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Family Polish Language Games

BlackPerks  1 | 2
18 Dec 2016 #1
Hi All,

I'm at a beginner level of Polish and wondered if anyone knew of any games I can play with my Polish speaking daughter (7 years old) and wife?
OP BlackPerks  1 | 2
19 Dec 2016 #2
To clarify, games that will aid my learning of Polish, not just the Polish edition of Monopoly!
Lyzko  42 | 9525
19 Dec 2016 #3
Scrabble in Polish would undoubtedly be the best, at least for an intermediate to advanced level. Hangman's too difficult, I've found, even for native Polish speakers, I was told:-)
OP BlackPerks  1 | 2
19 Dec 2016 #4
Ok, Polish Scrabble it is then.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
19 Dec 2016 #5
Only a suggestion, BlackPerks, don't necessarily take my word for it:-)
Lyzko  42 | 9525
8 Jan 2021 #6

Is anybody here familiar with "MYSL SZYBKOWO"? (a Polish Game)

Is anybody here familiar with "MYSL SZYBKOWO: IMPREZA NA KTOREJ TY WIEDZIESZ ODPOWIEDZ"? It's produced by Ridley Games.
pawian  220 | 24842
8 Jan 2021 #7
Nope. Is it a game developed in Poland?
Lyzko  42 | 9525
8 Jan 2021 #8
Doubtless a Polish version of the US game "THINK FAST".
Looker  - | 1129
9 Jan 2021 #9
Something is wrong with the title of this game.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
10 Jan 2021 #10
Oh, I definitely agree. How can someone think any faster than they already can? :-)
4 Apr 2021 #11

Is there a Polish equivalent to the board game Articulate?

is there a Polish equivalent to the board game Articulate, where you have to describe words without actually saying them.

Home / Language / Family Polish Language Games
BoldItalic [quote]
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