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Polish pet names

sagenod  - | 2
20 Feb 2013   #1
[Moved from]:

A name for a pet from Poland?

Hi I'm new here. I am wondering if Jesień can be used as a person's or pet's name? If so, would it be for a male or female and what would a nickname be?

Gregrog  4 | 97
20 Feb 2013   #2
Persons name? Rather not. Surname - yes.
For pet? Why not?
sagenod  - | 2
20 Feb 2013   #3
Thank you!

I don't know why it's showing a '?' instead of an accented n
21 Oct 2014   #4
My wifes name is Paulina... to who would it be appropriate to call her Paulinka?

in what situation, if at all would it be appropriate for a male friend to address her as Paulinka
smurf  38 | 1940
21 Oct 2014   #5
Every single situation ever
21 Oct 2014   #6
lol... well that solves that!.... thank you

I thought that it was only for lovers and mothers to use..... would there be a specific diminutive of her name mostly reserved for a boyfriend/lover/husband?
21 Oct 2014   #7
A little girl in the village who's family we know calls me Steve-cho she sometimes good or I won't call you Steve-cho sweet
smurf  38 | 1940
21 Oct 2014   #8
naw, haha, joking aside someone who has a close relationship with her, friend, family etc :)
Insomnia  - | 1
21 Oct 2014   #9
Every friend could call her Paulinka. It doesn't depend on sex. There's no specific diminutive reserved for woman's/man/s partner. You can call her whatever you like. You can call her honey, baby (kochanie), kitty (kotku) etc.
Paulina  18 | 4538
21 Oct 2014   #10
I thought that it was only for lovers and mothers to use..... would there be a specific diminutive of her name mostly reserved for a boyfriend/lover/husband?

No, Insomnia is right.

Btw, to be honest "Paulinka" sounds a bit childish (at least to me), usually only my aunts call me like this lol (except for the one that calls me "Paula"). My female cousins, who are younger than me, call me "Pauliś" (in case you would like to use something even more diminutive and familiar than "Paulinka") ;)

usually only my aunts call me like this lol

And my uncles (sorry, I forgot about them lol).
TOM 5000  - | 3
22 Oct 2014   #11
I am the original poster, but had to change my name when I signed up as member... Would "Paulina" or "Insomnia" be willing to look at a copy of an email chat in Polish and tell me if I have anything to worry about from its content? I do not need a translation, just an opinion and perhaps some insight to the areas that may be questionable for a husband to run across...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
22 Oct 2014   #12

As a Brit - so my view is not much use here - except that you clearly are too - but I would have thought that friends (or socially aware work colleagues) would likely call her Paulinka. What's with the suspicion?

Of course, if you're in love with a beautiful woman..............well - you know the song.

I think you would have real problems if you did not care either way - so my two-pennyworth is to ignore things you "stumble across". Spoken from experience.
TOM 5000  - | 3
22 Oct 2014   #13
I appreciate the message Doug... To clarify a bit without going into detail... The question in regards to "Paulinka" was a small question about a situation that is quite a bit bigger... My wifes email chat is something she voluntarily, though reluctantly allowed me to take possession of... The reasoning being due to some recent issues we have run into... My suspicion is well founded I believe, though hopefully will turn out to be nothing at all... If that is the case, then I will be in the wrong, and will admit that to her... I was always taught to "trust, but verify"...And that is what I am doing now... My Gut usually steers me the right way, but not always! :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
22 Oct 2014   #14
Well - the very best of everything to you both mate - I really mean that. I hope all goes well for you. This internet malarkey has a lot to answer for, but it doesn't pay to be too suspicious. Just work it out together, and have fun making up. I always thought a dimunitive was just being friendly. Poles generally are so bloody formal til you get to know them, and yet students are taught at school about the British stiff upper....

I would have thought that lower register names - like "Danka" for Danuta, or "Janek" for Jan, are just that - a form of comraderie for a work mate or a friend, nothing more.

Best of luck.
TOM 5000  - | 3
24 Oct 2014   #15
I am the original poster of this thread, but my screen name changed when I signed up...

Are there any native polish speakers that would be willing to take a look at an Email/chat thread for me? I have copied it into one document, and can copy it to you through a personal message. My wife and her "Friend" used email to basically text from their phones, so they are not letters back and forth, but rather short text type messages... Forum member "INSOMNIA" was going to help, but she must not have been online in a couple days... I do not need a full translation, but rather somebody to look through it and point out any parts or statements that would indicate infidelity in a marriage. My wife has already admitted to being unfaithful (just a kiss supposedly), but I do not trust this and would like to know just how far she took it. This was given to me reluctantly her after multiple requests, but I feel she doesn't believe I will be able to properly read any of it.... This is not something that I take lightly, and am very saddened by this, so please refrain from negative comments!
Paulina  18 | 4538
25 Oct 2014   #16
OK, Tom, send it to me, I'll take a look.
pawian  226 | 27546
19 Mar 2023   #17
This is Maxima constrictor - maximum strength, zero waste.
She observes me day by day, night by night. I feel uneasy at times.

  • 1.jpg
Alien  25 | 6402
19 Mar 2023   #18
She observes me day by day, night by night

Hi Boa, enjoy your meal.
6 Sep 2024   #19
These days Poles are original in naming their pets. Some names make no logical sense, are foreign names, or they use human names (which I don't personally like).
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
18 Nov 2024   #20
I had all black cat, it was super <3
jon357  72 | 23520
18 Nov 2024   #21
They are. They're special animals.
pawian  226 | 27546
21 Jan 2025   #22
The pet name is Moddie from the Polish word modliszka aka mantis

Where is Moddie in the second pic???

  • a

  • a
Alien  25 | 6402
21 Jan 2025   #23
Where is Moddie

On the hand. Strange name Moddie, not Polish.
pawian  226 | 27546
21 Jan 2025   #24
No, it only looks like a hand. Hence my riddle. :)::):):)

Actually, I anglicized the name for our non Polish readers. It is Modi, in fact.
pawian  226 | 27546
22 Jan 2025   #25
An interesting article about names given to dogs by higher class owners in old Poland.

Nobility kept dogs mostly for hunting.

And so, for example, the author mentions the hunting dogs belonging to King Stefan Batory. Śmiga Obrócica, Karwat and Szukaj. It is also interesting that specific names were given to specific breeds.

Hounds were most often given names: Cymbał, Grzmilas, Zagraj, Buffon;
greyhounds: Dzidka, Lotka, Dolot, Doskocz, Sokół, Sarna, Strzałka, Igła, Śpilka, Pytel, Capaj, Chwytacz, Łapaj, Porwisz, Zoczna.
Legawy dogs, i.e. those that set up game during the hunt using the "upper wind", were usually given names from birds, e.g. Bekas, Słomka, or Sokolik.,nId,7896724
jon357  72 | 23520
23 Jan 2025   #26
Nobility or Szlachta?

Personally I prefer human names for dogs.
pawian  226 | 27546
23 Jan 2025   #27
Nobility or Szlachta?

Nobility is a wider term which covers both magnates and szlachta. I am surprised you had no idea. Amasing!
mafketis  38 | 11199
23 Jan 2025   #28
Nobility is a wider term which covers both magnates and szlachta

"magnate" in modern English almost exclusively refers to business magnates (aka moguls, tycoons).

I've never heard used in English to refer to nobility. This might have to do with that class of nobility being eliminated by Henries VII and VIII (per wikipedia).
jon357  72 | 23520
23 Jan 2025   #29

It really doesn't. A society's nobility were the top 2 or 3%

The Polish szlachta were 18% of society before their status abolished many many years ago.

Gentlefolk is a better translation, or simply the privileged classes.


As Maf says, that doesn't fit. You are translating from the Polish word magnate which is a false friend. For them, you could use the term nobility or better aristocracy (who do not need to have a title of their own).
pawian  226 | 27546
23 Jan 2025   #30

Bs. You have no idea.

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