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Good Polish Music To Help Me Learn?

Simon1  5 | 12
8 Nov 2016   #1
Hey, I am wondering if anybody could help me to find some good Polish music? I would like it to play whilst I am int he gym or driving. I have been listening to Marek Grechuta and I really enjoy it. I really appreciate how I am able to hear his lyrics nice and clear. So if you could let me know what you would recommend that would be great.

Thank you all so much in advance

gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Nov 2016   #2
So if you could let me know what you would recommend that would be great.

Maybe try Maanam - the singer Kora used to sing quite clear
OP Simon1  5 | 12
8 Nov 2016   #3
Maybe try Maanam - the singer Kora used to sing quite clear

Thank you kindly, I am currently downloading this. It is very clear and I am able to understand. If anyone thinks of anymore examples I would really appreciate it.

Dziękuję bardzo

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
8 Nov 2016   #4
I have been listening to Marek Grechuta and I really enjoy it.

I think you should try Ewa Demarczyk.
gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Nov 2016   #5
If anyone thinks of anymore examples

I am a little bit biased so you have to judge Renata Przemyk for yourself - for me the lyrics are pretty clear but well I am Polish

OP Simon1  5 | 12
8 Nov 2016   #6
I think you should try Ewa Demarczyk.

Thank you so much.

Keep them coming, I appreciate all your help!
gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Nov 2016   #7

perhaps Stanisław Sojka is not the clearest of the artists - but this video has lyrics so it should be of great help

gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Nov 2016   #8

this singer is not perfectly clear so this might be a bit of a challenge for you - but music is nice ;)
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Nov 2016   #9
I really liked this back in the day. At one time I had the first album more or less memorized.
The enunciation is pretty clear once he starts singing (ignore the mumbling in the beginning).

OP Simon1  5 | 12
8 Nov 2016   #10
Wow...thank you to all who replied. My Mp3 Player is now full lol.

Thanks so much everybody.

gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Nov 2016   #11

another Edyta Bartosiewicz song - this time with lyrics in the video
OP Simon1  5 | 12
8 Nov 2016   #12
Thank you so much...appreciate it.
laydi_Kroft  - | 4
24 Nov 2016   #13
I also like to learn through music and if I find songs that I like and can listen to often, I can start singing the lyrics, and this helps me a lot. So I searched for Polish music as well.

I like Sylwia Grzeszczak's song, here's an example:

I also enjoy this one:

(Mam tutaj pytanie do Polaków albo innych ludzi, płynnie mówiących po polsku. W tej piosence jest takie zdanie: "Warto wierzyć w lepsze jutro, przecież nie ma się co bać ". Uczyłam się, że "bać się" wymaga Dopełniacza, więc poprawniej bybyło "nie ma się czego bać". Czy to jest prawda i forma w piosence jest taką aby zachować rytm, albo to jest poprawna forma?

Only English please
Looker  - | 1129
24 Nov 2016   #14
In the colloquial speech "nie ma się co bać" is quite a common form, however "nie ma się czego bać" is more proper grammatically I guess. Both forms are used in Polish though.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Nov 2016   #15
"nie ma się co bać"

"nie ma się czego bać"

Both are correct. Notice that the verb "bać się" may be used both transitively and intransitively.
Boję się mojej mamy --> [kogo? czego?] transitively.
Boję się [o moją mamę] --> intransitively.

The meaning is different in either case.
Cleiton_1996  1 | 2
3 Dec 2016   #16
Sasha Strunin - To nic kiedy płyną łzy
Monika Lewczuk - ty i ja
Natalia szroeder - domek z karty
Light Within Darkness
23 Jul 2017   #17
Youtube. Dikanda-Dikanda.
24 Jul 2017   #18
I recommend for all of you to listen an emotional music of an artist called Piotr Rubik. These songs I like the most: "Psalm dla ciebie", "Niech mówią że to nie jest miłość", "Po to Bóg stworzył z prochu człowieka", "Błogosławiony ksiądz Jerzy Popiełuszko", "Zawsze ramieniem wesprze Jezus", "Jakże łatwo powiedzieć nie wierzę", "Wiara powiadam, wiara". And as it was written before its wort to listen a fabulous piece of art music contains lyric texts and sung poetry of Marek Grechuta.
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Jul 2017   #19
listen an emotional music of an artist called Piotr Rubik

The lyrics are relatively easy to understand (if you like the more gushing sort of religiosity) however the music is so sentimental and saccharine that it far and away crosses the line of slush. Musically weak, rather like Mantovani or Klaus Wünderlich but without the talent. He's also a particularly banal and dreary closet case.

I found some of the songs by Maryland Rodowicz and Lady Pank to be helpful with the language.
24 Jul 2017   #20
jon you consider him a 'dreary closet case' with no talent when someone else could find his creating work as a composer with choir and philharmonic orchestra as something inspiring and remarkable .. He's expresing and giving a glory to God through the music.
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Jul 2017   #21
Come on, some people even like Marilyn Manson, it doesn't make it good music. And Rubik's slush isn't good music. Just kitsch. If people want lowbrow music, I'd recommend some of Doda's songs. They're pleasant, full of good vocabulary that you can actually use, and the message is good. Edyta Górniak too. For heavier music, Behemoth is very good, and led by a decent frontman.

The vast majority of people aren't particularly interested in all that religious vocabulary and sentiment anyway.
24 Jul 2017   #22
Speak for yourself, not others.
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Jul 2017   #23
If people want lowbrow [Polish] music...

... I'd recommend the band Karcer... ;)
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Jul 2017   #24
Speak for yourself, not others.

Of course. It would be rude otherwise. If you want to learn Polish through the medium of song, you could do a lot worse than reading the lyrics of anything by Behemoth and their frontman Nergal. It has fresh contemporary vocabulary, he's very erudite, well read and highly intelligent and the emotions and ideas expressed are truly beautiful. Very spiritual too.

Karcer is also interesting.
24 Jul 2017   #25
Im a pole and for me behemoth appears to be a satanic and occult band and I want to be far away from all of this
Ironside  50 | 12941
24 Jul 2017   #26
appears to be a satanic

Most likely they are just cynical *****. I would have burned them on a stake just in case.
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Jul 2017   #27
They have some good songs with excellent and straightforward lyrics. Great for learners, and easy to understand.

I want to be far away from all of this

They're a very popular Polish band with a different worldview to the stuff you suggest which is on the ultra kitsch side of kitsch and contains religious proselytising. Behemoth however seek to convert nobody to the band members' personal views and they have a very educated and erudite frontman. By all accounts a very decent guy too. Their lyrics are clear, excellent, and make very subtle yet attainable cultural references.

Im a pole and for me

Proselytising via language learning. A bit like the Mormons and their 'free English lessons'.

I would have burned them on a stake just in case.

Very open-minded of you.


posts about Mormonism moved there:

25 Jul 2017   #28

It' s not a coincidence that in Gospel Satan is called an ancient serpent.
Occultists model themselves after ancient polytheistic civilizations. Pagan rituals are essentially Devil worship. Witchcraft is occulism itself, opposite to the faith to God. It' s only a theoretical classification that tend to sepereate these three ideas from each other while all of these evil forms come from Satan whatever we call it.

I cannot answer there and don't want to sign in
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Jul 2017   #29
Occultists model themselves after ancient polytheistic civilizations. Pagan rituals are essentially Devil worship. Witchcraft is occulism itself, opposite to the faith to God

All three of those points are absolutely inaccurate, however to stay on the topic, here are some beautiful Polish lyrics from the song Ludzie Wschodu:

Czy tu się głowy ścina?
Czy zdjeli tu murzyna?
Czy leży tu Madonna?
Czy tu jest jazda konna?

Czy w nocy dobrze śpicie?
Czy śmierci się boicie?
Czy zabił ktoś tokarza?
Czy często się to zdarza?

28 Oct 2017   #30
Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Magda Fronczewska

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