw Adam (after already) being his (male) employee"
"Widzę Adama będącego pracownikiem"--->"I see Adam (who is) being an employee"
"Zobaczyłem Adama będącego pracownikiem"---> "I (male) saw Adam (who is) being an employee"
"Widzę Teresę, będąc jej/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I see Teresa (by way of, when, while) being her (male) employee"
"Widzę Teresę, będąc jej/swoją pracownicą/pracowniczką---> "I see Teresa (by way of, when, while) being her (female) employee"
"Zobaczyłem Teresę, będąc jej/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I saw Teresa (by way of, when, while) being her (male) employee"
"Zobaczyłem Teresę, bywszy jej/swoim pracownikiem"---> "I saw Teresa (after already) being her (male) employee"
"Widzę Teresę będącą pracownicą/pracowniczką"--->"I see Teresa (who is) being an employee"
"Zobaczyłem Teresę będącą pracownicą/pracowniczką"---> "I (male) saw Teresa (who is) being an employee"
"Nie zobaczyłem Teresy będącej pracownicą/pracowniczką"---> "I (male) didn't see Teresa (who is) being an employee"