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jedzie ? ci ludzie ? czym ?

indy912  3 | 15
7 Dec 2014   #1
would love an explanation on these word please and how jedzie differs from isc / ide ?

OP indy912  3 | 15
7 Dec 2014   #3
and jechac ?

also czym?

thank you looker
Looker  - | 1129
7 Dec 2014   #4
and jechac ?

jechać is infinitive form of driving. Let me make the declension of the word:

ja jadę
ty jedziesz
on,ona,ono jedzie
my jedziemy
wy jedziecie
oni jadą

also czym?

For example:
Czym jedziesz? It can be translated like: What are you using to drive with?
czym? = (more less) - with what?

ci ludzie = those people

I'm not fluent in English so there may be some mistakes in my translations, sorry..
kpc21  1 | 746
7 Dec 2014   #5
"Jechać" is not necessarily "to drive", it is a general word meaning "to go by or ride any vehicle or animal". As a passenger too.

"Czym jedziesz?" - "What do you ride?" or "What do you go by?". Expected answer - by car, by bus, by train, by plane etc. Or in another context - I drive BMW / Ferrari / Fiat 126p. I can imagine also a situation in a movie with action happening on a desert in the past, where expected answer could be - I ride a horse / a camel etc.
OP indy912  3 | 15
8 Dec 2014   #6
thank you , your have made all those words very clear to me . you are good people to take the time to answer and explain.
MasterSolivagus  - | 14
17 May 2024   #7
Agreed. I accept and embrace this style of sharing and soothing and succumbing to each other. I do believe this is a wonderful moment, even for myself, 10 years reading these words after the person who wrote them that will realistically never read my words in response. Yet... here I am. Rzeczywiście piękny język....
Lyzko  41 | 9563
17 May 2024   #8
"Czym" = with what

Ex."Czym moge sluzyc?" = (lit.) With what may/can I serve? aka "May I take your order?" or "And what would like?"
Lyzko  41 | 9563
17 May 2024   #9
"And what would YOU like?", sorry LOL
MasterSolivagus  - | 14
18 May 2024   #10
Tylko w języku angielskim i indonezyjskim mogę polegać na moich krewnych... przepraszam za to! 😐
Lyzko  41 | 9563
18 May 2024   #11
Dlaczego przepraszasz. MasterSolivagus?

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