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Polish vs English tongue twisters

22 Aug 2010 #1
Hello everyone do you have in english so called tongue twisters? Which one are more difficult? ;>

Round no.1

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells sure are sea shore shells,
For if she sells sea shore shells as sea shells,
The shells she sells are sea shore shells.


Suchą szosą Sasza szedł.
W czasie suszy szosa sucha.

We have a lil'bit shorter those twisters but still they are pretty much twsiting ;P
OP zetigrek
22 Aug 2010 #3
well I did search and found nothing!

only one result and its mine thread. Dont blame me!
wildrover 98 | 4431
22 Aug 2010 #4
there is a Polish one about a beetle making a sound in the grass....?
peter_olsztyn 6 | 1082
22 Aug 2010 #5
do you have in english so called tongue twisters?

unavailable :)
Threegigs - | 21
23 Aug 2010 #6
Here's another with all 32 letters, only once:
Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig.

And more:

Cesarz często czesał cesarzową.
Chłop pcha pchłę, pchłę pcha chłop.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
6 Feb 2020 #7
If you think "W Szczebryznie chrzasc brzmi......" is tough for non-Poles, just you folks try "Theopholis Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, sifting a thread of unsifted thistles through the thick of his thumb...." or "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" five times fast and you'd all agree that English has about the "craziest" tongue twisters around!

pawian 221 | 24284
6 Feb 2020 #8
Talking about Polish tongue twisters, I forgot to mention that English ones pose absolutely no problem to me. Your first one contains [θ] and [ð] sounds which are easy for me to pronounce. The other one of yours is a piece of cake. Aren`t there more difficult ones, really? :))

That`s my private opinion, others might have a problem though.
6 Feb 2020 #9
The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.

I didn't know this one! Nice :) All the /ʃ/ and [θ] sounds combined with [s] make it very difficult to pronounce.

It is easier to pronounce than Suchą szosą Sasza szedł.

In "Suchą szosą (...)" you only have [s] and [ʃ] combinations that are problematic. In Milo's twister there is also [θ] (which doesn't have a Polish equivalent) - for a Polish speaker it's definitely more difficult.

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