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A similar expression in Polish?

neelie  3 | 12
20 May 2024 #1
A comfort blanket is an expression for something that a person is attached to because it gives them a feeling of safety or security. ... I know the direct translation is 'kocyk komfortowy'. I wonder if there is a similar expression in Poland which more or less means the same thing? Thank you.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
20 May 2024 #2
Entirely possible, although I'm not a native speaker.
29 Jul 2024 #3
"Kocyk komfortowy" (or rather "Komfortowy kocyk").. I've never heard of it as it is indeed a literal, but meaningless, translation. How about "pociecha" (it's often expressed by parents towards their children). But there may also be something else.
pawian  220 | 24842
29 Jul 2024 #4
In our family we say: mój ulubiony kocyk - my fave blanket and everybody knows why.

Home / Language / A similar expression in Polish?
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