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Foreigners speaking Polish - examples.

pawian  226 | 27539
21 Oct 2011   #1
Foreingerns speak Polishsh

Sakura speaks Polish ...
OP pawian  226 | 27539
22 Oct 2011   #3
Sorry, I forgot to spell speak as schpik.

An Englishman sings Polish cult songs. Not bad. Quite amusing. Cheers for the guy.

My fav: Autobiography - We sang it in early 1980s - and danced slow dance with sexy girls at high school discos.

Bondi  4 | 142
13 Nov 2011   #4
Hungarians speaking Polish (thick accent as far as I can tell, ignoring differences between ś and sz, i and y etc., LoL):

You can also see for the former Hungarian ambassador speaking Polish.
catsoldier  54 | 574
22 Apr 2012   #5
John Porter speaking Polish:

It is funny around 5:30 where Anita says how she hates when John uses her towel and that he doesn't tighten the caps of bottles properly.
Specjalista  3 | 43
22 Apr 2012   #6
John Porter speaking Polish

I was like: Wow, he's good I wonder how long he's been studying Polish...

I googled him and he has lived in Poland since 76'!
OP pawian  226 | 27539
22 Apr 2012   #7
His accent is heavy but grammar and idiomatic expressions - OK.
Specjalista  3 | 43
22 Apr 2012   #8
I'd be more than happy to have a heavy accent if I could speak that well.
catsoldier  54 | 574
20 Jun 2012   #9
The best bit for me is at 1.32 onwards, check it out :-) He definitely has a sense of humour. ony_smieszne/

I know Joanna Krupa isn't a foreigner but she is one of my heros now for speaking Polish and being able to laugh at her mistakes 2,35 and 4,48. etc. She isn't just a model :-),31960,w.html
Hipis  - | 226
20 Jul 2012   #10
She isn't just a model :-)

She's a big animal rights activist too :)
20 Jul 2012   #12
I googled him and he has lived in Poland since 76'!

HAHA, it's so funny.

He was born in 1950 so he's 62 years old. He's been in Poland for 36 years, more than half his life.......haha, this stuff just cracks me up. Not that he's been there that long....just the language part. Polish is so fukcing messed up. ha!
Piorun  - | 655
20 Jul 2012   #13
Paul Wesley speaks polish. Not quite a foreigner, both of his parents are from Poland but he was born in US.
catsoldier  54 | 574
21 Jul 2012   #14
,,Podnieść nogę'' :-).............I copied this from the comments
21 Jul 2012   #15
Paul Wesley speaks polish.

i don't know why this person would even be brought up. both parents are polish, he was raised speaking polish......silly example.
catsoldier  54 | 574
21 Jul 2012   #16
I think that this goes back to the idea of who is Polish and who isn't. I couldn't find this topic to link to it, sorry.
22 Jul 2012   #17
i think it's pretty simple: if you have polish parents and you grew up speaking the language, your name doesn't belong on this thread.
OP pawian  226 | 27539
1 Aug 2012   #18
Japanese soccer commentator tries to speak Polish:
Kowalski  7 | 621
1 Aug 2012   #19
...and one of the most popular on youtube....
MoOli  9 | 479
1 Aug 2012   #20
Aj wont tu lirn inglis also,aj went to shuz shap to baj inglish buk but no inglis tichor bill sill mi:(
catsoldier  54 | 574
1 Aug 2012   #21
0,56: Jestem wiewiórka, xxxxxxxxx mi dziurka.

What did she say instead of all the xxxxxxxx? I didn't understand it.
strzyga  2 | 990
1 Aug 2012   #22
xxxxxxxxx mi dziurka.

swędzi mnie dziurka :)
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Aug 2012   #23
What did she say

I am a squirrel, kiss my ass
catsoldier  54 | 574
1 Aug 2012   #24
Thanks :-) although maybe scratch my ass would be better, I checked swędzić.
catsoldier  54 | 574
2 Aug 2012   #26
2 votes for "I am horney" so I will have to go with that, thanks.

I would love to know what the people behind the counter think of this.

Have you ever worked in a shop in an english speaking country and have had an english customer speak to you in Polish?
What do you think of people who do this?

Is it ok to speak polish very badly to someone in Poland even if the other person speaks reasonable english?

Are you just making a fool of yourself speaking Polish?

Is this film wrong on so many different levels?
OP pawian  226 | 27539
24 Sep 2012   #27
Is it ok to speak polish very badly to someone in Poland

It is perfectly OK. Your interlocutor will be delighted that you try to speak Polish which is considered one of the hardest to learn languages in the world.

Are you just making a fool of yourself speaking Polish?


Is this film wrong on so many different levels?

It is intended as a little mocking but nevermind.
catsoldier  54 | 574
24 Sep 2012   #28

I am not so sure.

He is speaking to someone half his age, the two behind the counter might think that he is trying to chat one of them up! He has put in some effort so he could be some kind of a stalker! He went to their coffee shop especially to speak polish to them instead of just going to the place where all the other english speaking people go. He is taking it too seriously also which means that he could be crazy as fck, if he was having a laugh with them and not being so serious it wouldn't be so bad.

The only way to do this correctly is to have a laugh with the two behind the counter otherwise he can't but appear silly. Being too serious and making such an ase of speaking polish is just asking for trouble, but also speaking good polish may make him seem even more mentally deranged, to put so much effort into speaking Polish just so that he can order coffee from them.
OP pawian  226 | 27539
24 Sep 2012   #29

If I was behind the counter, I would be enthralled. :):):)

Catsoldier, is that you who performs in this video?

Good job!
catsoldier  54 | 574
24 Sep 2012   #30
Catsoldier, is that you

No!!!!!!!! :-)

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