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POLISH INSULTS....know any good ones...?

wildrover  98 | 4430
12 Apr 2011   #1
We have had a thread with some not too nasty Polish swear words on , but lets have a few really good Polish insults with English translation please....

What are good things to yell at other motorists in Poland , what witty little retorts are going to get your faced punched in at the local bar...?

We need to know these things...
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Apr 2011   #2
What are good things to yell at other motorists in Poland

Bucu francowaty! ?
asik  2 | 220
12 Apr 2011   #3
Bucu francowaty! ?

Not really. It won't make others angry but it'll be fun to hear a foreigner, trying to say "francowaty" :) or any other bad word.

Like in the movie " Kilerow dwóch" :

strzyga  2 | 990
12 Apr 2011   #4
What are good things to yell at other motorists in Poland , what witty little retorts are going to get your faced punched in at the local bar...?

I can't believe you haven't heard any in your part of Polish backwoods. The countryside ones are the best.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
12 Apr 2011   #5
I can't believe you haven't heard any in your part of Polish backwoods.

Funny enough they are quite polite around here... Kurwa yabbana hoo yoo...
12 Apr 2011   #6
What taboo phrases would you utter seeing those monstrosities?

Spółdzielczy Dom Kultury "Kukułka"?
THE HITMAN  - | 236
12 Apr 2011   #7
pocałuj mnie w dupę ......... kiss my ass. That might get you a punch in the face at the bar.

Ty ślepy kutas ........ You blind prick, to a motorist is a nice one.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
12 Apr 2011   #8
kiss my ass. That might get you a punch in the face at the bar.

Be carefull its not a gay bar though...!
JonnyM  11 | 2607
12 Apr 2011   #9
Ty ropucho bagienny!

A good insult is not just the well known 'kurwa mać', but 'kurwa twój mać, jebana w każdym dziurze nawet w ucho'. I heard a taxi driver say it not long ago.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
13 Apr 2011   #10
Wyspierdalaj! (Get the fuck out of here!)

Spierdalaj ty kurwo! (fuck off you whore!)

But more vulgar than the english translation.

Or why not just, spierdalaj!

However, I can't recommend the use of these expressions.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
13 Apr 2011   #11
Hee hee...some good insults coming up on this thread.....

Two years ago a lady friend of mine was working as a teacher in a Polish army camp , her job was to teach the Polish soldiers some basic English , seeing as Poland is all part of NATO and that....

After the official lesson ended , some of the soldiers wanted to learn some of the naughty English words , and insults.... she taught them a few good ones....

An hour later the Poles used some of their new language skills on some British soldiers that were resident in their army camp....the epic punch up...!

My friend was told not to teach them any more bad words....
23 Aug 2013   #12
We always call the polish guy at work 'German' he gets quite upset,

but at least we have fun!
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Mar 2024   #13
Let the dog fekk you shortened to Dog Fekk You is a traditional insult, even as old as 19th century.

In August 1914, soldiers of Józef Piłsudski's 1st Cadre Company fought in the Russian partition, in the Kielce region. Its members consisted of young intelligentsia from Krakow, brought up in the Young Poland movement and patriotic tradition. They were disappointed: instead of joining Piłsudski's troops and starting an anti-Russian uprising, the inhabitants of the Russian controlled Kingdom of Poland were hostile to them. The bitterness was reflected in the March of the First Brigade song (We, the First Brigade...) . One of the stanzas was:

We don't want recognition from you anymore,

Neither your words nor your tears.

The days of knocking to your hearts

are over - let a dog fekk you!

jon357  72 | 23361
20 Mar 2024   #14
Dog Fekk Yo

My favourite is " Jak Cię jebnę, to się zesrasz".
Alien  25 | 6353
20 Mar 2024   #15
Jak Cię jebnę, to się zesrasz".

I would suggest: Jak cię kopnę to się zesrasz, or: Jak cię jebnę to się wykopyrtniesz.

Home / Language / POLISH INSULTS....know any good ones...?

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