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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2

pawian  226 | 27556
2 days ago   #511
It's a way of beating the system.

Yes, communism is important to understand the meaning behind it.
The riddle continues: Why this specific word kombinować developed such a meaning? You can arrive at an answer using the English meaning or even its old Latin one but relate it to Polish contexts.
pawian  226 | 27556
2 days ago   #512
Before I forget:
to be raking it for oneself. What does it mean?
OP Feniks  2 | 819
1 day ago   #513
Acquiring a lot of money?
mafketis  38 | 11167
1 day ago   #514
to be raking it for oneself.

nagrabić sobie - to **** people off (through one's behavior) to grate on people
OP Feniks  2 | 819
1 day ago   #515
Why this specific word kombinować developed such a meaning?

I really don't know where you're going with this. In the PRL Poles had to figure out solutions to problems or they would have had nothing. A sort of survival mechanism if you like. Although I also think it's a way of life and part of Polish culture. What I've said doesn't really cover why though.
johnny reb  49 | 7958
1 day ago   #516
to be raking it for oneself.

This has various definitions so no matter what someone says you will say no and use one of the many other definitions like you always do. Hahahahaha !
pawian  226 | 27556
1 day ago   #517
you will say no

I say no when sb is wrong. However, I immediately offer hints, which eventually contribute to success. Without hints, you wouldn`t be able to guess half of my riddles or more.


Sorry, no.

had to figure out solutions to problems or they would have had nothing.

Yes, you almost got it but didn`t explain to the end. The problem communism created for people was how to combine two things which seemed completely inconnectible, e.g, go on vacation to the seaside but still stick to the scanty monthly ration of fuel which you were allowed. Combining meant uniting fire and water.

Home / Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2

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