. Polish parents who refuse to teach their kids
My parents had to work double shifts in menial / manual jobs as they did not speak English very well. my grandmother took care of me and taught me to speak Polish until the age of five years old, after which I went to normal English school.
My parents were exiled in the UK, never once id they think that Poland could be free from parasitic Communist rule.
Don't forget mum was 5 years old when she was freed from Siberia and exiled to Africa, My dad was 14 when he left Siberia and joined the Polish II corps in Egypt.
Mum and dad had little or no Polish education themselves.
Mum and dad wanted me to concentrate on my English studies so that I would be successful in my host country, I did not have much contact with other Polish kids and there was no Polish school available to me.
The idea of ever being able to return to Poland seemed impossible during those dark times of the iron curtain, don't forget I was out of school and busy working in the mid 70's and commie dogs were still in charge.
I hope that I am not off topic , I am trying to explain why there is so many things Polish words phrase ,that some of us have not learned due to circumstance out of our control, and how it is so easy for some smart arse to criticise those who who did not have the same opportunities to learn Polish as they did.